My thoughts on upcoming writing challenges and other ways to procrastinate actually writing...

Jan 05, 2010 21:03

So I figured I'd think about what to do for my challenges...

I've got three prompted challenges so no need to worry about those... J2_everafter retelling of Treasure Planet, and exchange fics for Numb3rs and SPN.

I've also got three table challenges that I plan on finished off soon for 10_hurt_comfort (Leverage), ships50 (Original), ( Read more... )

writing, challenge: big bang

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Comments 14

huntress69 January 6 2010, 05:28:25 UTC choose Door #1 (Ellicott turns them into killers, I love psycho boys) or Door #6, where nobody knows the brother's exist. Ooh, I can't decide!!!


hunters_retreat January 6 2010, 05:35:44 UTC
I've had the psycho boys in mind for a while... either way it will get written eventually.. they both will :P It's just a matter of timing. But I think I fell in love with the idea of killer Sam and Dean after starting my Understanding Verse and how much fun it would be to just take them to that edge :P And what would happen if anyone was ever able to bring them back from it... would they be remorseful? WOuld it matter once they started, could they just blame it on Ellicott and go back to just killing the supernatural? It would be fun.

On the other hand... amnesia boys who have no one else to turn to? That fascinates me :P


ruben_c83 January 6 2010, 05:28:44 UTC
For the spn_j2_bigbang, I'm definitely thinking you should go with the one you think is your winner. "While These Visions Did Appear", I think it will be epic.


hunters_retreat January 6 2010, 05:37:06 UTC
I think it could be too :P And just soooo much fun to write. I can see the boys trying to figure out what to do, muscle memory telling them what feels right but not knowing why :P Lots of fun to go on there!


zannes January 6 2010, 05:42:09 UTC
For your Dark Angel idea where everyone sleeps with everybody (pornapalooza!) it would be awesome if you could do something where Logan sleeps with Alec and then Alec sleeps with Max, because in a twisted way, it's the only way Max and Logan can ever be together. Alec is the medium through which they can show physical affection. It would be an interestingly twisted psychological insight into all three of them, what they are willing to do and to give up in order to maintain this modicum of happiness they find as a kind of family.


hunters_retreat January 6 2010, 05:46:01 UTC
Oh wow.. hadn't thought about it like that... this way of touching where someone else touched (like the one scene where they're touching hands through the glass between them). I think I might have to pick that up whether I bang it or not.. i'm not sure I can make enough plot to stick with that or if it'd just turn into this massive porn installment on me :P

I do love the idea of seeing how they all interconnect like that, and the way Alec needs a purpose and Max needs to have her own life, but Logan takes care of things... I could easily see Alec and Logan having a life together with Max coming in whenever it suits her, taking what she can of Logan through Alec and then leaving again before it becomes too painful ...


zannes January 6 2010, 05:55:13 UTC
It could even be Alec's gift to them, and they don't really realize what it is until later - like Max sees him with Logan, and then Alec comes to her still smelling of Logan, so when they have sex and she closes her eyes, it's almost like it is Logan, and Alec does the same things to her that Logan did to him, so she has that visual in her head. If that makes any sense.

I think way too much about the sex lives of fictional characters.


hunters_retreat January 6 2010, 05:58:16 UTC
ROFL! Somehow... I don't think your alone (even in this thread :P)

It's an interesting play on their relationship. In the one episode she's trying to push Logan away by telling him she's with Alec and it's what made me start thinking about this in the first place.


devon99 January 6 2010, 18:53:53 UTC
Charlie disappears!! Charlie disappears!! Do that one!!!

LOl, not that I'm trying to sway you, but DO THAT ONE!!!


hunters_retreat January 6 2010, 20:49:12 UTC
Tee hee hee... I like that idea too :P Will have to flush it out a little more and probably bug the crap out of my Numb3rs friends for canon references (since i'm still in Season 3) to see a killer would go after... but I think there are a lot of possibilities :P So yeah!


alldunn January 6 2010, 20:51:43 UTC
If I get to put my vote in, cause we all know they will eventually get written, I say go with the last first. My other votes are for Whatever You Want, You Got It and To Be A Hunter.

I know you are a big Logan/Alec fan. But if you stay stumped and museless, mind a suggestion? Check out a fic by poisontaster. She has a couple, here.  Inspired by this

They are Alec/Joshua, but not as squicky as you would think. Give it a try, it will blow your mind away, and open. I could not believe how much sense it made after reading them.


hunters_retreat January 6 2010, 20:57:44 UTC
OH! I love poisontaster but I know I haven't read any Alec/Joshua. Someone mentioned them to me once and I was just like... huh... will definitely check those out!


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