
Sep 14, 2008 18:33

Ack! My dad just came over so I could "fix him up" after a particularly ugly fall where he face-planted and TOTALLY effed up his nose. Not broken, but really really hard to look at. I'm not too squeamish normally, but maybe it's seeing a parent all messed up... *heebie jeebies* The funny part of it is that he wanted me to put make-up on him! I was like, um, NO. That shit's gotta heal. I put a band-aid on the worst part (how do you band-aid an entire nose?) and told him to enjoy the attention.

And THEN, my mom calls me and tells me she that last week (love the late notice here) she got something called Bell's Palsy which paralyzes half of your face. She'll recover but it could take up to a year.

WTF!!! *runs around in circles flapping arms*

On the Happy News channel, I won Judge's Choice again for my drabble, at dramione_ldws . I was stoked to be in the Great Tie Breaker event (I'm liking titles right now) and I totally forgot about the Judge's Choice award. AND to make it even better, all my Luvs made it too! *congratulatory hugs of relief for dynonugget , inadaze22 , kate0404 , telperaca , and bookishwench *

(pretty banner by janaparmajana )

Title: We Didn’t Know Anything Back Then
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 496

“Hermione Granger, you’re not hiding are you? That’s very un-Gryffindor of you,” he said teasingly over her shoulder.

If she was surprised to hear his voice again after all these years, she didn’t show it. She didn’t even turn around.

It was as if she was expecting him.

She sighed sadly. “This is the stupidest idea the Ministry has ever had. Nobody wants to be here. Not yet.”

In all of its brilliance, the Ministry decided that the seventh annual celebration of the end of the war should be held at Hogwarts. Bad move. Too many people had died here. It was still too soon.

Draco stepped in behind her to peer through the window she stood in front of.

It looked like a snapshot from someone else’s life. The people moving within were not real, just shuffling characters that resembled his memories. At the front of the Great Hall, the head table was like a roll call.

Potter. Present.
Weasley. Present.
Longbottom. Not present.
McGonagall. Present.
Snape. Not Present.

An empty chair waited between the two heroes.

Draco looked down at the wild curly head in front of him and thanked God some things hadn’t changed.

“Are you going in?” he asked.

“No. I don’t think so,” she said, finally turning to look up at him.

Draco’s heart leapt. “Would you like to walk down to the lake?”


They were quiet then, walking side by side like old friends. Draco had waited for this moment for a long time. Now it was here and he didn’t know how to begin.

“Do you miss France?” she said at last.

“Yes,” and after a moment he turned his head to look at her. “But there’s something I need here.”

Her eyes locked with his and he thought that she understood him.


For a while the only sound was the wind moving through the trees.

“I wrote to you once.”

“Twice,” she said.

“Yes. Twice.”

The first had been an apology. The second had been so much more.


They stopped at the edge of the water, watching the sun set the lake on fire.

“I think about you,” he confessed at last.

And for a long time after they said nothing.


When the sun began to disappear behind the trees, Draco spoke again.

“We didn’t know anything back then, did we?”

“We’ve wasted a lot of time.” She stopped and looked up, pinning him with her eyes. Draco’s breath caught in his throat.

A gust of wind blew her curls across her face. Draco reached out to tuck the strands behind her ear, dragging his fingers over her soft cheek and then around the shell of her ear. His heart pounded in his chest and her eyes were undoing him.

“I always hated your hair.” His hand stayed by her face, pulling on a wayward curl. “It’s soft.”

“Draco…” her voice was low and her face titled into his hand.

“I want to kiss you,” he whispered.


Other happy news:

I am SO excited about my little fic for the dmhgficexchange . It probably won't be done until the last minute, but I'm really enjoying writing it. *mini-squee*

And Mr. Ilke is downstairs making a mess to build some art storage for our UNGODLY quantities of art. I have wanted storage made just for art FOREVER, and then when we joined forces, the want turned into NEED. I'm doing backflips in joy!

rl, noses, janaparmajana, dmhgficexchange, drabble, dramione_ldws, parents, dynonugget, art, telperaca, awards, kate0404, inadaze22, bookishwench

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