Big exam the day after tomorrow and the stress is starting to make me feel a.) cynical b.) bitchy c.) annoyed d.) all of the above.
LOL. Sometimes, I can't decide whether to admire the wide-eyed naivité some people have still retained, or worry about human population having less and less grasp on reality. But in the end it's just pointing and
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(You can have Masa. But BB is coming to do full body waves in Canada! >:O)
If there's no kitsunes, there's no point. Toire no Hanako as well? Nopperabos?
(Maybe they should hm, visit both Canada and Hungary, one after the other. Different sights and all that. >;)))))
Ooh, I don1t even know about those. Have to look into them. It can't be too creature/folk-oriented, since it's literature, which means I've been only researching ghost kabuki plays and stuff like that. But as long as they appear in some kind of literary work, it's okay. :)
I wish I could shop for books like this in Japan! D:
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