Fanfiction: Growing Pains, Chapter 3

Jul 14, 2007 12:14

Title: Growing Pains, Chapter 3
Pairing: OT5
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which Junsu is too cute to be refused, and Yoochun makes plans

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Thank you for all the encouraging comments, and haha, I apologise for ending where I did the last time, but I couldn't help myself XD Here's to hoping things pick up a bit more now =D

Both boys freeze at the voice, Changmin’s hand on the hem of Jaejoong’s shirt, Jaejoong half in his lap and the clasp of his pants undone. Wait, when did that happen? Changmin manages to wonder through the haze of his thoughts. Damn Jaejoong and his hands, and he would laugh at how ludicrous the whole scene is if his lips weren’t still firmly caught by Jaejoong’s.

Nobody can call Changmin slow. Half a second has barely transpired before Changmin is pushing Jaejoong away, eyes wide and terrified and lips trembling, and Jaejoong has to keep from gaping. “Ah, Jaejoong hyung, please stop! This isn’t right, I-” and Changmin is standing up and adjusting his shirt and his pants and he barely registers that it’s Yoochun standing there smirking faintly, Park Yoochun, and damnit, what is he doing here? Changmin is fast, however, and within seconds he’s swept out of the room, books gathered hastily in his arms, leaving behind a very disheveled Kim Jaejoong and a very amused Park Yoochun.

So this is Jaejoong. Well, he supposes he can’t accuse Junsu of bad taste. Yoochun runs an appraising eye over the reddened lips, the mussed up hair, the dark eyes, the shirt that’s ridden up to show the delicate jut of a hipbone. Very nice, actually. Still, first Junsu, and now Changmin? This Jaejoong is getting around. And getting there before he does, by the looks of things.

“I hear you’re Junsu’s friend.”

Jaejoong blinks, then scowls darkly. “Who I’m friends with is really none of your business, I think.”

Yoochun sighs. Gorgeous, but in need of a major attitude readjustment. Wonderful. He tries again, smile never wavering. “I’m surprised Changmin-ah let you kiss him. I’ve always thought of him as more…reserved.”

Jaejoong’s eyes widen. So he wasn’t taken in by Changmin’s little ploy to portray himself as the hapless victim. Which must mean that he knows how sneaky the little brat is. Shim Changmin is dead, Jaejoong thinks, even as he crosses the intervening space. “Who did you say you were, again?”

“I didn’t.” Yoochun relaxes then. “I’m Yoochun.”


Changmin is moaning and mumbling incoherently into Junsu’s thigh later during lunch, and Junsu sighs as he absently threads a hand through Changmin’s hair. Changmin has been doing this for the past quarter of an hour, refusing to tell him what’s happened, and refusing even food, much to Junsu’s horror, and he waits until the boy’s anguished cries subside and he looks up before he even attempts to smile reassuringly.

“Well? Are you ready to talk, yet?”

Changmin groans loudly and prepares to bury his face again, but Junsu catches his chin firmly before he can go off into another bout of histronics. “Stop being such a baby, Minnie-ah, and tell me what happened!”

“I-”, and Changmin’s reply is so soft and garbled that Junsu shakes his head, annoyed.

“Speak up!”

“I said I kissed Jaejoong!”

Junsu is grateful for the tree trunk at his back. While he’s suspected something, he didn’t expect something this momentous to occur quite so soon, and he can’t help but giggle slightly to himself. Oh, poor, hapless Minnie. “Well, I won’t ask how it happened, since I’m not sure I want any details. How was it?”

Changmin groans again. “It was good. Very good, and that’s the issue here. My first kiss, ever and it’s with a boy! A boy I barely know, to boot. God, this is awful.”

Junsu blinks and sits up straighter with a start, jouncing Changmin’s head and causing him to whine piteously. First kiss? Ever? He is too amazed to keep from poking Changmin unceremoniously in the chest in his overwhelming thirst for knowledge. “What do you mean your first kiss?”

Changmin squirms and swats his finger away irritably. “What do you mean, what did I mean? It meant exactly what I said.”

