Fanfiction: Growing Pains, Chapter 2

Jul 14, 2007 01:32

Title: Growing Pains, Chapter 2
Pairing: OT5, eventually
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which there is some Jaejoong/Yunho action and Jaejoong gets more than he bargained for with Changmin

Chapter 1

WHY IS IT GETTING SLOWER AND SLOWER -cries- I'm really sorry about this, because, wow O.O so hard to bring them all together. I need to write a one-shot after this just to make me feel better, pffft. Nevertheless, thank you all for your comments for the first chapter, much appreciated =D

Yoochun is stirring and sipping at his fruity concoction, and looks up through his lashes to smile at Junsu, which causes him to emit a high pitched squeak that goes mercifully unheard over the loud music, and back up a step. Yoochun laughs, and Junsu can feel himself flushing in utter mortification.

“Don’t worry, I won’t bite.”

Junsu manages a weak laugh in reply, and wishes Yoochun didn’t have such pretty eyes. “I wonder where Jaejoong’s run off to”, he says instead, hastily tearing his gaze away from Yoochun’s open collar and the smooth expanse of skin revealed, missing Yoochun’s sudden frown.


Junsu nods, scanning the crowded dance floor. “He’s new. He sits across from me in class now. He’s here tonight, too.”

Yoochun fights to keep his expression neutral. “What’s this Jaejoong like?”

“He’s funny. He may seem very cold at first, but he’s nice. And he’s pretty.” Junsu grins, then, and Yoochun raises his drink to his lips to hide his scowl. Pretty, indeed. Well! He’d see just how far pretty was going to get him with Junsu soon enough. Nobody gets in the way of Park Yoochun, pretty or otherwise, and already he’s making plans to meet this mysterious Jaejoong, and soon.


Yunho has barely settled against the wall before Jaejoong is on him again, all lips and roaming hands, and lets Jaejoong swallow his soft groans, tangling his fingers in the boy’s dark hair, eyes closing and head tilted back, as his lips settle on the line of his neck, hands deftly undoing the clasp of his pants, and fuck, Jaejoong is good with his hands, when suddenly everything stops and Yunho’s eyes fly open in confusion.

Jaejoong is shaking his head -almost ruefully, Yunho notes- and stepping away slightly from him. He speaks before Yunho can demand to know why Jaejoong’s hand is no longer in his pants. “Too many people here. Hardly…conducive.”

Yunho is this close to spluttering in utter disbelief, but chooses to press his lips tightly together, choosing to retain the last shreds of his dignity as Jaejoong zips him up again, almost tenderly, and tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek and an apologetic smile, even as he pats at Yunho’s back pockets until he locates Yunho’s cell phone and draws it out, punching in numbers rapidly.

“Look, call me, okay? We’ll find somewhere…better next time”, Jaejoong is saying, and Yunho can only nod mutely and grasp his cell phone to his chest like a life preserver. Jaejoong shifts on his feet then, uncharacteristically awkward. “Well, I’d better go. I’ll see you…”, his voice trails off uncertainly, and Yunho realizes with a start that he hasn’t even told Jaejoong his name yet.

“Yunho.” He supplies helpfully, and is rewarded with a grateful smile.

“Yes, goodbye, Yunho-ah”, and Jaejoong is turning and threading back through the crowd, and within seconds Yunho has lost sight of him. He isn’t sure how long he remains standing there, hand clutching his cell phone tightly, before his exasperated body takes over and propels him back towards the bar.

Yoochun looks up in surprise as a decidedly dazed Yunho drops into the seat next to him and then orders about a dozen different things and proceeds to get exceedingly drunk.

Yunho wakes up in Yoochun’s bed with the worst hangover of his life and lies abed for the rest of the morning, listening to Yoochun gripe about how some people shouldn’t get this sloshed if they’re going to be making their best friends carry them home, and thank god his house was only a few blocks away. For the rest of the weekend, Yunho flips his cell phone open and closed, and stares at the number Jaejoong’s left, but doesn’t call, afraid his wanting will spill over into his voice, and scare the other boy away. Maybe tomorrow, he tells himself, over and over and over again, and almost feels relieved when Monday finally rolls around and there is school again to occupy his thoughts.


Junsu is greeted with an oddly acerbic Jaejoong early Monday morning as he slips into his seat, and wisely decides not to say anything to Jaejoong for the rest of the morning.

It is Monday and Yunho still hasn’t called.

Jaejoong scowls darkly. Maybe he shouldn’t have run off like that so abruptly, but still. Jaejoong sighs woefully, causing Junsu to look up, curious. So much for that idea, then.

By noon Junsu is almost squirming with the effort of keeping silent and caves, and invites Jaejoong off to an inter-school swim meet that afternoon. “It’ll be fun! It’s almost as good as watching soccer”, he interjects hopefully when Jaejoong looks less than enthusiastic.

Swim meet. Jaejoong furrows his brow in concentration. He distinctly remembers someone mentioning something about swim meets, but his thoughts are full of Yunho and why hasn’t he called and he shoves the thought aside irritably, and lets Junsu drag him off towards the school’s indoor pool.

They manage to find seats after a considerable amount of pushing and shoving their way through the crowd (made up mostly of girls, Jaejoong notices wryly). The stands are filled and Jaejoong is surprised at the size of the crowd that’s shown up, but is distracted when a pistol fires and Junsu clutches at his arm, crowing excitedly. Jaejoong’s never been into swimming -he’s never been into any sport, actually- but he can’t help but watch avidly as a particular contestant, limbs slicing through the water, pulls ahead of the rest, even as the crowd roars its approval. The swimmer reaches the other end and turns smoothly, long legs kicking off from the side of the pool and propelling him forwards, and finishes almost a full two seconds before the next contestant. Junsu is on his feet, then, cheering and clapping, and his cry of “Way to go, Changmin-ah!” is echoed by the announcement over the loudspeakers that first place for this particular event goes to one Shim Changmin.

