Title: Other, Other, Other.
10pastryhearts; O T H E R S I D E -- HEART ACHE.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts.
Characters: Naminé, Demyx; mentions: Kairi, Roxas, Xemnas, Marluxia, Larxene, Axel.
Word Count: 442.
Rating: PG.
Author's Notes: Choppy ending, I know D: Kind of a companion to
this (maybe).
Demyx doesn't know why he comes to see her; only that he does.
It's quiet at first. Him, just sitting in the corner strumming the powerful strings of his sitar; and her, right smack dab in the middle of the room, a pretty pink pencil scratching against the stark surface of her notebook. Thinking about it -- maybe he just wants the quiet... or maybe, maybe he just wants to know what it's like.
He continues to strum, even as she turns to look at him, while he does the same. Her features are content and emotionless and kind of freaky in a way, but he pays no mind to the fact. She's not drawing anymore -- creating and destroying, he's been told -- but he doesn't really care either way. It has nothing to do with him. "Demyx," her voice is so soft and sweet, "how much do you wish you had a heart?"
Demyx laughs because he can. "My heart aches for a heart!" He pauses, "why, what is this, Twenty Questions?"
"No no," Naminé says quickly, a light smile spreading across her face. "But I don't think I want my heart back. I wouldn't be the same, then."
Her words are cryptic to him, although he doesn't let on; his fingers just keep on moving, and he stops looking at her. Another bout of silence between the two and Demyx remembers that she's the only one of them that still has an other out there -- apart from Roxas, but that's sort of not really a different story -- and he knows so, even though Xemnas never bothered to brief them on just who her other was. He has a suspicion that Marluxia knows, too, and probably Larxene by default.
There's a slow classical rhythm in the background; quiet, but building slightly in sound as time etches on. His doing, no doubt. "Why wouldn't you be the same anymore, anyway?"
"Because no two people can be the same, not even if they were once. We're shaped differently, I guess. We've all had different experiences." He hears her pencil pick up again, stroking across the page. "If I get my heart back, then she--" he waits for a name but it doesn't come, "--might not be the same either. That just wouldn't be right; I'm doing enough to her as it is..."
He sort of gets that. Although, it is kind of weird that she's doing all that 'creating and destroying' on her own other...
Man, he should probably leave. He doesn't; it's the strangest thing.
Instead: "So~ do you think Axel's other might have been a girl...?"