Junsu lets out a low whistle. Well, that would explain why Changmin tolerates all the female attention, even flirts back, sometimes, but hasn’t shown any real interest in anything in a skirt, so far. Still, Junsu would have bet good money that Changmin was straight as an arrow. Until now, anyway. Tactfully, he chooses not to bring that up, and instead focuses on the image of Changmin and Jaejoong that swims unbidden into his head, and flushes at the heat it sparks in his lower belly. Well, can anyone blame him, really? Jaejoong is, well, Jaejoong, and Changmin, now, Changmin is smart and hot, and Junsu has to fight the blush that suffuses his face. He doesn’t think he’s ever thought of Minnie-ah as hot, before. Which he certainly is, of course. But Junsu hasn’t actually been consciously aware of this fact, until now, and he wonders wryly how it’s taken Jaejoong to make him see how much Minnie-ah’s grown up.

Suddenly Junsu is very aware of the weight of Changmin’s head in his lap and Changmin’s dark eyes looking up at him in consternation.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Junsu gulps and sends a silent prayer up to the heavens and hopes fervently that he’ll come out of this alive, even as he is leaning down and pressing his lips firmly to Changmin’s, stealing both his breath and his second kiss, ever, right away.


Yoochun shows Jaejoong around the art room, and Jaejoong breathes in the sharp smells of paint and sawdust, his feet carrying him from easel to easel, Yoochun occasionally pointing out paintings and random clay sculptures. Despite himself, he finds himself warming up to Yoochun, with his easygoing, devil-be-damned character and his witty charisma, and soon finds out that he is friends with Jung Yunho.

Jaejoong can’t help but stare suspiciously at an oblivious Yoochun. Jung Yunho’s friends seem to be everywhere, even if the man himself isn’t.

“Do you know Yunho-ah?” Yoochun is sifting through a pile of paintings stacked by the wall, and Jaejoong is thankful that Yoochun can’t see his sudden flush at the memory of the night he first met Yunho.

“Yes, actually. I met Yunho at the bar Junsu works at.”

Yoochun frowns and straightens. Bar that Junsu works at? But Yunho’s only ever been there once- oh. Oh. This explains Yunho and the uncharacteristic drinking, and Yoochun smirks, wondering just what Jaejoong did to get Yunho that hot and bothered. He turns back to his pile before Jaejoong can notice, and yes, oh, this will be fun.

Jaejoong looks up from some exquisitely carved pottery to see Yoochun raising a painting and mounting it on an easel. “Well, since you said you know Yunho-” and Jaejoong can’t help but stare.

It is Yunho, Jaejoong recognizes that. The clean line of the jaw, the eyes, the straight nose. Jaejoong gulps, then, as he takes in the rest of the painting. Oh yes, it is Yunho, but in all his naked glory. Jaejoong drinks in the sight and wishes if he knew for certain that Yunho was half that sculpted in real life.

“Yunho- painting, um-”, Jaejoong struggles to find the words, causing Yoochun to laugh out loud.

“I painted this a few months ago for a class. Yunho-ah agreed to be my subject after a certain amount of…persuasion.” He catches Jaejoong’s skeptical look and laughs again. “All right, fine, blackmail. But I did throw in a couple of incentives”, and he smooths his expression, making it carefully neutral, sure that Jaejoong hasn’t missed the implications of that last line.

Jaejoong hasn’t, and his eyes narrow. Score one for Park Yoochun. Yoochun turns. “Well! I should be locking up, they’ll be closing the school soon.” He propels Jaejoong towards the door, hand lingering too long on the other boy’s hip, even as he leans to breathe, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jaejoong-ah”, before shutting the door firmly in the shocked boy’s face.

Jaejoong gapes. Clearly everyone is out to mess with his head, today. And Jung Yunho. Jaejoong swears under his breath. Yes, just wait till he gets his hands on Jung Yunho.


Junsu smiles when Yoochun comes to pick him up after soccer practice, and they walk in companionable silence out of the school gates, the orange light of the setting sun limning them and lengthening their shadows. Junsu sneaks a glance at a silently grinning Yoochun, and wonders if he looks half that silly, grinning like that. He can’t see himself, of course, but he can feel his smile threatening to split the sides of his face.

“I know why I’m in such a good mood, but why are you?”

Yoochun grins impishly at Junsu’s question, his voice a lazy drawl. “Let’s just say I witnessed something very interesting today. And met a very pretty boy.”

Junsu pouts. “I thought I was the only pretty boy in your life”, and laughs when Yoochun slings an arm about his waist and pulls him close.

For weeks Yoochun has courted him with jokes and attentions as opposed to gifts and corny lines, and Junsu is glad that he’s met someone quite as…colourful as Yoochun is. Despite all of that, for some reason, they have never gone beyond friendly affection and easy companionship and Junsu wonders for the first time if Yoochun is holding back because of him.

