What has always been my favorite S

Jan 09, 2009 14:53

Here it is, folks, The Resolution Post. And it's a big one. Because I have a hundred million resolutions for 2009. This is what happens when you stick yourself in the bubble of breastfeeding for a year, and allow yourself to be immobilized by such reasons as, "there's not enough milk in the freezer". Energies get bottled up and ideas get shoved aside and suddenly the year has passed and you can't get back all those hours you wasted watching Ellen reruns.

Then the fireworks fizzle out and the smog clears away to reveal a fresh new year where the baby now eats three "real person food" meals a day and the "My job is to breastfeed!" excuse is no longer valid. All the creativity that has been percolating in the back burner all those hours when half my brain was occupied by the production of milk is seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

There is so much I have to do, I want to do, I can do, and I want to do it all! So my bajillion resolutions are more concretely plans for the new year, stuff I want to accomplish, and they can all be summed up in two words:


More than just sitting on my ass nursing and watching TV all day. The year Lia turned 1, I found a job and actually worked. This year, Desi is turning 1and while I don't intend to work again, per se, I do plan to contribute more to society than just taking cute pictures of my kids and posting them on the internet.

For the first couple of days of the year, As that crazy stomach ache and vomiting episode finally subsided, I've been outlining in my head what I will be accomplishing in the coming year.

BusinessSelf1. House: Find, buy, move, fix
2. Lia: Potty train, find preschool, enroll
3. Desi: Throw 1st birthday party1. Fish: Learn to take over monthly visits to Taal
2. Chickens: Learn to monitor business1. Book: Write. Illustrate.
2. Exercise
And that's just the beginning of it. The oversimplified version of it. I mean, item one under Family by itself is bound to be a huge undertaking. To actually move an entire household, actually two households in to one... A house we haven't even found. A gargantuan task. The businesses, as some of you know, we invested last year and this year, are posed to roll up our sleeves, work hard, and reap the benefits. Mike has been busy with his job, teaching, consulting AND managing the businesses. I want to take over at least some of his business managing duties so that he has more time to relax. Right.

The book idea has been in my head for so long, it's practically real already. I can see the pictures in my mind, how it will look, feel, everything. It's just a matter of getting started.

So, with all this floating around in my head, I knew I had to consolidate my ideas and get organized. When I was working in AHRC, my organization tool was my Palm Zire 71. But I don't want a new Palm because, while I luuurved it, it conked out and took with it all the information I had stored in it for 3 years. *heart break!* Working in JVP, I borrowed Mike's Franklin Covey Planner. I liked Mike's planner, it really kept me on track. But he's using it again, so I thought it was time to get my own.

When I told Mike took me to CLCI the very next day to help me get my own planner and I thought I was getting one just like his but then we saw this:

And we have been together ever since! Simplicity! The S that has guided my life since childhood. Half the price of Mike's but it's really all I need since I won't be working in an office scheduling meetings by the hour, it's perfect for me.

I realize that I bought a relatively expensive planner when these things are found for much cheaper in your local National Bookstore. Not to mention given away for free. But I don't know. For some reason, this one is just perfect. And there's something about expensive planners that make you so much more productive, they eventually pay for themselves. I have used free planners before and I use them for all of three months and then return to my scatterbrained ways. But this one, I can tell, we'll be inseparable all year. :-)

I feel productive and accomplished every day since I bought it (Four days ago. Haha!) and now if you'll excuse me, I have to get on to my next task for the day.

simplicity, house, job, thinking, motherhood, resolve

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