
Sep 14, 2008 18:33

Ack! My dad just came over so I could "fix him up" after a particularly ugly fall where he face-planted and TOTALLY effed up his nose. Not broken, but really really hard to look at. I'm not too squeamish normally, but maybe it's seeing a parent all messed up... *heebie jeebies* The funny part of it is that he wanted me to put make-up on him! I was ( Read more... )

rl, noses, janaparmajana, dmhgficexchange, drabble, dramione_ldws, parents, dynonugget, art, telperaca, awards, kate0404, inadaze22, bookishwench

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Comments 21

ianthe_waiting September 15 2008, 06:00:20 UTC
CONGRATS! I really enjoyed the drabble the first time I read it, and now I know it was yours...even better. ^_^

Egads about your dad! It is always unnerving to see a parent so banged up. My da does it every so often (usually falling off a ladder while climbing onto the roof for some inane reason). It breaks my heart. He cannot decide whether to cash in on being a 'senior citizen' or not.

Bells Palsy seems to be quite common in my end of the world. I have two uncles, a lady my dad goes to church with, and 22 year old friend who have had it. Like everyone has said, it is a temporary thing. I think it affects the coating of nerves, or somesuch thing. I am not sure if it is a type of infection or virus, but it is something that has degrees of severity, from what I understand. My uncle's passed in about a year, my 22 yo friend's case was minor, yet my da's church lady has had it several times throughout her life. *shrug* All the same, it is not fun...

Digressing...I am so happy to see that you're still on the 'island,' my


telperaca September 15 2008, 10:40:40 UTC
*Oh noes* Hope your parents get better. Your dad seems like a funny guy! Hehe, make-up! :D

Storage for art? *ouhs* What kinda art?

And yay, you made it through to the next round! :D I was a pretty close round, even with the tie breakers! Looking forward to your next installment for the next round! ;)


mmmels September 15 2008, 16:37:52 UTC
*flaps arms with you*

I LOVE your little snippets of dialog. Makes me want to twirl around endlessly giggling like a fool.

>_> *starts to twirl*

Art storage! I need it too. Right now all my art is stuffed behind my mom's couch at her house. -_- Or under my bed. Or in a closet.



redheadfaerie September 15 2008, 18:34:00 UTC
i'm sorry about your parents... i have no idea about the thing your mom has, but i can certainly sympathize with learning things so far after the fact, and it totally sucks. But at least it's something that gets better, and noses are easily healed, even if theyre not quite as straight anymore, lol. (my dad's nose has been broken like 3 times.)

and hurray for your art storage!

also, i loved your fic, it was really bittersweet.


cardigankate September 16 2008, 03:26:49 UTC
Holy hell...I would have freaked out if I had seen your dad's nose. I don't do well with blood. Ewww.

One of my best friend had Bell's Palsy in high school, but the right side of her face never fully recovered. I mean, it's much better, but it was still kind of "lazy". I hope that doesn't happen with your mom. I know most people do recover completely.

Congrats on your drabble, friend!!! Woo! I did love it. It was so beautiful. :) And Mod's Choice again! You're a force!


ilkee September 16 2008, 03:44:29 UTC
Thank you for the congrats! I laughed out loud at yours!

“TAINTED!” He screamed, slightly hysterical. “I won’t have it, Granger! I won’t!” ROFL! I should have guessed it was yours after the women's knickers! You've certainly got a talent for the funny. *is jealous*

Thank goodness his nose wasn't like wet-bloody! YICK! I can't believe I'm icking so hard about this. I was fricken lifeguard and First Aid Instructor! I have no business being wigged out. *sigh* But I am.



cardigankate September 16 2008, 03:52:10 UTC
Haha - TAINTED! Yeah, inadaze22 and I crack up at that part all the time. LoL. Like, at completely random moments, Alex will come out with "TAINTED!" and we'll bust out laughing. LoL. I love it.

I totally have a funny family...it's in my genes. :)

LoL - you're allowed to be wigged out. I mean, I'm just jealous you were even able to look at it without passing out. I, on the other hand, would not have made it. LoL.



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