More fandom meta, courtesy of the DW meme

Sep 05, 2006 12:34

Holy starfish batman, the "Take me, Time Lord!" fic was real? I thought it was made-up anon meme fic. OMG SOMEBODY LINK ME TO THIS SHIT. It's just not as funny being read on an anon meme as it is being read in its natural habitat ( Read more... )

doctor who, fandom meta, harry potter

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curse you, comment limits! surrexi September 6 2006, 05:39:17 UTC

Non-Canon/Unconventional Crazies
If one ever takes a non-canon/unconventional couple and says "they're actually canon and here's why," that automatically makes them crazy in my book. Subtext is called subtext for a reason, so don't try and justify a canon classification with that. Also, just because it hasn't been explicitly said that it didn't happen, that doesn't mean it did. For example, just because Sam and Dean haven't actually said they've never done porny things with one another, that doesn't mean that they have. (A Wincester actually tried that one on me when I had the gall to suggest that Wincest isn't canon.) I would say H/Hr shippers are in general more guilty of the "but we're really canon" claim than any other ship I've seen in any fandom - see all the post-HBP wank for examples. Which brings me to another one - if someone ever, in the course of defending/explaining their ship, claims to know that character better than the person who created it (whether it be a book writer *coughJKR+H/Hrshipperscought* or a group of TV writers), that makes them crazy. Especially when it's a single creator - with TV writers, it is possible for one writer to write character X better than another writer, after all. And plot devices do sometimes send characters wildly out of character - this happened fairly often on Alias. But still. When I see an H/Hr shipper say that they know the characters better than JKR, I immediately think they've forgotten their medication for today, no matter how lucid anything else they say may be.

Aaaand, I better shut up now, because I've already exceeded the comment limit once. Heh. Sorry for getting all tl;dr on you, lol.


Re: curse you, comment limits! iamtheliquorr September 6 2006, 09:00:27 UTC
Hey, don't worry about the tl;dr--I found it interesting! I actually agree on a lot of those points. About the non-canon crazies, I don't get that attitude that it ZOMG HAS TO BE CANON. I think what happens a lot in the HP fandom is that people get all hung up on canon, so when you say "I ship H/Hr" they're like "ZOMG but H/Hr has no support in canon!" And I'm like, who cares? For me, shipping does not necessarily mean we want/expect the pairing to become canon. It simply means we enjoy it. I enjoy H/Hr (and D/Hr) as a non-canon pairing... I'm perfectly happy getting my fix through fic and art and fun little subtexty moments.

It's quite ironic coming from the Buffy fandom, in which people look at you like you're nuts if you ship a canon couple.


Re: curse you, comment limits! surrexi September 6 2006, 20:17:19 UTC
Well I'm glad you found it interesting :)

I've been into a few non-canon/unconventional couples in my fandom time. My second-favorite Roswell couple is Michael/Isabel, and I enjoy fic for a lot of other UC couples as well - Michael/Liz (which, omg, breaks up M/L!), Kyle/Isabel, etc. But I don't feel the need to go hunting through the episodes to find omgcanonevidence!

In general, I'm a pretty canon-centered shipper, not because I'm hung up on it, per se, but because I usually like the pairings that end up being canon - Max/Liz, Syd/Vaughn, Jack/Kate (perhaps "conventional" would be a better label for them, until Kate chooses? at which point, if J/K becomes non-canon, I'll still ship it, lol), OBHWF, etc. But that doesn't mean that I'm not open to checking out some fic or whatever for a non-canon couple.

I watched Buffy on and off, so I was never really in the fandom. I guess you could say I ship Buffy/Angel, but I've never gone looking for fic or anything for them. So I don't really know much about the climate in the fandom, other than the fact that people make fun of B/A shippers, lol.


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