Big exam the day after tomorrow and the stress is starting to make me feel a.) cynical b.) bitchy c.) annoyed d.) all of the above.
LOL. Sometimes, I can't decide whether to admire the wide-eyed naivité some people have still retained, or worry about human population having less and less grasp on reality. But in the end it's just pointing and
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Comments 28
The idea is good - for an extensive daydream to get you through class, maybe.
Pffttt, what an idiot. If it does happen, it wont be because of her "donations" that's for sure! LOL She doesn't even know the addresses of the people she's meaning to contact, WHAT DOES SHE THINK THIS IS, FAN-MAIL OR SOMETHING? LOLOL Ohhh man, this only makes me more convinced that overly naive fangirls have warped minds, if we all thought the same we would have been put to sleep by now XDDDD
Starting a plan from the "first give me money and we'll figure out something later!" stage is never a good idea.
Hmm... I prefer counting bunnies. Oh Masa...
2. I haven't even began reading that one. ;___;
3. You can train your japanese skills translating said Sanayuki fanfics >D
Now seriously, Are they really that creative? O.o For a reason I'm afraid of japanese fandom. ^^;; I don't want to end more frazzled than I already am. XDD
4. LIV KNOWS FUFU´s B-DAAAAYYY!!!~ XDD ::mocks over::
5. a)Franz Ferdinand has another album?!
b) The 100 songs marathon WINS AT LIFE. Not a big Sachiko fan and Sanada's seiyuu keeps gainig weight but he's so adorable!!
PS3. (so that's the name it had in the end?)
Yes, people, plz rip and upload!!11 (and MU would be fine :PP <--keeps mocking)
::Throws zen at you::
3. The only thing I got from those were essay ideas on how fanfic cliches and tropes in Japanese and Western fandoms are different. xD (Then again, my mind is wired academical these days. :D) But I still prefer the style of Western fics. The creativity mostly comes from different kanji usage and the Japanese tradition of making up flowery synonyms for everything that has got to do with sex. :))))
4. I GOOGLED THAT ONE, OKAY?! I really didn't know it. xD .... In fact I had to think about BB's too. xD
5. a.) Yup, seems so? I haven't heard all the new songs yet, but I love them, so. :) I'm sure they're good.
b.) I've never seen the seiyuus before, so this was a treat! They're all so cute. :) How can you not love Sachiko. Her voice is soo good!
It's the name I use for it, cause like hell will I be typing it all out every time. xD It pains me in Ouji's blog entries alone.xDDDD
*catches the ball of zen*
Dear God.
I'm already scarred thinking about presents and sappy stuff.
Tsundere-ness is the story of japanese imaginary. And the BL-ouchiness canon. >.>;;
(ouchiness?? WTF I'm thinking? ^^;;)
5. a) I love Kapranos attitude. ::swoons over him::
b) But she was so out of it!! You can tell she haven't even began the dubbing for the OVAS, she didn't knew a thing of Rikkai's antics!! Yes, I'm a bit demanding. ^^;;
PS1. I forgot to agree in the KATOBE IS GOD thing.
Tsundere-ness makes the Jap fandom go around. xD
a.) Kapranos is amazing live, but then again, they all are. They put on a fantastically good show.
b.) I never really followed the anime / seiyuus before the OVAs, so I was just drawn to her singing voice. :)
(What sort of interesting ways do Sanada and Yukimura come in Japanese? And for that matter, how does the Japanese fic compare to the western stuff? *curious* Any interesting plot patterns or tropes?)
P.S. You forgot kitsunes!
I just wrote a reply to Maye regarding this, haha. :) *points up* It made me curious too, BTW. I haven't read much so I can't really compare, but like I said, I think Western stuff is better. The Japanese is so.... shoujo, for lack of a better word. Like, full with hanamis and birthday presents and Valentine Days and drama over "I love you but can't say it, and I'm not worthy of you anyway!" and lots and lots of tsundere-ness.
Bonus very BL manga-like sex with the constant mention of crying and pain. *rolls eyes*
That said, I found some plotty fics too, but I had no patience for them, so can't really say. I'm sure there are decent writers in the Jap fandom as well, but the majority of them read like teenage girls.
ETA: Kitsunes were included from the start. :D
(You can have Masa. But BB is coming to do full body waves in Canada! >:O)
If there's no kitsunes, there's no point. Toire no Hanako as well? Nopperabos?
(Maybe they should hm, visit both Canada and Hungary, one after the other. Different sights and all that. >;)))))
Ooh, I don1t even know about those. Have to look into them. It can't be too creature/folk-oriented, since it's literature, which means I've been only researching ghost kabuki plays and stuff like that. But as long as they appear in some kind of literary work, it's okay. :)
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