“Well, I’ll tell you why I’m in such a good mood if you’ll tell me what you saw.”

Yoochun nods. “Fair enough.” His grin widens then and he chuckles briefly. “I walked in on two pretty boys getting it on in an empty classroom today.”

Junsu stops in his tracks. How many pretty boys can there be in the school? For that matter, how many of them are actually getting it on at the same time? “Who did you see?”

Yoochun frowns at Junsu’s sudden reaction, but decides to go with the truth. “Your friend Jaejoong, actually. And the boy genius Shim Changmin. Who seemed like he was having a hell of time, too.”

Junsu dissolves into giggles then, and has to lean on the wall by the sidewalk to keep from collapsing to the ground in his mirth. He glances at Yoochun through the tears in his eyes. “You! Walked in on them! Oh, god, who knows what might have happened if you hadn’t?”

Yoochun is still entirely confused. “What are you talking about?”

Junsu wipes the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand and frantically gulps air. “Oh, and Minnie-ah was actually moaning about having his first kiss stolen by a boy. The sneaky little brat. He would probably have lost a whole lot more than his first kiss if you hadn’t walked in.”

It takes Yoochun about half a second to match the nickname to the boy. “You know Changmin-ah?”

Junsu shoots him a look of mock affront. “Of course I know Minnie-ah. We’ve been friends for at least ten years. Do you know anything about me at all?”

Yoochun tries to wrap his head around the sudden slew of information and its implications. “So Changmin told you that Jaejoong kissed him, but he didn’t tell you that I caught them at it.”

Junsu nods. “That’s correct. He didn’t mention you at all, oddly enough.” His smile then is sly and wicked and slightly unnerving. “And Jaejoong-ah’s not the only one to have kissed Minnie-ah today.”

Oof, double whammy. Yoochun is incredulous. “You kissed Changmin, too?” Junsu nods emphatically and is almost bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Damn it, why is everyone kissing Changmin but me?”

Oh no no no no no. He can’t believe he’s just said that out loud, but Junsu merely quirks an eyebrow at him and giggles again. “I didn’t know our Minnie-ah was this popular with the boys, too.”

Yoochun is too curious not to ask. “What’s Changmin like?” Junsu knows he isn’t asking about Changmin’s personality, and shakes his head at the other boy, smile playful.

“You’ll just have to find out for yourself, I suppose. If Minnie-ah will even touch you, after you got in the way of him and Jaejoong-ah.” Junsu giggles at the look of discontent that fills Yoochun’s face and perhaps it is the heady thrill that he remembers from earlier with Changmin that spurs him on, or just the fact that Yoochun looks the most adorable when he’s denied something, petulant as a child, but Junsu is pressing up against him, all the same, smiling at Yoochun’s sudden intake of breath.

“Kiss me”, he demands, and Yoochun does.

What Changmin lacks in experience he makes up for in fervor, and Junsu recalls the earlier battle for dominance and after some subtle adjustments to his liking, subsequently relinquishing control to Changmin and then trying his best to keep up. Yoochun is vastly different, soft and gentle and unsurprisingly skilled, and Junsu finds himself drawn into the melding of their lips, spiraling down and down and down, as Yoochun deftly steers the kiss and dangles control of it just out of his reach, and he can’t help the wistful sigh that escapes when Yoochun draws away and laughs softly, professing a need for air, and only then does Junsu remind himself to breathe again.

“Well. I think that was worth waiting nearly half a year for. Almost, anyway”, and laughs when Junsu punches him in the arm lightly.

They continue on their way, hands slung comfortably low about each other’s hips, and Junsu laughs when Yoochun asks how Changmin reacted to being kissed by him.

“He kissed me for about five minutes, then stood up and ran away. I think he went into hiding.”

Yoochun smirks. “Oh, really. I’ll find him and bring him back, don’t you worry.”

Junsu shakes his head in mock disapproval. “After you’ve had your way with him, I expect. Really, Chunnie-ah.”

“You know me so well.” Yoochun kisses Junsu on the cheek before they part at the next intersection, and Yoochun frowns as he walks briskly the rest of the way home.

Well. One down, two more to go. Jaejoong shouldn’t be too hard to reel in, and Changmin is quick, but not nearly enough, but two at once? Tricky. This, Yoochun thinks, calls for some fine planning.
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