My thoughts on upcoming writing challenges and other ways to procrastinate actually writing...

Jan 05, 2010 21:03

So I figured I'd think about what to do for my challenges...

I've got three prompted challenges so no need to worry about those... J2_everafter retelling of Treasure Planet, and exchange fics for Numb3rs and SPN.

I've also got three table challenges that I plan on finished off soon for 10_hurt_comfort (Leverage), ships50 (Original), andspn_30snapshots (SPN)  Long overdue on all three of them but I think it's a good time to hit them up (before school starts up again and pressure is too much!)

Which leaves me with smallfandom_bb, apocabigbang, spn_j2_bigbang, sncross_bigbang, and numb3rs_bigbang.  So...

smallfandom_bb: I chose to go with Dark Angel.  I adore Alec/Logan so it's rather surprising to me that I have NO ideas for this.  When I go into my computer files there are no ideas listed that I can toy with either.  Right now i'm thinking of toying with the Max/Logan, Max/Alec, Alec/Logan thing.  The idea that she accepts that she can't be with Logan so she turns to Alec.  Then the idea that Alec knows what she's doing and doesn't really care(because he's not that invested), but then he starts helping Logan out with Eyes Only and starts to have feelings for him.  But that isn't really exciting me much.  Maybe something else... Logan and Alec are caught on a mission and held in a small room together.  Manticore plans to leave them to die that way, but like everything else, they continue to use it to test their experiments.  They seal them in the room with a limited food and water supply.  Their water supply is randomly drugged so supplies can be dropped in without incident.   OH!  Or after the end of the series  Alec take offs, getting away from Terminal City.  He ends up cage fighting again and does it for a few years.  He's successful at it and despite the appearance he gives when he shows up, he's got a lot of money.  He hears a lot of commotion as he's leaving one night and goes to see what it is.  Logan is there, in his wheelchair with some guys harassing him because he won big on the fight. They reconnect and try to put their lives back together. OR Alec and Logan are playing happily ever after until Manticore sends someone to remind them it's never over.  They have Max.  They'll let her go.  All it will take is Alec to take her place.  (They use her for whatever they needed her for, but she's too weak to continue and they want new blood.)  So.. some thoughts.

apocabigbang:  I'm gonna do a Terminator/Dark Angel crossover.  Based on my story Ink, this will be about Alec and how he gets captured by the machines and how the Transgenics are used by them and sold out/hunted almost to extinction.  He manages to make it out alive with the help of  a pair of brothers, Kyle and Derek Reese.  They escape, they fight well together and Alec and Derek develop into something more.  Alec isn't very trusting about his secret though, after all, he was sold to the machines in the first place, but can Derek push through his mistrust and reach Alec?  Or will Alec's secret be the betrayal that pushed Derek completely away?

sncross_bigbang:  SPN/Dollhouse.  I'm doing a sequel to the story I wrote for this challenge last year.  In Memories Forgotten, Sam finds his brother but he has no memory of Sam or their life together.  They fight the Dollhouse and win and take off for their happily ever after.  Or do they?  Adelle DeWitt isn't the sort of woman to take the loss of 5 actives so easily, nor is she known for conceding defeat so quickly as she did that night.  But the Dollhouse hides more than just smoke and mirrors and as the end of days creeps up, a handful of people will be called upon to save all of humanity.  But are they hunters of the right caliber?  Or are they pretty dolls, waiting for the Dollhouse to pull their strings?

numb3rs_bigbang: Um... not a clue really.  Only idea... "Architect of his own demise" Don becomes upset when he realizes he needs Charlie to do his job.  When their personal lives and careers continue to intertwine more and more, what will Don do to keep his brother away?  What lengths will he be willing to go to keep his deep dark secrets?  OH....  Or someone takes an interest in Don.  Suddenly everyone that he's even been in love with is disappearing and being found murdered in gruesome ways.  It all comes to a head when Charlie disappears. (Oh.. I like that one :P  Yeah for brainstorming!)

And lastly:  spn_j2_bigbang:  A few ideas:
    "The Rockford Files" - Ellicott got to both Sam and Dean at the asylum, but instead of turning them against one another, they started a killing spree :P
     "To Be A Hunter" - Indentured slave society in modern times.  Hunters and the supernatural are known.  To be a hunter you have to go through 7 years of indentured servitude.  People with psychic ability are unable to 'learn' to use their powers unless they agree to it.  Dean goes on a hunt and the hunter he's with dies, handing him the deed to the indentured servant he was on the way to pick up.  He'd been placed with a psychic for a year of training.  He has 6 years left.
     "Whatever You Want, You Got It - Sam gets a curse placed on him so that people do whatever he wants them to.  It's subtle though, not superficial wants, but the things Sam wants from people they meet along the way.  They move around so much that they don't notice it until they come back through a town two years after a hunt.  At the time Sam wished she'd go back to school and find a way to step up against her boyfriend and realize she deserved better.  When they see her, she's in college and she left the guy, not willing to settle for anything.  They see other people and they're just like Sam hoped they'd become.  They start looking back and trace the curse back to 6 months before that.  They can get it reversed, but Sam is terrified of what will happen when Dean is no longer under the control of the curse.  After all, they'd become lovers in the same little town.  
     "Blood" - When Sam was 16, Dean realized that he was one of the 'special children' his father had started hearing about.  Afraid of what his father would do to the brother he adored, Dean told Sam to leave.  He sent him away, giving him all the money he had and a PO Box their father didn't know he had.  Dean continued to send money there over the years, and little bits and pieces of things from where he'd been to let Sam know he still thinks of him, but he's always been too worried about John finding him to meet face to face.  Everything seemed to be fine, until Sam shows up at a dive bar, Jess dead by a demon's hand, hell bent on tracking the monster that killed her. 
     Gross Pointe Blank AU -  Dean leaves without a word to anyone on the night of his senior prom.  Years later Bobby Singer puts a call out to all able bodied hunters because the YED is getting ready to come out and he needs to know who he can count on.  John Winchester can't take the time off hunting to go, but he sends his son Sam.  They talk about what to do with Ellen, Jo, Caleb, and Pastor Jim, but then another visitor comes.  Dean.  During a fight, Dean admits that he left because he realized he was in love with his little brother.  At the end, Dean almost gets shot by Sam who tells him it was a warning and if he tried it again he'd kill him, and they drive off, happily ever after :P
     "While These Visions Did Appear" - John decides that the boys are in too much danger so he casts a spell over them to make everyone but a select few forget that the Winchester brothers ever existed.  Something goes wrong though and no one remembers the Winchester brothers, not their father, not Bobby, not even the Winchester brothers.  What remains though are two men who know how to hunt, who are unerringly devoted to one another, but with no idea why.  They continue on the road, saving people, hunting things, but with no one to remember who they are, will they ever get fixed?  ((This is my current winner for ideas :P))

writing, challenge: big bang

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