Title: Other, Other, Other.
10pastryhearts; O T H E R S I D E -- HEART ACHE.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts.
Characters: Naminé, Demyx; mentions: Kairi, Roxas, Xemnas, Marluxia, Larxene, Axel.
Word Count: 442.
Rating: PG.
Author's Notes: Choppy ending, I know D: Kind of a companion to
this (maybe).
Her features are content and emotionless and kind of freaky in a way )
Comments 2
That last line = win. :P
But seriously. This was so sweet and sad and...just wow, it was awesome. You write a fantastic demyx honey. Really.
I loved it lots!
(and you figured out how to make the layout smaller?! Do tell how.)
Thank you ♥ I write a fantastic Demyx? Really? :3 After what fandom has done to him, I thought that'd be impossible xD (good thing the last I saw of him was those cutscenes in the Olympus Coliseum world~).
(There's some kind of 'content' section if you scroll down enough, and a percentage that goes with it. The lower the percentage is, the smaller the layout :D Tell me if you can find it!)
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