caramel, why must you thwart me?

Dec 03, 2011 00:13

I was hoping to get my first cookie boxes in the mail tomorrow, but we had a caramel disaster. I'm pretty sure there is an error in the recipe and I've contacted the author to ask her about it, but there is just no way caramel is edible once you've brought it up to 370. JUST NO. And I should have known. I did have a funny feeling about it, but figured the woman is not only an amazing baker, but has a master's degree in food chemistry so I went with it. Mistake. Horrible mistake. Waste of good chocolate and butter. :/

I got my first Christmas card today from tsarina! <3

I found just pasteurized (i.e. not ultra pasteurized) local cream so I am making my own clotted cream as we speak to go with scones for the cream tea we're having on Sunday for Yuletide. I'm also making cupcakes. And I'll be breaking out my enormous new tea pot. Seriously. 75 ounce tea pot! :D

My Yuletide fic has gone from impossible to positively ridiculous.

yuletide, failures, food

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