More fandom meta, courtesy of the DW meme

Sep 05, 2006 12:34

Holy starfish batman, the "Take me, Time Lord!" fic was real? I thought it was made-up anon meme fic. OMG SOMEBODY LINK ME TO THIS SHIT. It's just not as funny being read on an anon meme as it is being read in its natural habitat.

I was actually starting to seriously wonder something... what separates a "batchipper" from a so-called "sane" Rose/Doctor fan?  Am I a batchipper?  It's true that I might appear pretty crazy at first... I tend to fangirl excessively and intersperse episode reviews with frequent OMG!!s, SQUEE!s, ALDJFADSKJFDFS!11!s, or variations thereof if something shippy happens (see my "Satan Pit" review, for example).  I love my ship muchly and tend to act stupid over it, but that's just my personality. If you guys took half the stuff I say on this LJ seriously... well, that would be frightening.  Fangirling is fun, after all.  As someone on the infamous and glorious JE anon meme said, the internet is where you go after you finish having a social life.  It's not your life.  Sometimes acting like 12-yr-old over a fandom is a fun way to relax and escape the pressures of work, school, and other everyday life stuff.

I've generally considered a "crazy shipper" in any fandom as someone who takes their OTP waayyyyy too seriously.  Take the "duck" variety of B/A shippers for example. They tend to be really aggressive and evangelical, and they way they talk about B/A, you'd think it was a holy sacrament or something.  The words "transcendant," "eternal," "soulmates," and the like come up often. (For the record, anyone who uses such words to describe an OTP not only loses at the ship war, but at the internet and at life as well).  I use the above criteria to more or less distinguish the "crazy" Harmonians from the "sane" ones as well... basically, my take on a "crazy" shipper is anyone who goes beyond "X and Y are prettyyy and I heart them" to "X and Y have an OMGZ speshul luff that transcends all the dirty hormonal lust that X and Z or Y and W feel and they will be united in spiritual soulmate bliss fotevah."  You get the idea.

When it all comes down, I just don't take shipping that seriously, or fandom, for that matter. I used to, but now I see that it's just not worth it. While it is fun to engage in friendly debate or discussion over a show, I don't feel the need to argue for hours that ZOMG Rose is SPESHUL, rilly!!1eleventy!!  I frankly don't care that much.  I had many opportunities to argue with people in T&C and I just chose to ignore them, b/c it was not like I was going to change their minds or anything.  I did spooge a bit over the Martha wank b/c it was just stupid, but ya know... we all have our weak moments.  That's why I was a bit surprised and flattered at making the list of Rose fans who need to STFU... I didn't think I fapped about her that much on T&C (here is another story, LOL).  But those entries were mostly public, so maybe more people found their way to my humble little LJ than I thought?

Soooooo... before I wandered OT, I was wondering... what do you guys think constitutes a "crazy shipper?"  (Not just in DW but in other fandoms as well... e.g. what distinguishes a crazy Harmonian from a "sane" one?)  Would you consider me a batchipper?  (And if you do, I won't be offended... hell, I'll probably say thank you).  So pull up a chair at our lunch table and discuss.  Oh, and don't forget... on Tuesdays we wear pink!

doctor who, fandom meta, harry potter

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