Title: Butlers Know Best
Rating: G
Summary: Jason receives an unexpected visitor one day and learns a lesson in humility.
Disclaimer: Jason and Alfred don't belong to me. I'm simlpy borrowing them for the moment.
AN: First time writing Jason (or Alfred, for that matter) so any comments/constructive criticism would be appreciated.
He knows he's entered a parallel universe, when he opens his door and Alfred is standing there with a cake. )
Comments 35
Did Alfred tell the rest of the family that he had invited Jason? At all? Or perhaps, he only told them at the last minute when there was no way out of it?
I almost put this sentence at the end: "Timmy's expression was worth it," referring to the fact that Jason showed up in the first place. The way I see it, Alfred doesn't tell anyone and just calm-as-can-be escorts Jason in. And then chaos ensues. Or maybe not, because no one dares go against Alfred.
and hell hath no fury like a *this* butler scorned.
wonderful wonderful fic! please do write more and let us now just the level of freaked out the rest of the family will be while loudly NOT daring to say no to Alfred in any way.
oh please. do.
I don't know. I did consider continuing on a bit, but then decided that it fit the fic best to end it there. I have to admit that while last night I would have said "no way", I am certainly considering it now. I just...don't really know if I have the time or the muse. This was originally written as a birthday fic, not a "Jason gets reamed by Alfred and ends up as part of the family again" fic. Hmm...
Let's say that while I'm not saying "yes", I'm actually considering it...
and hell hath no fury like a *this* butler scorned.
Oh yes. I really see Alfred as the Lord in the Wayne Manor. Bruce is just the public image, but Alfred's really the one who runs it.
yessss but see? no one has yet tried the straight approach of this idea *yet* and i don't know about you but something small but rather fundamental in me is screaming that that is just *wrong*!
Let's say that while I'm not saying "yes", I'm actually considering it...
pretty please? it really would be wonderful. plus think of the SEX potential!!! you can slash threeway or even fourways or just leave the thought of the potential!! and it would make *Alfred* happy.
Very good point. And the writer in me is calling out and wanting to do something about it. But...the Uni student in me is being a pain and says that passing lab, even while dealing with the partner from hell, is more important... BUT- like I said- I'm thinking about it. I just need an hour or so of free time and I can probably get something out- yet the hour or so of free time is what I lack at the moment.
That and the fact while I have some key scenes in my head, I have no idea how to begin this. Hmm, have Physical Chemistry tomorrow- I think I'll use that class to brainstorm...
pretty please? it really would be wonderful. plus think of the SEX potential!!! you can slash threeway or even fourways or just leave the thought of the potential!! and it would make *Alfred* happy.
I just had to laugh at this, because prior to reading Batfic, I was pretty much against slash. Never read it, never dreamed of writing ( ... )
(ONLY one note: when is this supposed to take place? I'm pretty sure Jason is-- believe it or not-- still 19. Minor point, though.)
Nice job,
As for the ages- counting the time that Jason was dead, I got that he was twenty in the current time-line and since it's his birthday, twenty-one. He died when he was fifteen and Tim was twelve. Tim's seventeen now, so Jason's got to be around twenty and yeah.
Who knows anymore. Either way, good to know that in your story at least, if Jason is having a really shitty day after not being able to kill the Joker again, at least he can go get a beer. :)
Though personally I enjoy the "sideways/diagonal" explanation.
If you look in the Batman Annual 25, it portrays Jason's death certificate- with his date of Death in 1986. The Annual was published in 2005 and supposedly only four years or so had passed since his death. Figure that one out.
It also goes hand-in-hand with the whole Batman never ages, but Dick does, so eventually Dick and Bruce are going to end up the same age. And what an interesting scenario that will be...
Re: drinking. Yes, he can, I suppose, though I don't really see any of the Bats as drinkers. I had Alfred use the term simply because "pre-dinner Ginger Ale and Mineral Water" doesn't have quite the ring to it as "pre-dinner cocktails" does. *grins* But yes, Jason's slowly finding his way back into the Family.
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