potc - awe: icons

May 30, 2007 10:41

Man. I'm actually felling quite pleased with this batch. Who would have thought?! XD I'm always finding something wrong here and there on my work, but this once I'm really loving it. 'M not saying it's the best in the world, but hey! I'm pleased... and that should count for something. Right? XD

Oh! This post is dedicated to ma_chelle. ♥

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barbossa, icons, awe, jack sparrow, potc3, will, potc awe, william turner, art:icons, elizabeth

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Comments 77

giselleslash May 30 2007, 22:34:06 UTC
Yeah, after #60 you officially OWN me...oh fuck me rotten, I loooove that icon! *dies*

I've snagged loads and this brings my Cami icon count up to 107 ;P Can you tell I love you?!?! These are gorgeous, as always, you're killing me ded with the pretteh.

Love you sweetpea *smooooches*


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 14:41:25 UTC
Yeah, after #60 you officially OWN me...oh fuck me rotten, I loooove that icon! *dies*
Finally someone that likes it too!! I'm quite in love with that icon myself! ♥

I've snagged loads and this brings my Cami icon count up to 107 ;P Can you tell I love you?!?!
Holy fuck.... O.O
107? Dude... *is speechless*
Well, I gotta say that I LOVE the fact you love my work that much! ♥

Love you, baby! And I'm really glad you liked this batch, babe! *hugs tight*


giselleslash May 31 2007, 20:43:29 UTC
OMG! I can't believe more people aren't orgasming over that icon! ;P That's my favorite of the whole bunch, its just all sexeh and drippy and wet and GUH! *dies again*

And heck yeah I've got over 100 of your icons, your my icon queen!!! :) No one else comes close to you *snogs you hardcore*


ahkina May 31 2007, 00:47:44 UTC
Love them...AS ALWAYS!!!


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 14:48:25 UTC
Aw thanks, baby!! I'm glad you like them! ♥


thank you lucilla27 May 31 2007, 02:14:41 UTC
These are lovely. Taking a few and will credit. :)


Re: thank you ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 14:50:58 UTC
First of all, lemme tell you that I LOVE this icon you're using ♥

And thanks for the sweet comment, hunny! I'm glad you liked them ;)


krakenfood May 31 2007, 03:17:56 UTC
Took #17, and I love all the different crops!


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 14:58:30 UTC
Thanks hun! Enjoy! ;)


keyweegirlie May 31 2007, 06:35:33 UTC

I'm sorry am I supposed to be coherent enough to leave a comment after looking at these amazing icons? *giggles*

I'm snagging some, but I really don't know which ones yet, but I'll definitely credit you sweetie...these are so ?GORGEOUS!

Great job,


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 15:51:15 UTC
I'm sorry am I supposed to be coherent enough to leave a comment after looking at these amazing icons? *giggles*
Aaaawwww LOL! XD
Well yeah, Orlando an leave us a bit speechless, can't he? ;)

Thanks so much for the compliments babe! I'm really happy you liked all those icons! ^^

*hugs tight*


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