potc - awe: icons

May 30, 2007 10:41

Man. I'm actually felling quite pleased with this batch. Who would have thought?! XD I'm always finding something wrong here and there on my work, but this once I'm really loving it. 'M not saying it's the best in the world, but hey! I'm pleased... and that should count for something. Right? XD

Oh! This post is dedicated to ma_chelle. ♥

[72 ( Read more... )

barbossa, icons, awe, jack sparrow, potc3, will, potc awe, william turner, art:icons, elizabeth

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Comments 77

smirrethefox May 30 2007, 14:36:51 UTC
They are lovely!! I especially love all from 61 to 66... That is the best orlando-pic/scene in the movie. :P Great job.


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:18:30 UTC
That is the best orlando-pic/scene in the movie. :P
LOL! Yeah well, a wet&tied up William Turner is VERY good, isn't it? ;)

I'm glad you liked the batch, sweetie! ;)


smirrethefox June 1 2007, 05:12:41 UTC
Yes it is. :D

I added you as a friend. Hope you don't mind.


seraphina_snape May 30 2007, 14:39:54 UTC
Oh, nice variations. I like seeing an icon with different croppings. And I really like your colouring.

~ sera

PS: I also really like your header. SPN is ♥


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:24:14 UTC
Thanks, girl!
I love to see different croppings on the same pic too... gives people more choices of which one's the best to use too. And anyway, I have fun trying to see the best cropping for some pics, and hopefully sometimes I can make it right XD

Thanks for the colouring compliment too! I'm kinda proud of this batch, since I managed to change some colors on the real pics and still make them look presentable. =D Like the last ones, that were completely green-ish in the real pics, and I could make it look more... normal? =P

PS: YAY! Love to know you love SPN too! ;)
PS2:. Sorry for the long reply XD


angelwood May 30 2007, 14:46:07 UTC
Oh man, you just turned me into an Orli fan!!! *drools* Fantastic job! Yeah, you should really be proud of yourself. ;-)


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:27:43 UTC
Aaaaaawwwww, what an awesome reply!! ♥
Really, that first sentence made my day! XD

Thanks a lot for the sweet compliments, sweetie! I'm really glad you liked it, and that it made you drool a bit for Orlando ;)



ma_chelle May 30 2007, 15:19:17 UTC

I've never had a post dedicated to me! *squishes you madly* Thank you, luv! ♥

These are LOVELY! 50 icons of Mr. Turner...sigh. What a wonderful way to start off my morning. I'm taking them all!! ♥ ♥

*hugs you some more*


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:31:40 UTC
Aaaaaawww, you're welcome, babe!!
Thank *you* for giving me the idea of a Will Turner batch. I was already thinking about doing it, but when I saw that you'd like it too, I was sure I had to do something ;)

I'm really glad you enjoyed this batch, baby! I'm quite proud of it, so I'm glad people seem to be enjoying it =DDDD

*hugs tight*


ma_chelle May 31 2007, 14:43:03 UTC
Caaammmiiiiiiii!!! *♥ *HUGS*

I *really* enjoyed them *fans self* and so did my daugher! ;) Is it possible to have too many Will Turner icons? I think not *giggle*

I'm in the process of re-doing the sidebar of my journal and many of these will be featured by the time I'm done! I've been busy just saving them--I still need to upload a bunch into my lj for posting.

BTW--like your default icon. *grins* Really it's madness, isn't it? I'm trying to decide if I want to make a post regarding a certain something. What's next? A certain group has chosen a certain something as their mascot...think I'll get deleted for hoisting my colours? Will journals with a pirate theme be deleted?

Have a wonderful day! :D


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 16:15:58 UTC
*hugs tightly back*

Oooooowww, my icons will be on your sidebar?? Man, that's SO awesome!!! You have no idea how happy I am to know that, hunny!! \o/\o/

Really it's madness, isn't it?
Total madness. I've been busy with RL stuff so I didn't even know what was going on, but yesterday some friends of mine warned me of hell breaking loose around here. And I know they apologized already, but the shit had already hit the fan, right? The damage was done, and it was quite ridiculous. And full of preconceptions too. Okay, so being in favor of rape and whatever is not a good thing, but taking people out for slash and for things that had nothing to do with those problems whatsoever.... Ridiculous... and sad. =/


amygirl May 30 2007, 15:42:24 UTC
Gorgeous as always Cami. Snagged...well...a ton...will credit when used :-)

Thanks dear!


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:35:44 UTC
Thanks babe! I'm glad you liked them! ;)


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