Fanfiction: Growing Pains, Chapter 6

Jul 17, 2007 20:36

Title: Growing Pains, Chapter 6
Pairing: OT5
Rating: R
Summary: Sex, sex and more mindless sex

EDIT: Have decided to create a writing journal for all my fics! Can be found at sugarfrosting

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

HAHAHA okay here it is, the last chapter, and I think the summary says it all XD Thought I'd end it off with a final OT5 because, well, that's the whole point of the fic, and I apologise for this terrible, terrible ending because I have no idea where it's going XD Thank you all for reading and leaving such wonderful comments and I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did coming up with it =D

Changmin thinks, hazily, that maybe he should get up and leave -he’s drunk, but not that drunk- but then there are lips on his neck, kissing and moving down, down, down to his collarbone, and Changmin can’t help but think of how nice it feels. He hasn’t been touched this way in a week, and the other man smells faintly of mint and clean bedsheets, and he is really good with his tongue. Changmin squirms slightly as the man moves back up the line of his neck, and can’t quite help the groan that escapes, and is rewarded with a low laugh that does nothing to ease his frustration.

“Enjoying this, are we?” The voice is back, close by his ear, and Changmin realizes he still can’t see, damnit, with his hair in his eyes like that.

“Maybe.” He fights the sound that threatens to spill forth as the man settles himself more firmly on his hips. “I’d enjoy it more if you’d leave my hands free.”

“Oh? I’m not sure that’d be a good idea.”

Changmin laughs. “I’m not going anywhere.”

He feels the other’s hesitation, then finally, “True”, and suddenly his wrists are no longer pinned to the bed, even as he is being thoroughly kissed, lips soft and tongue gently probing, and Changmin sinks into it with a sigh, his hands reaching up to thread through soft hair, his hands then making their way down, fingers tracing patterns down a smooth, bare back, and oh, that’s nice, that-

“Chunnie-ah! You said you wouldn’t start without me!”

Changmin jerks involuntarily towards the sound, even as he feels the other man pulling away with a twinge of regret. He knows that voice. “Su?” He manages, mind still hazy with drink and trying desperately to reconcile the familiar voice to a face. “Junsu-ah, is that you?”

He pushes his fringe out his eyes irritably and oh, it’s Yoochun, Yoochun’s who’s half-naked and on him, Yoochun who was kissing him only a moment ago and Yoochun who smells of mint and bedsheets and Changmin can’t help but flush hotly. Yoochun attempts a shrug and a placating smile. “They threw him in here before you came back! What else was I supposed to do? I had to keep him distracted.”

Junsu pouts and Changmin flushes even more to see his best friend is missing a shirt, too. Not that he’s never seen Junsu topless before, just never under such…circumstances.

“Well, you’ve had your fun. It’s my turn now, get off.”

Yoochun gapes in outrage. “For all of five minutes! No! I’ve barely gotten started yet, look, he’s still fully clothed.”

Junsu glares. Nobody refuses Kim Junsu. Especially when he pouts. He advances on the bed, arms crossed. “Off! Now! Or you’re not getting any from me later.”

Yoochun smirks. “Well, then, maybe I’ll just keep Changmin-ah for a while, then. Or go find Jaejoong. I do owe him a couple of favours, after all.”

Junsu’s eyes widen. “You wouldn’t!” And then he is launching himself on Yoochun, who topples from his perch on Changmin with a grunt, and they meet in the middle in a tangle of limbs and lips and teeth and Changmin can’t help but watch in fascination as it quickly devolves into a all out battle for dominance, which Junsu wins, surprisingly, straddling a breathless Yoochun with a cry of triumph, cut off abruptly when Yoochun pulls him down roughly into a kiss, and then Yoochun is bucking upwards, causing Junsu to moan, the sound swallowed up by Yoochun, and-

“Excuse me!”

Both boys freeze in unison, faces caught in identical expressions of guilt, and Changmin almost laughs, but doesn’t, and would have clapped a hand over his traitorous mouth, except it’s too late now. Junsu climbs off of Yoochun quickly, and Yoochun sits up.

“You’re right, I’m sorry”, and then Junsu is kissing him, and this is so much better than the first time under the tree. Changmin can smell Junsu’s fruity shampoo, so different from Yoochun’s scent, even as Junsu pushes him, gently but firmly, hand on chest, until he is lying down again. Changmin reaches up to pull Junsu closer, and manages to pant, in between gulping breaths of air, “Shirt. Off. Now”, and Junsu is only too happy to oblige.

