first psych-out [COMMENTLOG]

May 22, 2010 20:03

[ Someone is knocking at your door. Obviously, it is someone new. Luckily, it is someone who is mostly nosy instead of mostly stupid and is somewhat oblivious to what's going, though he knows that whatever it is, it is not good. Which is why he's not quite stopping knocking until he gets an answer and a room to duck into for a while. ]Singing ( Read more... )

you can trust this, he really is lying, psychic at the door, he might be lying, introduction

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internalcage May 23 2010, 01:14:50 UTC
[A telegram? What?

Reiner started to move to his feet and to the door with a book in his hand. Although for a moment, he thought the man on the other side of his door was saying he was from the police department. He hasn't done anything to break the law...

Soon enough, the door was open and the cursed man blinked at Shawn.]

E...Excuse me?


i_psy May 23 2010, 01:23:30 UTC
-- Thank you, sir, for opening up! I would've had to resort to actual sexy singing if you hadn't, and we both-- [ Knowing glance ]-- do not want that in these dire times.

However, I don't know much about these dire times aside from the fact that they're dire and I'm a little creeped out with the whole kidnapping business and the weird messages I'm getting on this. [ Holding up his communicator! ]


internalcage May 23 2010, 01:30:16 UTC
[He glanced over to the communicator in the others hand before looking back up. The man stepped back as an indication to come inside, if Shawn wanted to.]

Well, I don't know the details of how the people on this ship got here. As for the device there, you can talk to others. Kind of like a cellphone but a journal at the same time, sir.


i_psy May 23 2010, 01:34:20 UTC
[ And Shawn is going right on in! ] ... So I could've-- should've, taken heed of all the warnings about that girl named Jennifer on this thing and stayed in my room and contacted everyone that way.

-- Not important right now. You said you know details? Details are good! And I could really use some.


internalcage May 23 2010, 01:38:42 UTC
[Reiner blinked in surprise before rising a hand and finger, all covered in bandages that go straight under his sleeve.]

I said I don't. I've been inside my room avoiding getting killed. I'm no hero and I can't do anything of worth unlike some other people on this boat.


i_psy May 23 2010, 01:45:34 UTC
... Wait, people are getting killed?

[ He's putting together some pieces, but it's a very incomplete picture at this point. He's usually great at this kind of thing, but stepping into the actually supernatural has never been a strong point. ]

And that Jennifer girl is doing the killing?


internalcage May 23 2010, 01:52:45 UTC
I think so. If people are loosing articles of clothing.

[There's a sigh as he moves further in to his room, side-stepping the several stacks of books.]

I wouldn't know. I don't want to get involved.

[He rubbed at his bandaged arm for a moment. Frowning at the possible thoughts if he came in to contact with her.]


i_psy May 23 2010, 01:58:15 UTC
[ Finally getting a good look at that bandaged arm. Okay, this guy doesn't have details, but he's gotten into some trouble-- ask about that! ]

... I'm sure the little spirits don't need to tell me this, but you must've gotten into some trouble. This boat isn't a very friendly one, is it?


internalcage May 23 2010, 02:01:41 UTC
[Actually there was bandages on both of his arms, from finger tip to shoulder.

He blinked as he quickly glanced down at the magical gauze on his limbs.]

These? No, I've had these since I came here. I'm fine, really.

[Topic change, since he was feeling kind of nervous.]

The people I've met have been friendly, I haven't run in to any unfriendly faces.


i_psy May 23 2010, 02:11:54 UTC
Well, if you say so. Looks like a lot of damage, though... [ Taking another glance at that, but turning his gaze to all the books instead. To avoid awkwardness. ]

That's good to hear! And I guess you haven't run out of reading material during all the nasty business going down, huh?


internalcage May 23 2010, 02:20:22 UTC
[You'd be pretty close to the right answer. Although that makes the cursed one paused in his moments. When did he last drain them? That wasn't good.]

There's a library on deck 8 that has a lot of books and novels to go through.

[But most of them here are something to do with curses, fantasy, and sci-fi.]

Ah, I didn't get your name.


i_psy May 23 2010, 02:22:28 UTC
Good to know! I guess it'd be kind of hard to get there now, though, what with all the... [ Vaguely gestures to his communicator. ] Stuff.

-- Right! How rude of me. Shawn Spencer, Head Psychic of the Santa Barbara Police Department, and usually very good at getting a head start with kidnapping cases, but-- well. The little spirits are being fickle with information.


internalcage May 23 2010, 02:35:34 UTC
[There's a nod before a blink.]

I thought -- Ah nevermind.

[He shook his head and scratched the back of his head although paused briefly to glance in the mirror and around the bandages. Sorry, slight paranoia at the moment. Once things were okay, he gave a sigh before looking back.]

Its nice to meet you, Shawn. I'm Reiner Vaughn Keifer.

[Whoops, he said his middle name. That was a bit of a bad habit.]


i_psy May 23 2010, 02:44:33 UTC
You thought...?

[ Well, he's picking up on that much-- so what does Shawn do with people who are awkward and paranoid? Try to break the ice as much as possible! So he's holding out a hand to shake. ]

That's a fancy name. You a baron somewhere or something?


internalcage May 23 2010, 02:50:44 UTC
[There was a bit of hesistation from Reiner but he reached his hand over to shake.]

No, I'm nothing like that. I'm just a normal, human being.

[With a curse that made him learn about other's through skin contact.]


i_psy May 23 2010, 03:11:39 UTC
[ Shaking his hand! ]

Right. That's what we all are! With... the exception of yours truly, but I'm mostly your average, everyday man aside from that one part.


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