(no subject)

Dec 02, 2011 08:30

Title:  Kiss Me Again
Author: Megan aka ianplanet  
Pairing:  Danny Kurily/Rian Dawson
Rating:  PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own these boys. title and cut goes too We Are The In Crowd
A/N: this is just a short little fluff thing i wrote a while ago. I posted it to my old LJ but yah it's about this photo.

Alex rolled his eyes as he left the house, hearing Danny and Rian’s laughter from the bathroom on the other side of the house. He sometimes gets jealous of how ridiculously in love those two are. But then he realizes he’s got his own perfect boyfriend, who’s currently fiddling with his Mickey Mouse air freshener.

Rian hears the door slam and doesn’t even bother to call out to see if someone has come in. He knew Alex was meeting up with Matt today. It’s their 2 year anniversary and Matt’s gonna pop the question, which he proceeds to tell Danny, his own boyfriend of almost a year.

“Are you serious right now. That asshole, why didn’t he tell me?” Rian only chuckles at the pout on his boyfriends face. He leans down to Danny’s face and kisses his lips, resulting in the pout disappearing.

“Lets finish my hair before I strip. There’s bits of hair down my shirt and it’s kinda itchy.” Laughing once again, Rian turns back on the razor and continues shaving the hair off Danny’s head.

Around 5 minutes later, he’s done. Danny stands up and looks in the mirror, squinting his eyes and looking at his hair at every possible angle. Rian rolls his eyes. Danny can be such a girl sometimes. When Danny starts to pull his iPhone out, Rian stops him.

“Hey, let’s do my hair first. Then a picture.” He says handing Danny the razor. Danny sighs but gives his boyfriend a light kiss and sits him down on the tub.

Rian’s hands are on his knees while Danny cuts his hair, but Danny’s taking a long time to cut his hair, so he slowly moves his hands to Danny’s legs. Then up towards his thighs. He can feel Danny stall a bit on his hair. Rian smirked and moved his hands up the front of Danny’s pants and directly to his hips, raising his shirt a little in the process.

“Rian.” Danny said, his tone having that slightly deeper sound he gets when he’s getting, well, excited. Rian laughed and just left his hands there, rubbing gentle circles into Danny’s hips.

“Voila! All done. Picture time!” Rian just stood up and wrapped his arms around his waist, bringing Danny against his body. He kissed him lightly on his lips, pulled away and just looked at him. He could get lost in his eyes.

“I love you.” Rian said. Danny didn’t hesitate when he responded, exploding with happiness every time Rian said those three words.

“I love you too.” Rian smiled and kissed Danny hard and quick on the lips. He then let go of him and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

“Okay, lets give ‘em what they want.” Rian said, they posed then snapped the picture.

“Goddamn, we are attractive.” Danny said looking over Rian’s shoulder as he tweeted the photo. He also set it as his home screen photo, smiling when he locked his phone and saw it.

“Now, I think it’s time we got these stray hairs off of us.” Danny said sliding his hands up Rian’s shirt. Rian let him take it all the way off, as Rian’s mouth attacked Danny’s. Danny started to giggle as Rian walked them backwards towards the tub.

Soon they were both under the warm spray of the shower. Rian’s arms around Danny.

“I’m gonna marry you some day, Mr. Dawson.” Danny said leaning back into Rian. Rian smiled, thinking about that ring hidden in the very back of his sock drawer.

“And I’m gonna marry you someday, Mr. Kurily.”

rating: pg-13, paring: danny kurily/rian dawson

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