Title: Butlers Know Best
Rating: G
Summary: Jason receives an unexpected visitor one day and learns a lesson in humility.
Disclaimer: Jason and Alfred don't belong to me. I'm simlpy borrowing them for the moment.
AN: First time writing Jason (or Alfred, for that matter) so any comments/constructive criticism would be appreciated.
He knows he's entered a parallel universe, when he opens his door and Alfred is standing there with a cake. )
Very good point. And the writer in me is calling out and wanting to do something about it. But...the Uni student in me is being a pain and says that passing lab, even while dealing with the partner from hell, is more important... BUT- like I said- I'm thinking about it. I just need an hour or so of free time and I can probably get something out- yet the hour or so of free time is what I lack at the moment.
That and the fact while I have some key scenes in my head, I have no idea how to begin this. Hmm, have Physical Chemistry tomorrow- I think I'll use that class to brainstorm...
pretty please? it really would be wonderful. plus think of the SEX potential!!! you can slash threeway or even fourways or just leave the thought of the potential!! and it would make *Alfred* happy.
I just had to laugh at this, because prior to reading Batfic, I was pretty much against slash. Never read it, never dreamed of writing it and while I didn't have anything against slashers, I didn't really know any. Now not only am I being asked to write slash, especially with more than two people, I also read it now and man, it's crazy but I've also considered writing it.
I don't know what's up with you people, but you should probably be proud that you turned a vehement anti-slasher into...actually liking it? Sort of?
But I do think I'm a bit of a ways off from actually writing it, much less a threesome or even a foursome...
Though making Alfred happy is always a good thing.
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