Fic: "Somebody made you smile into their lens” Part 2 A

Jul 13, 2009 16:25

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PATR TWO: arriving home - This is the beginning

Jeffrey Dean Morgan has seen a lot of stuff in his life. Working in the advertisement industry makes damn sure of that. And yet, what he's never seen before is his son behaving like some 13-year-old teenager, including having secret hour-long telephone conversations, hiding from his parents and actual honest-to-god hissy fits.
Jeffrey hasn’t seen those since Megan was eleven and thought it would be fun to try and act mature.

JD had been glad when Jared announced he’d been moving in with his mother and Jeffrey again. Sharon was so happy, in fact they're both still happy, after all, Jared living with them, rather than on campus, has got to mean something.
Jared had been away from home for a long time and Jeffrey knows it will only be a matter of time before Jared will be gone again, but that doesn’t mean that Jeffrey hadn't been preparing for what Jared’s announcement entailed.

His son hasn’t acted like this when he was a teenager, so it kind of throws Jeffrey a little now. Especially since he doesn’t know what’s going on.

Jared has been different since he back came from Thailand two weeks ago. Even different compared to the last time JD and Sharon had managed to visit him, back in London.

Right now, JD feels like he's going back in time and has to go through every single thing he's been so happy about not having to experience. Jeff, Jared’s brother, uses it to relentlessly make fun of JD.

JD is just maybe a little happy that he is ‘only’ Jared’s stepdad and therefore has more freedom when trying to deal with him. Jared was already 15 when Sharon and JD married, so JD has never really known any other Jared but the mature grown up one he met all those years ago.

But Jared isn't talking and JD doesn’t even know why.

Jared works all day on his projects.

JD isn’t even sure he knows what they are, but doesn't ask. He also notices that Jared doesn’t really sleep either. But that’s not new. What’s new is that he randomly leaves the house and with nothing more than a call to say he won’t be home. Only to come back home two or three days later.

Several times, JD actually finds Jared in the old tree house they and Jeff build together for Megan one summer. Jared sits there, watches the stars and occasionally types something down on the notebook he always has with him. Other times he's drawing something on the sketch pad that never leaves his side.
But most of the time, Jared's on the phone.

JD can’t remember a time when Jared liked to talk on the phone, because he never did. Of course, Jared wasn’t home all that much after he turned 16 and went to England for school. So JD isn’t really sure if the attachment to phones is a recent development.

Even trying to interrogate Danneel, Jared’s best friend on campus, hasn’t worked out so well. Danneel doesn’t know anything, either.
The only thing she says is that Jared's in love. Which came as no surprise, considering that it was obviously enough to catch any father’s attention. JD had even gone so far as to ask Jared to invite some friends to his birthday party. Jared had just smiled and said nothing.

So now, here they are in one of Austin’s hippest bars celebrating Jared’s 27th and JD is as clueless as ever. He smiles when he sees Jared and Danneel trying to play a round of pool and failing miserably because they are laughing so much.

JD enjoys seeing Jared happy like this. Sometimes he thinks they shouldn't have let him move away so early, but then he also knows there was no way around it. Jared was and still is someone who seeks challenges.

Sharon has Megan and Jeff occupied with decorating the last bit of the cake that they're still trying to hide from Jared, which of course is all in vain when Jared actually squeals and hugs his mother halfway into China. Candy is still one of the things that easily makes Jared happy. Some things never change.

A snort next to him catches JD’s attention and he almost does a double take when he sees the man leaning against the bar watching Jared with some kind of fond smile.
JD wonders what that means, but is momentarily too occupied with trying to figure where he knows this man from. Then it clicks and JD doesn’t even feel ashamed of thinking about work on Jared’s birthday.

“Excuse me. It might sound strange, but aren’t you Jensen Ackles?”

The man blinks then, slowly sets his beer down and rises to his full height, and looks questioningly at JD, raised eyebrow included.
Impressive, even JD has to admit that.

“If I was, why would you want to know?”

JD admires the man's caution and figures it’s due to the job the man has if it really is Jensen Ackles in front of him.

“Because I really admire your work. I have an advertising company and I've come across your photos, which are stunning and extraordinaire.”

“Well, if that’s what it is then yes, I am Jensen Ackles. Pleased to meet you?”

“Jeffrey Dean Morgan.”

“From MorganAds?”

“Yes. The one and only.”