Junsu is drawing lazy circles on Changmin’s bare chest with his tongue, Changmin’s hands in his hair and panting, attempting to direct Junsu’s mouth to a sorely neglected nipple when he feels hands on his belt, Yoochun grinning at him wickedly from his place about Changmin’s hip. Changmin barely has time to register what’s happening before his pants are undone and off and Yoochun is leaning down and breathing and Changmin’s hips jerk upwards involuntarily when suddenly there is heat and warmth and wet and oh, god and then he is moaning under Yoochun’s assault, jumbled phrases and nonsense words, and lets Junsu muffle his cries with his mouth.


“In here!” Yunho is tugging on Jaejoong’s hand and pulling him into the room right next door the moment he has the door locked and the key slipped safely into his jeans pocket. Jaejoong almost stumbles in the darkness, until Yunho flicks on a lamp, the dim light illuminating the room weakly.

“Where are we?”

“Antechamber”, Yunho replies briskly as he advances on a door in the far corner. “Well? Don’t you want to know what’s happening?”

It takes a moment for it to sink in, and then Jaejoong is grinning widely and following. He pats Yunho affectionately on the hip. “Smart boy.”

“Shh.” Yunho’s face is scrunched up in concentration as he unlocks the other door and slips it open a crack, and Jaejoong cranes to peer in.

The other room is just as dimly lit as theirs is, and Jaejoong spies Changmin on the bed, Yoochun straddling him, seemingly engrossed in whatever he’s doing, and Jaejoong wonders where Junsu is. He doesn’t have to wonder long, however. Yunho nudges him lightly and Jaejoong turns to see Junsu emerging from the bathroom.

“This isn’t very interesting”, Jaejoong whispers, and Yunho nudges him, but harder this time. “Shh!”

Jaejoong rolls his eyes. An irate Junsu is currently confronting a clearly too-pleased Yoochun. “Yunhoooo”, he pouts, tugging on Yunho’s elbow. “Let’s go check out your Porsche.”


Jaejoong glowers. There’s no reasoning with Yunho when he’s this absorbed in anything, and sighs. “What’re they doing now?”

“Junsu just tackled Yoochun.”

Jaejoong rolls his eyes. Typical! Wrestling like little boys. “You’d think they’d get on with it already. I mean, we practically delivered a drunk and helpless Changmin-ah to them!”

“No, wait, they’re making out now. Junsu’s on top. Hey, look”, and Yunho is tugging on Jaejoong’s shirt, and Jaejoong peers in with a sigh, more to satisfy the other boy that anything else.

Hm. Junsu is on top, his back to them, and Jaejoong squints in the dimness. He does have a nice butt. He can make out sounds now, as Junsu is pulled down roughly by Yoochun, and Jaejoong smirks at the sight of a rumpled, utterly disgruntled Changmin. Yunho’s right, it is kind of hot, he thinks, as Yoochun bucks upwards and Junsu moans and then-

“Excuse me!”

Yunho turns to Jaejoong with a smirk. “Looks like Changmin-ah isn’t too happy about being ignored.”

“Shh!” It is Jaejoong’s turn to shush him, his eyes glued to the scene unfolding mere steps away from where they’re hidden. Changmin is lying down, now, and Junsu is kissing him, and damn, Jaejoong squirms uncomfortably, that is quite a scene. He wonders absently if Junsu is as good a kisser as it looks, and then Yoochun is there, and oh. Jaejoong tilts his head to get a better look, and out of the corner of his eye, notices that Yunho is doing the same thing.

“Did you know Yoochun was this good with his mouth?” Jaejoong’s eyes are on Changmin now, a very naked Changmin, writhing and making delectable sounds and having the time of his life, it seems, and he can’t believe he’s actually passed up several chances to make Changmin look and sound like that.

Yunho is shifting on his feet and Jaejoong turns to stare, curious. Yunho feels Jaejoong’s eyes on him and caves instantly. “Er. I do, actually.”

Jaejoong gapes. “You told me you weren’t that kind of friends!”

“We’re not! It was just once. It was last year and we were both drunk and it was just that. I think we both passed out after I was done.”

Jaejoong is laughing then, but softly, hand over his mouth, and Yunho scowls but turns back to watching, and even Jaejoong is distracted long enough to forget what he was laughing about as the pace picks up, Yoochun never missing a beat, and Changmin’s pants grow louder and harsher, hips thrusting upwards seamlessly and pulling a breathless Junsu closer, closer, closer, and Jaejoong can’t quite ignore the way his pants seem too tight, now.

