Big exam the day after tomorrow and the stress is starting to make me feel a.) cynical b.) bitchy c.) annoyed d.) all of the above.
LOL. Sometimes, I can't decide whether to admire the wide-eyed naivité some people have still retained, or worry about human population having less and less grasp on reality. But in the end it's just pointing and laughing, mostly. Is it wrong of me of wanting to see if there'll be wank? :D
Oh oh, BTW guys, here's an idea! Send me money so I can organize a European tour. You aren't actually living in Europe? Well, that's no problem, PayPal works everywhere, after all! I promise you, it'll be fantabulous. I have it all planned out. There'll be myusong karaoke, lap dances for everyone and this run's photosets shall feature underwear shots. Or maybe shots without underwear, I haven't decided yet.
Accommodation will be a tough cookie, but I, as the organizer, am willing to make sacrifices and put some of them - you know who you are! - up in my bed. Space will be lacking, but I'm sure we are going to... manage. AWESOME PLAN, ISN'T IT?
2.) I need to finish
Yokai Monogatari and leave proper feedback to you about it, Allison. Niou's tail and fondness for dog food has killed me dead. I will be writing my thesis on folklore and myths in Japanese literature and now I've decided: THERE GOT TO BE TANUKIS. :D
3.) In the previous 36 hours, in order to avoid having to sit on my ass an memorize stuff, I have wasted my time with:
- eating
- reading NC17 Japanese SanaYuki fanfiction and taking notes of the surprisingly extensive phrases used for ejaculation (actually educational!)
- eating
- replace "SanaYuki" above with "D1"
- vapidly clicking shuffle on Winamp
- drooling onto my papers
- eating
- writing LJ entri--- yeah.
4.) I also found some Japanese fanart/fanfiction site that looked suspiciously like a den for BabaMasa RPS but the password for getting in consisted of: sum of B+M b-days, plus the sum of Yun's b-day (DON'T SAY ANYTHING) and "first 3 digits of a popular number in this world" or something like that. WHAT? Evidently, I couldn't figure out the last one so my plans were sadly thwarted. Yes, I was in a bad enough procastrination mode to spend a good fifteen minutes trying to come up with various numerical combinations.
5.) Two songs I got addicted in the last two days which have nothing whatsoever to do with each other:
a.) Franz Ferdinand's
Ulysses, which I've decided is totally a Baba song. Don't ask me why. BUT SO GOOD SO GOOD SO GOOD. I WANT TO SEE THEM LIVE AGAIN.
b.) Yukimura's
Yume no Tsuzuki. I was dicking around NicoNico - oh yeah, I did that too. I forgot - and found clips from that 100 songs Tenipuri marathon and asfejdgdgfj, THAT SONG! I LOVE IT. SACHIKO-SAN ROCKS MY SOCKS. Her nasal, detached voice is awesome already when she speaks, but hearing her sing - major flail. LAST OVA = WANT. NOW.
Masa's also
counting songs but I'm just counting to ten.
Send me some zen, people!
PS2: And this week's theme on
audiography is "Anxiety always". UM, YES.
PS3: I WANT THE SHITSUJI KISSA DORAMA. Work faster people, dammit. xD
ETA: The
chibi Tenipuri crack is back! AKAYA-CHAN, KA-WA-IIIIIIII~