Jensen actually laughs and offers to order a beer for JD. He accepts, after all JD isn’t one to say no to free beer. He still wonders what Jensen's doing there. It's a closed party after all, but maybe he knows Jeff or one of the others around.

JD's just about to ask when he hears a shout and the man next to him is suddenly grabbed into a fierce hug. To say JD's stunned wouldn’t be an exaggeration.


“Whoa there, Sasquatch. Tone it down, you're wasting my beer.”

“Dude, you made it.” Jared is practically bouncing and there's a smile on his face so wide it must hurt. JD has no clue what’s going on and he's half afraid that Ackles will now back away and tell him off for being in his personal space. But when he looks, he notices an equally big smile in Jensen’s face.


“Of course. I was invited and threatened, wasn’t I?”

JD watches the scene with not a small amount of amusement. He hasn’t seen Jared that enthusiastic or blushing so fiercely for quite some time.

“Happy Birthday, Jay.”

“Thanks, Jen. Present? I do get one right?”

JD can’t help but snort. This is not a 27 year-old but some eager teenager. JD actually thinks he likes that side of Jared. It’s around so rarely that JD can’t really remember it.

“Oh, come on you greedy bastard. I'm here, that should be enough.” Ackles lightly punches Jared only to receive a slap and an outraged little squeak JD has never heard before.


“Yes, Jared?”

JD can’t believe his eyes. He has seen Jared pouting numerous times, always when he wanted something or tried to convince someone into doing something for him. But never before has he seen Jared using the pout as some flirting device. And it’s quite a show.

What’s even more interesting is the smile it gets out of Jensen. If JD was the kind of man to use such words, he might call that smile loving and sweet. But since he isn't, he calls it adoring.

“Oh come on, Jensen.”

“Yeah, okay. I got you something.” JD watches them without saying a word, learns more in those minutes than he has during the entire time Jared's been back. Jensen hands Jared a package that looks like a book, but seeing Jared light up at it JD thinks it must be much more.

“The photos? London? Thailand? Awesome.”

“Yeah. I know it’s lame. But you begged so nicely.”


“What? You did.”

JD has never seen Jared turn so red, but then he hasn’t ever seen such a devilish smile like Jensen‘s either.

“Uh … Thank you, Jensen.” Jensen's pulled into another one of Jared’s bear hugs and JD is amazed with the ease with which Jensen's letting it happen. It says a lot about them JD thinks.

JD can’t help but stare. Because, of course, Jensen has to be the mysterious crush, the one Jared’s spent hours talking to.
It’s not the fact that it’s a man who caught his son's attention, they had that discussion before Jared turn 16, but instead it's the fact that it seems to be very mutual that surprises JD the most.
He hopes it will work out, after all, he knows Jared deserves it.

“So, I guess you two know each other?” JD says, still amused by the scene in front of him. He thinks it's been ages since Jared was so open and not caught in his own head.

“Oh ... Yeah we worked together. Oh, sorry. Jensen this is my dad. JD, this is Jensen.”

JD actually laughs, because it’s so like Jared to ignore the obvious in certain situations. He also feels impossibly touched by Jared introducing him as his dad. It took them a long time to reach that point.
Jensen’s raised eyebrow tells JD that both boys will need to do some talking later.

“We've just met, Jared. But I already knew who Jensen is.”

“You do?”

“JT, I work in advertisement and your friend is a well known photographer. What do you think?”

“Oh, yeah. Right. Uhm, could you maybe not call me JT? I 'm not 15 anymore.”

“You're certainly acting like you are.”

Danneel somehow managed to sneak up on them. She grins when Jared huffs and scowls at her. Jensen just smiles, letting himself be introduced to Jared’s family and friends while JD just watches on.

JD spends the rest of the night watching them. He can see that they're wrapped up in each other. He knows what they've gone through, how hard it was even though they'd just met. Jared told him the Thailand and Africa stories over more beer, while Danneel actually managed a decent round of pool with Jensen.

They're definitely close, it's quite obvious. Good friends on top of whatever else they are and JD's impressed by it, especially considering the short time they've known each other. He's also pretty sure that they're well on the way to being a couple, if they aren't there already.

But he also knows that something's off. There's something missing and JD can't seem to figure out what it is. He spends much of the evening trying to sort out what's going on, while at the same time watching the two men getting steadily drunk, but having fun.

It isn’t until Danneel plops down next to him and Sharon that something clicks in JD’s mind. Danneel just sighs and says that it’s a pity those two aren’t making out and JD just knows what’s missing. They aren’t touching.

