More fandom meta, courtesy of the DW meme

Sep 05, 2006 12:34

Holy starfish batman, the "Take me, Time Lord!" fic was real? I thought it was made-up anon meme fic. OMG SOMEBODY LINK ME TO THIS SHIT. It's just not as funny being read on an anon meme as it is being read in its natural habitat ( Read more... )

doctor who, fandom meta, harry potter

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Comments 17

avidbeader September 5 2006, 22:41:22 UTC
I wouldn't consider you a "batchipper" - you have a sense of humor about yourself and your fandom. Which is what I think separates the shippers from the holy keep a sense of humor and persepective about it all. I went through a "crazy" stage with my Harry/Hermione...I think most people probably do when they first experience a fandom and HP was my first Internet fandom. If you feel you can't make a joke to someone about their ship without them going ballistic, there's your "batchipper".


kammgirl September 5 2006, 22:53:37 UTC
Do I meet that definition?


avidbeader September 5 2006, 22:58:21 UTC
I honestly don't know you well enough to say!


kammgirl September 5 2006, 23:02:39 UTC
Hee Cat does. I am a devout shipper, but nope I have never been batshit about them. Never thought they would never have another love, never said an unkind word about Martha, never slammed past companions that I never even watched and heck I don't even have a shrine.

I do think they were in love, I do think Rose was special and I would one day like to see her return. But that's it. I don't think the show or the world will stop because Rose is no longer there. It was the actress' choice to move on and I look forward to seeing her in her upcoming projects.


burn_so_pretty September 5 2006, 23:36:16 UTC
I'll raise my hand and say i probably take fandom far too seriously *blush* I'm mostly a sensible Harmonian but i can be a crazy one sometimes too.


stevie_jane September 6 2006, 01:41:17 UTC

The crazy ones tend to be the types that really do act like the world will end or life will no longer be worth living if their OTP doesn't come to pass. Or if it comes to pass and then.. stops or gets screwed over (which can happen, a lot) they just can't stop shouting about it.

I tend to think that letting stuff go and getting away from any fandom that's no longer fun is the way to to keep sane. If you always worry what other people say about your 'ship, your favourite character, or fandom in general it just creates stress.


iamtheliquorr September 6 2006, 02:47:52 UTC
Absolutely. Your first paragraph reminds me of those Harmonians who went around making sweeping claims that JKR ruined the series by not writing H/Hr, then claimed that they're ZOMG LEEEEEEVING THE FANDOM only to come back and bitch some more. A similar phenomenon went on in the Smallville fandom when overzealous Clana shippers claimed that the entire show was ruined b/c Clana was sunk (for the 141243214312th time). I've read posts in which fen claim they're so depressed over some fandom event that they make themselves physically sick. IMO, that's definitely taking shipping too far.

I tend to think that letting stuff go and getting away from any fandom that's no longer fun is the way to to keep saneSo much WORD to that. That reminds me of my Smallville days, too... in S4, I got bored/annoyed with the show to the extent that I no longer cared about it and quit watching. But I had Clana shipper friends who, for some unfathomable reason, kept watching week after week and then spent hours bitching and moaning on boards and on AIM. ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

iamtheliquorr September 6 2006, 02:50:08 UTC
Unfortunately not, sorry. :( Have you tried asking the person to re-upload? Most people are pretty cool about stuff like that.


surrexi September 6 2006, 05:38:32 UTC
For the record, anyone who uses such words to describe an OTP not only loses at the ship war, but at the internet and at life as wellUnless said OTP is Max/Liz from Roswell, because they were canonically that special, lol. But yeah, other than that, I totes agree. I mean, I get pretty fangirly and squee muchly over my fave ships (I mean, my initial reaction to the end of Lost's S2 finale was JACK/KATE THE LOOK OMG, so...yeah...), but with the notable exception of Max/Liz, I don't really throw around the word "soulmate" (I may have used it for Syd/Vaughn, but I don't remember). I might choose to use that word for Buffy/Angel, but not in a fluffy way, if that makes sense. They're like super!duper!angsty!soulmates. :/ I dunno. For me, whether one can safely use that word without crossing the crazy line depends on how the characters are written and how the story they inhabit is written. For example, I love Jack/Kate, but if someone said OMG THEIR SOULMATES LYKE WHOA!!!11!ELEVENTY! I would express skepticism over that claim. They' ( ... )


curse you, comment limits! surrexi September 6 2006, 05:39:17 UTC

Non-Canon/Unconventional Crazies
If one ever takes a non-canon/unconventional couple and says "they're actually canon and here's why," that automatically makes them crazy in my book. Subtext is called subtext for a reason, so don't try and justify a canon classification with that. Also, just because it hasn't been explicitly said that it didn't happen, that doesn't mean it did. For example, just because Sam and Dean haven't actually said they've never done porny things with one another, that doesn't mean that they have. (A Wincester actually tried that one on me when I had the gall to suggest that Wincest isn't canon.) I would say H/Hr shippers are in general more guilty of the "but we're really canon" claim than any other ship I've seen in any fandom - see all the post-HBP wank for examples. Which brings me to another one - if someone ever, in the course of defending/explaining their ship, claims to know that character better than the person who created it (whether it be a book writer *coughJKR+H/Hrshipperscought* or a group ( ... )


Re: curse you, comment limits! iamtheliquorr September 6 2006, 09:00:27 UTC
Hey, don't worry about the tl;dr--I found it interesting! I actually agree on a lot of those points. About the non-canon crazies, I don't get that attitude that it ZOMG HAS TO BE CANON. I think what happens a lot in the HP fandom is that people get all hung up on canon, so when you say "I ship H/Hr" they're like "ZOMG but H/Hr has no support in canon!" And I'm like, who cares? For me, shipping does not necessarily mean we want/expect the pairing to become canon. It simply means we enjoy it. I enjoy H/Hr (and D/Hr) as a non-canon pairing... I'm perfectly happy getting my fix through fic and art and fun little subtexty moments.

It's quite ironic coming from the Buffy fandom, in which people look at you like you're nuts if you ship a canon couple.


Re: curse you, comment limits! surrexi September 6 2006, 20:17:19 UTC
Well I'm glad you found it interesting ( ... )


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