potc - awe: icons

May 30, 2007 10:41

Man. I'm actually felling quite pleased with this batch. Who would have thought?! XD I'm always finding something wrong here and there on my work, but this once I'm really loving it. 'M not saying it's the best in the world, but hey! I'm pleased... and that should count for something. Right? XD

Oh! This post is dedicated to ma_chelle. ♥

[72 ( Read more... )

barbossa, icons, awe, jack sparrow, potc3, will, potc awe, william turner, art:icons, elizabeth

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Comments 77

thegranddewru May 30 2007, 16:13:33 UTC
ooo yummy!


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:37:13 UTC
Indeed! =DD


doylebaby May 30 2007, 17:25:06 UTC
They're gorgeous hon, have taken a couple will credit when used!


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:38:37 UTC
Thanks, baby!
I'm glad you liked them! ♥



sitaray May 30 2007, 17:47:57 UTC
Damn those icons are just *fans self* hot!!!! I love the manip you did for number 18. Stole many of will naturally since he's my fav. Will credit :)


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:55:38 UTC
Aaawww, thank baby!! ♥
How can Will not be our favorite, right? ;)

I'm really glad you enjoyed this batch, hunny! And thanks a lot for all the amazing compliments *hugs tight*


herm_weasley May 30 2007, 18:21:36 UTC
SEXY! Snagging a few, will credit :)


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:59:43 UTC
YAY! I'm glad you like it, sweetie! ;)


lauraj203 May 30 2007, 20:40:51 UTC
omg hun these are so awesome!!! ♥ *SO* much pretty xD I love this post.

5, 16, 39, 46, 50 and 70 are my absolute faves. FANTASTIC job hunn *hugs* Snagging a few, will credit when I use them. I think I need to go and buy a new keyboard now, it might stop working what with all the drool =P yum yum! *glomp* YOU ROCK!


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 14:12:49 UTC
omg hun these are so awesome!!! ♥ *SO* much pretty xD I love this post.

Aaaawww, thanks baby! I'm glad you like it! I'm quite pleased with it myself =DDDDD

LOL! I gotta say that #5 has a special place in my heart too, because GUH! *melts*

Anyway, thanks for the sweet comment, baby!


lauraj203 June 2 2007, 16:09:40 UTC
GUH is what sprang to mind, yes! xD

Just to let you know, I haven't forgotten about your header. It's half done but it looks a bit plain, so I'm trying to find nice things to make it look prettier with xD


*iz using your icon. rawr!*


lauraj203 June 3 2007, 16:25:36 UTC
*is nervous*

I hope you like one of them! It's the same pic but I did different crop/colouring and stuff. PLEASE let me know what you do/don't like about them. If you want the colouring of one on the crop/setout of the other, if you want different text (I'm crap at thinking up text for stuff hence the cheesy lyrics!), if you want the text smaller or whatever. Just please let me know?! Or if you want a completely different picture or more than one picture on it and stuff. Just everything kay?

header v.1
header v.2



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