Jun 21, 2011 23:34
Recent discussion of Event:"Fuckening" warrants further inquiry.
Query: What taboos if any exist concerning overt discussion of User sexual activity?
Explanation required concerning status(virgin,not virgin). Query: Reason for significance attached to virginity?
[private to Narvin, TOTALLY UNRELATED]
Query: Veracity of information released by Inmate
oh user what,
rinzler fails biology forever,
rinzler might be afraid of the fuckening,
this isn't the grid,
rinzler is a virgin,
rinzler is a helper
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Taboos related to sexual activity vary according to culture, frequently tying into religious and political unions and the production of children.
Virgins have significance in many cultures as being symbols of purity and restraint. A female that has not slept with another male, most often, usually has the benefit of producing children that are guaranteed to be exclusive to the male. A male virgin, on the other hand, is often highly regarded for his resistance to temptation and may cultivate the image to promote religious inspiration in others, as a demonstration of his satisfaction.
Similarly, a female virgin is revered religiously for her purity in some pantheons as she is considered more close to a spiritual center. They are more likely to attract mythical beasts, and are occasionally said to be the bearer of immaculately produced children. Meaning that these children are produced without any manner of sexual congress.
[He doesn't hold a lot of stock in religion. His people own their sex.]
Is further inquiry required?
Query: Human sexual urge seen as requiring restraint? Why?
Human sexual urge is restrained for a variety of reasons. Reasons include the impairment of rational judgement in daily interactions or high stress situations through distraction and difficulty in concentration.
For some, complete restraint implies that the mind has priority over the impulses given to it by the body relating to pain and pleasure, and can maintain satisfaction independently of the pleasurable sensations related to sex. Similarly, controlling ones impulses in general is seen as important, implying the dominance of the mind dictating the reactions of the body.
Sexual restraint provides a greater point of reference for genetic heritage, permitting family lines to be followed in order to trace ancestry without chance of interference by outside DNA. Sexual restraint is also essential in ensuring both parties are willing and fully engaged participants in any intimate acts.
[Several seconds go by.]
Thank you.
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