Jun 21, 2011 23:34
Recent discussion of Event:"Fuckening" warrants further inquiry.
Query: What taboos if any exist concerning overt discussion of User sexual activity?
Explanation required concerning status(virgin,not virgin). Query: Reason for significance attached to virginity?
[private to Narvin, TOTALLY UNRELATED]
Query: Veracity of information released by Inmate
oh user what,
rinzler fails biology forever,
rinzler might be afraid of the fuckening,
this isn't the grid,
rinzler is a virgin,
rinzler is a helper
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Comments 134
If you're a virgin, that means you probably couldn't find someone willing to bang you. Meaning, you probably really suck.
So, that probably applies to you.
Creator fucking damn it why did he even open this can of non-Euclidean sex worms in the first place. Fucking Abyss gazing also into him.]
Conventional definition already on file.
Well, I'm giving you the significance attached to virginity. If you're still a virgin, and you're over a certain age, you're probably a loser.
Query: What a [no don't ask that that way lies madness]
I decided that since half the population is probably thinking that question, even if they're too polite--or cowardly--to ask me to my face, I'm addressing it publicly. [Or mostly publicly. As public as Ardent's post was.]
Query: Human sexual urge seen as requiring restraint? Why?
Human sexual urge is restrained for a variety of reasons. Reasons include the impairment of rational judgement in daily interactions or high stress situations through distraction and difficulty in concentration.
For some, complete restraint implies that the mind has priority over the impulses given to it by the body relating to pain and pleasure, and can maintain satisfaction independently of the pleasurable sensations related to sex. Similarly, controlling ones impulses in general is seen as important, implying the dominance of the mind dictating the reactions of the body.
Sexual restraint provides a greater point of reference for genetic heritage, permitting family lines to be followed in order to trace ancestry without chance of interference by outside DNA. Sexual restraint is also essential in ensuring both parties are willing and fully engaged participants in any intimate acts.
[Several seconds go by.]
Thank you.
[also she has 100+1 sexual hangups, hence very relieved she doesn't have to talk about it.]
I...don't think circumstances will ever arise on the Barge which will allow the - [snrrk no she can't do it without smiling] - Fuckening to go through as he had planned.
[Pause. Pause.]
Also provided convenient excuse for questions. Inmate Gaheris Rhade was helpful. [even if the entire topic is kind of horrifying to him.]
Is there anything else you need to know? It didn't occur to me that wouldn't know - well - anything about this sphere of human life.
Basic mechanical understanding present. Previous memories from breach flood also present. Cultural assumptions about taboos, manners, propriety, User reasoning behind them--not present.
Extent and nature of User sexuality|
[pause. pause.]
Viruses breed. Programs do not.
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