Since the hug, there hasn’t been a single touch, as if they're trying to keep away from each other. As if they are fighting hard against the attraction. Only with the growing amount of alcohol in their system do they seem to relax a little.

It’s strange to watch them, now that he knows what he's looking for. They're close, hovering over each other but never really touching. As if they're afraid something will happen if they do.
JD has no doubt that it’s true and he actually doesn’t want to be near them if it happens. He doesn’t really have to see that. He smirks into his beer and orders another round for the boys. Danneel just laughs and tells him he's evil and adds genius to that when, after that beer, Jared actually falls forward and clings to Jensen.

When Jensen gets Jared on his feet, moving toward the door, JD's satisfied. He's convinced the boys will work things out and so he tells Sharon not to look for Jared when they leave the bar.

He just hopes he did the right thing. After all, seeing Jared’s sad puppy look all evening makes everyone weak. It'll be his excuse if he needs one.


Jensen knows he's drunk. He also knows that he isn’t as drunk as Jared seems to be. It’s kind of a déjà vu, except he has no idea why. They weren’t ever this drunk in Thailand. Well okay, Jared was. But they never ended up in bed together, tangled and sweaty and making out like there's no tomorrow.

Jensen's pretty sure that they haven't done this before. Like 50 percent sure because he's got a nagging feeling that there's something he can’t really remember. But he's not thinking about it now. Definitely not when Jared’s mouth is pressed against his neck and his hands occupied with Jared’s hair and t-shirt.

It’s hot and Jensen wants to get rid of his and Jared’s clothes. So he sets to work.

Jared moans against his neck when Jensen scratches along his skin. Jared's writhing on the bed, moving against Jensen and it’s hard to concentrate, hard to get rid of the remainder of their clothes.

Jensen doesn’t even remember why he tried to stay away from Jared all evening. Has no idea why it had been on his mind since he had gotten the invitation. Because it's clearly obvious that there's nothing that will make him stay away. But, of course, he can't decide if it that's good or bad.

Jared moans, deep and long, and Jensen almost loses it.

“Jensen … Want you. Jen, please.”

Everything merges into a hazy fog of alcohol, lust and hormones. It makes Jensen moan and twitch. Jared beneath him, around him, everywhere. He's been dreaming about this, about all of this and so much more. But less as well. Less guilt-ridden, because Jensen will later blame the alcohol. Right now, though, he's just trying to figure out how to make Jared moan like that again.

It’s pretty easy, he finds, when he just latches in every patch of skin he can reach with his mouth. Lips sucking gently, teeth biting rougher, hands gripping tight. They are a mess of legs, arms, mouths and tongues. Jensen doesn’t know where he ends and Jared begins. He doesn’t care. He thinks it's alright not to know because doesn’t really want to be anywhere but entangled with Jared.

Jared's moaning, sprouting barely coherent filth, gripping the sheets, then Jensen, tightly.
The sight of him is hot, it's more arousing than anything Jensen's ever seen. But it's when Jared begs that Jensen really starts to lose control. It makes him want to shift forward, crawl between Jared's legs, press into him and just let go.
But he can’t.
There's something driving him, something deep inside, that makes him want to claim Jared. He wants to make Jared his. Wants Jared to know that he's been Jensen's since the day they met.
And, suddenly everything's so much clearer.
Jensen thinks he's been an idiot and he’ll probably keep on being one tomorrow. But right now?
He just loves Jared. Loves everything about him, worships every inch of him. Lets himself let go with the knowledge that he's here. Finally here.

Jared moans again. Clutches, almost scratching Jensen’s back and Jensen can’t hold back anymore. Gentle is gone, fierce and hungry take over.

Jared wriggles against him, letting Jensen slip free of the tight clutch of his fingers, pushes him away only to surge upward, pressing his mouth against Jensen’s.
There's fire. Not only in Jared’s eyes, but everywhere in him, around him.
Jared's aggressive, strong and fast, and yet still careful, still seeking comfort and reassurance. Jensen knows what kind of thoughts and feelings are clouding his mind and he likes it. Likes it to be claimed, but even more so now, because it doesn’t happen often.
He almost never allows it, but somehow Jared is special, has been special all along. Jared's in his head.
On his thoughts. In his heart.
Jared's allowed to do everything, to do anything, and Jensen won’t stop him. Not even from breaking his heart.

