Let's take beers out in the lake and see if we can drink them underwater!

Jun 28, 2008 23:20

 I am in the middle of trying to answer all the different questions for memes that I replied to or posted and then completely blew off when polo coaching started. I am going to answer them, I swear. I'm also trying to finish at least one story for sin and misery's femmeslash battle, but all of the stuff I ended up starting is either way graphic and making me uncomfortable, or not going anywhere. The only one I remotely like is a Blair/Serena one for Gossip Girl (guilty pleasure, okay, sometimes it's fun to watch stereotypes fight and have sex and then try to pull something deep out of it... or, you know, write weird femmeslash which always comes out like Blair is high. But anyway-) and that was actually something I'd already started and am now trying to porn-ify and fit around one of the prompts.


I have the house to myself starting tonight, until next Saturday. I should be excited since I was all emo over missing the independence of the dorms, but it turns out I am too chicken to throw a really small party and just called it off, and am also too chicken to be at home alone in the second safest city in the fucking country without freaking out whenever I hear a noise.

Also, I just home from work, and there was a concert tonight so I'm completely exhausted. I have a resolution for this year- if I do start wearing a two piece to work again, I am never ever ever wearing it on concert days, and definitely not the fourth of july. I didn't take off my shirt or shorts once today, even when I paddled out to the floating tower, because I swear to god I am going to throw my tube at the next guy who whistles or tells me he needs mouth to mouth, or asks if I'm "a real lifeguard." No, sir, I actually just sit in tower all day for the hell of it. Obivously, since I have boobs, I could only serve as a flotation device or decoration.
I'm not sure what the appeal is in taking your kids and wife to the community lake, nurturing your beer belly with a twelve pack, and then making comments in front of said family about the female guards because their uniforms are swimsuits. I really don't understand what people get out of it, because I really hope that they don't expect the people they're yelling at to actually enjoy it or to respond, and most of the time I'm fairly sure they don't even actually think I'm attractive- it's like a competition to see which of the group can make the lifeguard the most uncomfortable without getting asked to leave. I thought Liz was going to jump off of her tower and hit the guy, and Jen had to stop roving and come back into tower because some guy started following her around.

Sorry for the rant. I just get cranky when I'm sitting in hugely hot towers, but have to keepy long sleeve shirt on because otherwise I get wolf whistles or requests for poses.

On the plus side, there was a good band at the concert tonight. Not the band advertised, which was one headed by the lead singer of Santana's old band- not that they were bad, I was just driving the boat around when they played and didn't hear them- but one of the opening acts for them (the Rachel Something Project- the second word started with an 's' but I can't remember it, it sounded like a last name. Stevens maybe?) was really good. The girl's voice was amazing. If they'd been selling CD's I'd have bought one.
It's rare for me to enjoy a concert at the lake, because mostly it's old country singers who noone has ever heard of, or old members of bands that were famous a long time ago trying to get famous on their own (and mostly not succeeding). I think the biggest act we've had was Weird Al, and I wasn't there for that.

Anyway. I need to get better at calling people back when I say I will. In general. I am horrible. This working 7 days a week thing was a really really really really really bad idea- I should have just stuck with the lake and not coached. Oh well, too late now.

My cousin left me a note on my white board before she left, and it was really cute. I feel bad for being frustrated at having to share a room, even though I didn't show it. She is not at all how I remember, but then I haven't seen her in years.

This entry is really long and random and I'm going to stop because I feel like there was a point it was supposed to be progressing to, but I forgot what that was a long time ago.
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