“You know”, Yunho’s breath is hot by his ear, his own arousal evident against Jaejoong’s thigh, “I’ll take you up on that Porsche offer now.”

While that idea is extremely tempting right now, Jaejoong nudges Yunho away gently with his hip. “Deal with it yourself. I want to see how this ends.” Seconds later he realizes that dealing with it himself is an extremely good idea, and from the sound of a second zipper being drawn down seconds after the first, and Yunho’s soft intake of breath, Jaejoong knows the other boy’s taken him up on his suggestion, even as he concentrates on the scene in front of him, hand stroking idly.

Changmin cries out then, the sound pure and clear and oh god, Jaejoong manages to think, his hand speeding up, if this is what Changmin sounds like at the end, then he has been very stupid, very stupid indeed, and Yoochun is grinning and easing the younger boy through the aftershocks with deft licks. And then Yunho stumbles, suddenly, right into him, and Jaejoong tries to catch hold of the door in front of him but his hand is still inside his pants and his jeans are halfway down his knees and they only serve to tangle his legs up and then he is falling, falling, and Yunho is falling on him, and they are falling in a heap of limbs and-


Changmin blinks when Jaejoong and Yunho tumble into the room and onto the plush carpeting, seemingly from nowhere, until he notices the wide open door that had previously blended so well into the wallpaper. Junsu is standing up with a frown. “You shouldn’t be here!”

Jaejoong groans, extracting his hand from his pants, and Changmin smirks. “This is all your fault, Yunho-ah.”

Yunho flushes. “I’m sorry! I tripped, and, er, we’re just going to go.” He attempts to do up his pants and fails miserably. Not that the tight denim would have hidden his obvious erection, in any case, Changmin thinks, amused. Yoochun is standing up, then, and advancing on Jaejoong, who attempts to back up at the predatory look in his eyes. “Since you’re here anyway…” Yoochun purrs, almost backing Jaejoong into the wall, when Yunho intervenes.

“Me first”, Yunho breathes, so soft that Changmin isn’t sure if he’s heard right. Yoochun’s eyes widen, then his smirk grows. “Oh, so you do remember that I’m good-” and that, Changmin thinks, is a most effective way of getting Yoochun to shut up, and interesting, very interesting, he’s going to have to ask Yunho about Yoochun later, but now Junsu is tugging on his hand, eyes laughing.

“Come on, Minnie-ah, there’s still Jaejoong-ah”, and Changmin can’t help but laugh at Jaejoong’s cornered expression, eyes growing wider and wider and wider, clearly unsure about whether to stay or flee, when they both advance and decide for him.


They are all squashed up together later -thank goodness the bed is huge-, Jaejoong in the middle, hemmed in by a breathless Junsu, his head on Yunho’s chest, and a sleepy Changmin, Yoochun’s arms about his waist. Jaejoong rests his cheek on Changmin’s back with a sigh.

“You think anyone noticed we were gone?”

Yunho groans. “Oh, they’ve probably wrecked the whole of downstairs by now.”

Yoochun props himself up on an elbow and laughs. “I won’t be surprised if some of them have commandeered some of the rooms for their own purposes, too”, then laughs harder at Yunho’s decidedly disgusted look.

“Oh, the double standards. So it’s okay if you decide to sleep with as many people as you want, but it’s not okay when other people do it?” Jaejoong smirks.

Yunho shakes his head. “It’s my house”, and smiles gratefully at Changmin’s nod of agreement.

Junsu is tracing patterns with his finger on Jaejoong’s chest, giggling when Jaejoong swats his hand away. “Didn’t Jaejoong-ah say something about a Porsche?”

Yunho shakes his head. “We won’t all be able to fit”, when Jaejoong protests loudly, “Hey that was my idea! If anyone should go first, it’s me”, and Yoochun stretches and groans loudly.

“I need a shower”, he declares, and Junsu is jumping up with a cry of “Ooh, Jacuzzi!” and dragging along a protesting Yunho, leaving Jaejoong behind to curl up next to Changmin. Changmin smiles sleepily as Jaejoong draws the covers up around them both and kisses him on the cheek.

Mm. It looks like he shouldn’t even have bothered trying to run. Being wanted, he thinks with a wry smile as he drifts off to sleep, Jaejoong’s even breathing close by his ear, really isn’t such a bad thing, after all.
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