Jared is radiating power, controlled power and it makes Jensen hornier than anything. Jared's desperate, but still trying to be cautious, even in his hazy drunken state of mind. It makes Jensen weak, weak and desperate for more.
Because there's got to be more. More of Jared. More touching, more of everything.

Jensen can’t help it, he just pushes Jared down, pins him, and crawls fully on top of him.

“Jay …” It’s not a question, really, but Jared still looks up, clenches his fingers at Jensen’s hips and arches up. And that's answer enough for Jensen. It’s all he needs to see to know that there's no way back, not now. Jensen plunges down, catches Jared’s already bruised lips between his teeth and sucks. Hard.

Jared groans, sending vibrations through Jensen’s body. He watches at Jared. Just looks and takes the sight beneath him in. Jensen lets his fingers slide over heated skin, already slick with sweat. He takes his time, despite their desperation, temporarily ignoring the want lingering between them.

They're both hard.
So hard that Jensen knows he could rock, just once, and it'd all be over far too soon.
So he doesn't, not yet.
Instead, he scratches over Jared's nipples, leaning so to suck on Jared’s throat. The room fills with their panting, with moans. Jared whispers against Jensen's skin, words neither of them can understand, and yet Jensen answers them with everything he has.

They're talking. Or not talking, breathing. Just existing. Together.
They don't need words, and yet Jensen knows exactly what Jared wants. He can't think about it, can't even being to understand why. H feels hazy with lust, mind fogged with alcohol and Jared, so he just lets instinct take over.

Jared’s fingers on his cock, squeezing, then on his hip, pulling him down a little. The shock of it is too much for Jensen and he grips Jared’s hand on him tightly. Has to stop for a few seconds, tries not to come. It wouldn’t do, wouldn’t be what he wants.

Jared groans, sucks his lower lip into his mouth and surges upwards. Hips meeting Jensen’s. Arousal surges through Jensen’s bones. He's on fire, every fiber of his being, making it hard to breathe, to concentrate on anything other than the fingers teasing him. Jensen shivers.



“I.. Things. Pocket.”

Jensen gets it. Is almost amused by Jared’s why of being prepared, but doesn’t really care. He just wants. Wants Jared. He scrambles of the bed a little and grabs for Jared’s jeans.

It’s easy after that.

The haze lifts a little, only to be replaced by more lust.

Jensen noses Jared’s skin, takes in all he can, as much as he can. Jared smells sweaty and earthy, but not in a bad way. It’s intoxicating and Jensen has to force himself away from the luring scent, has to make himself move.
He fumbles a little with the lube, but Jared's so gone that he just keeps writhing and moaning. Jensen has to stop and look again. It’s a sight to behold and Jensen wants it to be there all the damn time.

Jensen keeps kissing Jared, keeps stroking and keeps talking. For a split second, he wonders if Jared's done this before. If he's the first, but then Jared just says his name, says its okay and Jensen knows he isn’t. The looks on Jared’s face when Jensen presses in makes up for all the disappointment Jensen might have felt over it.

He keeps it slow, almost torturing Jared to the point where Jensen is pretty sure both of them can come from just this. From just Jensen’s fingers in Jared’s ass.

Jensen loses time, is enraptured in the sight of Jared pushing down on his fingers. Then Jared is off the bed, arching toward the fingers that found the one spot that makes it all so much better. Jared thrusts, tries to get Jensen’s fingers deeper, tries to make them move faster. Jensen moans, grips himself and loves the way Jared looks at him through slit, glazed eyes.

Jensen twists his fingers, then pulls out and does it all again. Jensen’s breath grows raged and then Jared is there, surging off the bed, kissing him. Biting, nibbling, and biting again. There's more lube, a condom and more twists of Jensen’s fingers … then Jensen is kneeling almost, over Jared, pushing Jared’s legs even more apart and settles in.

Jensen goes slow. Too slow for Jared, who just arches again.
Jensen slides, then slides again, then bottoms out. All it takes is a twist of Jared’s hips, an arch towards Jensen to set them off. They bite, kiss and move. Move fast, then slow.
It’s a frenzy, but then it’s drawn out and loving.
It's everything, it's more than that, it's them together and Jensen doesn’t kept track, can’t. They need it. Need to reassure each other and themselves that they are there. That it’s really happening. That’s it’s not just one of their dreams neither admits of having.

It’s them.

