potc - awe: icons

May 30, 2007 10:41

Man. I'm actually felling quite pleased with this batch. Who would have thought?! XD I'm always finding something wrong here and there on my work, but this once I'm really loving it. 'M not saying it's the best in the world, but hey! I'm pleased... and that should count for something. Right? XD

Oh! This post is dedicated to ma_chelle. ♥

[72 ( Read more... )

barbossa, icons, awe, jack sparrow, potc3, will, potc awe, william turner, art:icons, elizabeth

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ma_chelle May 30 2007, 15:19:17 UTC

I've never had a post dedicated to me! *squishes you madly* Thank you, luv! ♥

These are LOVELY! 50 icons of Mr. Turner...sigh. What a wonderful way to start off my morning. I'm taking them all!! ♥ ♥

*hugs you some more*


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 13:31:40 UTC
Aaaaaawww, you're welcome, babe!!
Thank *you* for giving me the idea of a Will Turner batch. I was already thinking about doing it, but when I saw that you'd like it too, I was sure I had to do something ;)

I'm really glad you enjoyed this batch, baby! I'm quite proud of it, so I'm glad people seem to be enjoying it =DDDD

*hugs tight*


ma_chelle May 31 2007, 14:43:03 UTC
Caaammmiiiiiiii!!! *♥ *HUGS*

I *really* enjoyed them *fans self* and so did my daugher! ;) Is it possible to have too many Will Turner icons? I think not *giggle*

I'm in the process of re-doing the sidebar of my journal and many of these will be featured by the time I'm done! I've been busy just saving them--I still need to upload a bunch into my lj for posting.

BTW--like your default icon. *grins* Really it's madness, isn't it? I'm trying to decide if I want to make a post regarding a certain something. What's next? A certain group has chosen a certain something as their mascot...think I'll get deleted for hoisting my colours? Will journals with a pirate theme be deleted?

Have a wonderful day! :D


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 16:15:58 UTC
*hugs tightly back*

Oooooowww, my icons will be on your sidebar?? Man, that's SO awesome!!! You have no idea how happy I am to know that, hunny!! \o/\o/

Really it's madness, isn't it?
Total madness. I've been busy with RL stuff so I didn't even know what was going on, but yesterday some friends of mine warned me of hell breaking loose around here. And I know they apologized already, but the shit had already hit the fan, right? The damage was done, and it was quite ridiculous. And full of preconceptions too. Okay, so being in favor of rape and whatever is not a good thing, but taking people out for slash and for things that had nothing to do with those problems whatsoever.... Ridiculous... and sad. =/


ma_chelle May 31 2007, 16:30:59 UTC
I've stayed low key about the whole thing, following along but holding my comments back until I saw how lj responded to this 'fiasco'. And, this is TRULY a fiasco, on a GLOBAL SCALE. You can hear the shit hitting the fan around the world ( ... )


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 17:42:36 UTC
This feels much more like a homophobic witch hunt against fandoms.
Exactly. And man, you have NO IDEA how I hate the mere idea of that. Fandoms are supposed to be fun, to make you forget the problems of RL. And then the fuckers come and make it another problem for us? Freaking assholes! *is mad*

These are the first icons of yours I've seen. If you have others, I'd love to look at them! :D
Ohhhh yeah, I have some other... lemme give you the link to them: http://cammissbloom.livejournal.com/tag/icons

All the posts you find there have icons ;)


ma_chelle May 31 2007, 17:50:50 UTC
Thanks for the link, hon! *hugs you*

Yep-fandoms are supposed to be fun. And they are. They don't hurt anyone. You actually have to go looking for them most of the time, too. People who aren't involved in fandoms simply don't understand them. It bothers me more and more and the day grows on.

Suspending ljs doesn't make us go away--it makes us band together.

I'll check out your icons later today! Thanks again, hun! ♥


ilovemybaby May 31 2007, 18:00:06 UTC
Dude, I've never seen fandoms growing so close together than after everything that happened. The LJ guys really don't know how to deal with this stuff..;. they should just let the people be happy. We're not harming anyone with our daydreams, are we?

Oh, and you're welcome! Just make sure to click on the "go earlier" on the bottom of the page so you can see other posts with more icons ;)



ma_chelle May 31 2007, 18:58:25 UTC
The fandoms coming together is like the pirate bretheren banding against the EITC--I love it.

And I love your icon! I may yet need to snag that from you! ;)

It would be cool to have an icon like the one I'm using now, with the flag, only saying FANDOMS UNITED FOR FREEDOM. This is the closest I could get. Hey...if you make me one, I'll promote it in a post at my lj, and use it around lj for a few weeks! A banner would be cool as well--we could post them on our user info pages. Since many people have adopted the pirate song for this, it would be cool, wouldn't it? A banner with the flag in the middle and that under neath it?

Can you do that? Maybe we can get Laura and a few others in on this. I don't know if you like banners, but I'm liking this idea. I need to do something--deleting my lj only seems like running away. I prefer to stand and fight!

*digs around for podium*


ilovemybaby June 1 2007, 14:19:09 UTC
That's a great idea, babe!!
Could you help me out with it, then? Because I don't think I have pics of pirate flags here... you have any? And I'd need the Pirate song people are using against what LJ was doing, because since I was out of LJ when all the madness happened, I'm kinda out of all those great things XDDDD

*hugs tight*


ma_chelle June 1 2007, 14:47:43 UTC
I'm glad you like the idea. I got to thinking maybe it was dumb after I posted that *g* I don't know if it will catch on with anybody or not, but we'll see. I have one of the Pearl's flag from dj's capslock. And a couple photos of the other flags, too--might work in a collage type thing, but maybe not an icon? It would be easier to email these to you. Got an email addy I can use?

And the words to the entire song can be found at the top of my sidebar--I've added it in. Sort of coincidence, really; I had the idea before I learned they were adopting it, but it's mainly the part about hoisting the colors.

Well, lets discuss this further in an email, shall we? my email addy is onlnwidow@aol.com.

*hugs tightly back*


ilovemybaby June 1 2007, 15:20:45 UTC
Just sent you an e-mail, babydoll! *huggles*


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