caramel, why must you thwart me?

Dec 03, 2011 00:13

I was hoping to get my first cookie boxes in the mail tomorrow, but we had a caramel disaster. I'm pretty sure there is an error in the recipe and I've contacted the author to ask her about it, but there is just no way caramel is edible once you've brought it up to 370. JUST NO. And I should have known. I did have a funny feeling about it, but ( Read more... )

yuletide, failures, food

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Comments 13

belleweather December 3 2011, 05:17:18 UTC
Edible? I'm surprised you could get it out of the PAN. If we could harness the power of burnt caramel as an adhesive it could change the world.


imaginarycircus December 3 2011, 05:18:25 UTC
Thankfully you had to add cream to the stuff or it would have been like crazy glue, yeah.


kindness_says December 3 2011, 08:17:13 UTC
SO EXCITED I mean all the days and nights are creeping up on me weirdly so somehow it's way closer than I realized? as is, um, everything, but like still YAY

boo about cookies.


misspamela December 3 2011, 14:51:36 UTC
Uuuuuggghhhh I am so torn between wanting to go and knowing I really, really shouldn't. SHOULDN'T. BUT WANT.


tsarina December 3 2011, 18:02:04 UTC
yay card!

Also, caramel is such a freaky, finicky thing. 370 sounds kind of crazy.


shakespearechic December 3 2011, 18:02:21 UTC
So... I browsed back through some old entries but didn't see anything - is there anyway I could get your address? I would love to send you a card! I thought I had it but... go figure. You can email it if it's easier:


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