Jared’s mouth is on his, biting again as he thrusts up. Jensen moves faster, loses himself in the rhythm, giving up the ability to hold back. He nearly loses it when Jared’s wraps a hand around himself. Jared almost screams when Jensen’s fingers join his and stroking hard together. Jensen’s feels Jared shiver, feels every twitch and move Jared makes.
They're connected and that thought is almost too much. Jared’s legs hook around Jensen, draw him closer, changing the angle, keep him deep.

Nothing's in focus anymore.

Lights, swirls, Jared swimming in and out of his vision.
Jensen closes his eyes, shuts everything out to focus on Jared. Just on Jared. Digs his hands into Jared’s hips, forces them to stay close, to thrust deeper even.
Then Jensen slows, throws his head back and with one last thrust, comes hard. Gasping, moaning and shuddering above Jared.

His hand is still moving around Jared’s cock, out of rhythm, fast and hard. Jensen's still twitching inside of him and then Jared arches, one last time, and then comes, spilling between them. Lips parted in a toneless cry as he comes. Every new pulse sends shivers and moans through Jensen’s body. They're still connected.

Jensen just doesn’t have the strength or the will to let go just yet. Jared groans out loud and then just sags back onto the bed, breathing heavily and pulling Jensen close. They don’t move, don’t talk. Just breathe and hold each other.

Jensen has never felt so at peace with the world, with himself.

Tangles his fingers in Jared’s hair, loosely, but not clenched. He buries his nose in them and just smells Jared. Jared chuckles, moans a little and doesn’t let go. And then Jared's asleep a second later.

Jensen goes to sleep still buried inside his lover, tangled in soft sheets and strong arms. The last thing he remembers is the thought that this is right, that this is what he wants, what he's wanted all along.


Jared wakes up feeling sated and hungover, all at the same time.
It’s a strange feeling. Nothing he wants to repeat so soon. At least not with the hangover in the mix. Jensen's still there, in his arms, sleeping peacefully besides him. All he can do is watch, look at the man in his arms, at the man he sometimes thought he’d never have.

They're gross, sticky and Jensen's still wearing the condom. But they aren’t connected anymore.
Jared misses it, misses the feeling of Jensen inside of him and knows it wasn’t just the alcohol making everything so intense. But still, Jared wonders how drunk they really were. He remembers everything and doesn’t really mind the mess they made.

The sun casts a strange light, Jensen is half in and half out of it. The sight makes Jared’s heart clench, mostly due to the beauty of it. But there's something else.

“Thinking again? Too early for that, Jay.”

“I know. I really do. I just….” Jared shrugs, not really sure what to say. He's never been good with mornings after and, really, this isn’t all that different. Thinking has always been his refuge, the way he's always dealt wit things.

He pulls Jensen close, kisses him and smiles. They move, separate and Jared immediately misses Jensen and pulls him close again. Jensen just snorts, but doesn’t protest against or even mock Jared for it. And then just plunges ahead and asks the question that's been on his mind all along.

“Why were you so reluctant? With us, I mean. There was something from the beginning, right? And then in Heathrow, but you were kind of blocking me when I came back to Texas. Did I do something? Say something?”

Jared kind of hates himself for how insecure he sounds.

“No. Not you. It’s.. I am a branded child, Jared. And then… I just thought it would be better if we were just friends. Heathrow changed a lot. Well, actually Thailand did.”

“What? Like you feel in love with a geek who then thought his brain was more important than you and left you?”

“Something like that, yes. He kind of let me down, when I came out to me parents and friends. He just went off and got holed up in a science project. He didn’t care if I was okay or not.”

“Oh Jensen … I'm not… I wouldn’t.” Jared pulls Jensen close, closer than before and Jensen lets him. It sends spike of love through his heart and Jared wonders if they're ready to say it. He decides not to rush things and instead focus on the here. At least that probably won’t send Jensen running for the hills.

“I know. I really do. But there's still Chris.” Jensen sounds sad and Jared knows, just knows what must be going on in Jensen’s head.

“Chris? But I never wanted anything from Chris. He's a good friend and all but I never even thought about him… not like that.”

“I know, Jay. But he did and maybe still does. And I… I don’t want…” Jensen doesn’t continue, just tugs his head against Jared’s neck and sighs. His shoulders heave under Jared’s hand.

“Yeah ... maybe. But it’s us, here. He’d want us happy, right? And you don’t want to hurt him, but did you ever think about him maybe wanting you to be happy? You're his best friend.. I'm… I'm just a friend.”

“I think you wanted to say his crush.”

“Uhm... Yeah?”

