GUTS - an anon concrit meme

Jan 15, 2011 00:01

Let's have a meme to get the ball rolling at this community.
Graphic makers want to receive good, honest concrit to help them improve, but people don't like to give concrit because pointing out other's mistakes is a sensitive topic, specially among friends - and because it almost always makes them sound like bitches. And who wants that? People hardly want to hear what they're doing wrong as well, some don't take it in a good way. What to do about that? How about...

+ Create a new thread with your username and the community where you post your graphics.
+ If you want to, leave 5-10 example icons. If you want people to focus on an aspect of your icon-making, say so in your post.
+ Look through the graphics posted, take time look through the graphics community as well. Sometimes the person just picked bad examples, or they don't showcase the maker's ability to it's best.
+ Give the graphics constructive criticism ANONYMOUSLY. You don't need to log out of your account, just click on "More Options" under the comment text area and check the Anonymous radio button.
+ This meme is for HELPFUL CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. Point out what's, why's, how's and how to be better. Be honest, but don't be cruel. Point out what's good too.
+ Be respectful of other's styles and tastes. Remember that "good" and "bad" is mostly your opinion. Think about that before writing shit, try not to be biased. Think about how would you feel if it was directed to you when phrasing your critique.
+ This is for people with balls, or, as the title says, guts. If you're scared of criticism, or simply won't listen to it, because "it's my super-awesome-style" (sorry, but ugly isn't a style), "they're just picking on me" or "they're jealous because I'm so good/get more comments", don't post a thread.
+ This post will remain open, so whenever you want new concrit just post a new thread and link to it on your journal.
+ Any questions or concers, leave on the comments thread.

Anonymity isn't an excuse for meanness, neither is criticism.
Pointless wank and personal attacks will be deleted by request of the victim. As a mod, I'll try to check every critique as well, and I'm not a very forgiving gal.

PIMP IT HARD">" border="0">

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