Jared hasn’t really talked to Chris at all since being back in Texas. Just a few emails and a call to tell him that he's back home. He doesn’t really know how to deal with it, especially since he knows how Jensen feels about the whole thing. But he likes Chris. Likes having him as a friend and he knows Jensen and Chris are close as well.

Every time he talks to Chris, they kind of get tangled up in a lot of flirting, innuendo and long meaningful talks about life, earth and the universe.
Jared just can’t help it.
It’s like an instant reaction to Chris even though Jared never really means any of it. He knows it’s his fault. It’s not like he wants to be with Chris, because that’s not it. There's nothing there that might remotely hint to that. But he knows that Chris wants to, that Chris is still trying.

Jared just sees Jensen. They've talked for hours about it, Jensen and him, not really reaching any kind of conclusion.

Jensen had been to two more concerts with Kane, shooting photos for the DVD and the tour book and Jared knows how hard it had been not to spill the beans, not to tell Chris everything. Jensen thinks it’s not the right moment, Jared doesn’t think he agrees.

But they have had long and deep discussions about it and Jared isn’t willing to spoil them finally being together with another one. There will be a time and a place to do that. Especially now.

“How long will you be here?”

“Just for today. Sorry, I wanted to tell you last night but we were kind of occupied.”

“That we were. Where to this time?”

“Australia. Just a week though. Nothing dangerous.”

“Good. I’ll miss you.”

Jared grins at Jensen’s smile.
They've come a long way, even after just this one night, and Jared thinks there are still undiscovered paths and obstacles not cleared. But they're on the right track. At least he hopes so.

Jensen is cuddled against him, head on Jared’s shoulder, one hand across Jared’s chest and a leg draped over Jared’s thigh. It’s comfortable and not awkward at all. Jared marvels at the easiness of them. Marvels at it like he did back in Thailand. Everything with them seems to be easy now while everything around them gets more and more complicated.

Jared is mouthing along Jensen’s hairline when his cell vibrates on the bedside table. He is tempted not to take the call. He doesn’t feel like talking to anyone at the moment. But the phone keeps vibrating and Jared finally gets annoyed with it.

He snags the phone with the hand not tangled in Jensen’s hair and doesn’t even bother looking at the caller ID.




Jensen immediately tenses up in Jared’s arms and Jared hates it. Jared hates that Jensen's so loyal to his friends that he's denying himself happiness. And even though he hates it, and maybe Chris a little as well, he also knows that he's being unfair.

“Hey man, just wanted to tell you that Steve and I are in town for a few days. We're playing on campus and, well, since you're back now I thought we could meet up. I haven’t seen you in ages. What do you say?”

“Uh… well yeah. Why not? Sure. When and where?”

Jensen's frowning at him. He doesn’t look happy at all and Jared gets it, he just doesn’t know what to do about it. He doesn’t want to hurt Jensen, but he doesn’t want to blow off Chris, either.

“Tomorrow evening at Dave’s? You know where it is? We start at eight. Would be cool to see you there.”

“Yeah, I know where it is. Okay. See you then. Say hi to Steve from me, okay? Bye.”

Jared drops the cell back onto the bedside table and pulls Jensen close again. He doesn’t really know what to say or how to act. So much for the morning after not being awkward. He doesn’t really get what Jensen’s problem is, but then he has never asked and maybe he should just do that.

“Jensen? Everything okay?”

“Yeah Jay. Things are fine.”

Jensen kisses his shoulder, hugs him tight and sighs.

Jared doesn’t believe a single word. But Jared still doesn’t want to spoil the moment, so he just kisses Jensen’s forehead and slowly rolls out of bed. He really, really needs a shower.

“Where are you going?”

“Shower. Wanna join me?”

“Maybe later. I think I'm not really able to move just now.”

Jensen grins and Jared feels his stomach flutter. It’s there and not gone as he feared. Jared knows it was stupid to think that, but he couldn’t help it. Jensen has been kind of a dream come true and Jared is worried that he would vanish if he lets himself have it.

“Old man.”

“Watch it, Sasquatch.”

Jensen’s laughter follows him into the shower and he shivers a little when he remembers the way Jensen's sprawled out on his bed. Grins at the fact that Jensen's actually sprawled out on his bed.

PART ONE: C (previous) * PART TWO: B and Epilogue (next)

genre: rps, character: jensen, character: jared, fandom: spn, challenge: bigbang, pairing: jared/jensen

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