Junsu and Jaejoong are waiting for him by the edge of the pool when Changmin climbs out of the water and Junsu leans over to plant a sloppy kiss on his cheek. “I would hug you, but you’re all wet”, Junsu is saying as he hands Changmin a towel, and Jaejoong can’t help but stare at the broad shoulders, the muscled arms, the firm, toned chest, and god, those tiny trunks, and thanks the powers that be that Changmin is busy toweling his hair dry and can’t see Jaejoong practically leering at him. Junsu notices, though, and struggles to hide a smirk. Jaejoong and little Min? Fascinating. He is torn from his thoughts, however, when Changmin turns to smile at Jaejoong.

“I didn’t know you’d be here, Jaejoong-ah.”

“Ah, um, Junsu brought me”, Jaejoong is saying, and Junsu glances back and forth between then. They know each other? This is getting more and more interesting by the minute.

“Looks like I don’t have to bother with introductions, then”, Junsu smiles, and Changmin nods gravely.

“We’ve just met. I’m tutoring Jaejoong. Junsu hyung and I practically grew up together”, Changmin is explaining as he slings an arm about Junsu’s shoulder, and Junsu reciprocates and leans into the touch, and watches as Jaejoong’s eyes flick to the familiar way his arm encircles Min’s waist. Very interesting indeed.

Changmin pulls away with a sigh. “I have to shower. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Junsu waits until Changmin is halfway to the showers before he turns on Jaejoong, eyes sparkling with mirth.

“I didn’t know you had designs on our Minnie-ah.”

Junsu watches, amused, as Jaejoong turns pale, then sickly yellow, and finally five different shades of red before he explodes. “Junsu-ah! What would make you say something like that!”

Junsu giggles at Jaejoong’s face. “From the way you were, ahem, looking at our wet and half-naked Minnie-ah, of course.”

Jaejoong forces his constricted windpipe to open, and takes a deep breath to still his frayed nerves before replying. “Changmin-ah-”, and here he stops to breathe again, “-is too young.” And then he is nodding emphatically, and striding away, and Junsu has to run to catch up with him, and hangs on to his arm and chatters inconsequentially until Jaejoong is sure that he isn’t about to bring up Changmin again and relaxes visibly, even as Junsu resolves to get right to the bottom of all of this.


Yunho is leaning by the main doors to the school, fingering the lapels of his dark school jacket and tapping his foot impatiently -damn that Park Yoochun, he should have been here ten minutes ago- when a cheery voice calls out. “Hey! Yunho-ah!”

Yunho turns and sees a madly waving Junsu coming towards him from across the grass, and waves back, even as he contemplates the wisdom of acknowledging an almost-stranger who’s seen him completely and embarrassingly drunk, even if he is rather closely linked to his best friend. Yunho squints against the strong sunlight and makes out another boy with Junsu, and as they draw closer Yunho can’t help but feel he’s seen this boy before, but he can’t quite put his finger on it, and they are five steps away when Yunho realizes, and oh, fuck.

Jaejoong has stopped in his tracks, too, his eyes narrowed, and Yunho can’t help the shiver that runs down his spine at the memory of those eyes, those full, nearly pouty lips, and he almost wishes he could sink into the ground, but settles for adjusting his tie coolly.

“Hello, Junsu-ah. Who’s your friend?”

Jaejoong’s gaze narrows further, and now it is positively smouldering. Junsu laughs easily, thankfully unaware. “This is Kim Jaejoong, Yunho-ah. He’s a new student.”

New student. That would explain a lot of things. Yunho ignores his rising panic, and fixes Jaejoong with a polite smile. Yes, feign indifference. It’s clear he remembers, but you can apologise later. For this and for not calling. Yunho stretches out his hand. “I’m Yunho. It’s nice to meet you.”

Jaejoong reaches out to clasp it, and Yunho fights back the heat that courses through his body at the feel of Jaejoong’s hand in his own, recalling too vividly how it felt to have Jaejoong’s hand on other parts of his body. “It’s nice to meet you, too”, Jaejoong returns smoothly and Yunho admires the way his voice never even wavers, and all too soon Jaejoong’s hand is back where it belongs, by his side, and Yunho can’t quite ignore the twinge of regret at the loss of contact.

Junsu glances at his watch, then. “Come on, we’re supposed to be meeting Minnie-ah.” At Yunho’s questioning look, Junsu decides to elaborate. “Changmin-ah, I meant. Shim Changmin. You know him, Yunho-ah, Yoochunnie said he’s in your class.”

Yunho frowns as he waves the two boys goodbye, Jaejoong’s last look enough to smite him where he stands. Changmin, as well? This is almost surreal, and he is still shaking his head and muttering to himself when a paint-spattered Yoochun finally emerges from the school five minutes later.


Jaejoong is rudely awakened that night by the ringing of his cell phone, and picks it up without bothering to check the clock on his nightstand. “Hello?” He manages, voice barely more than a sleepy mumble, even as he kicks the stifling covers off.

“Jaejoong?” The voice over the line is oddly hesitant, and Jaejoong frowns, suddenly wide awake. He knows that voice.

“Yes, it’s me.” Jaejoong replies, curtly, and smirks at the sudden intake of breath he hears from the other boy.

Yunho clears his throat, then tries again. “I’m sorry I didn’t call over the weekend.”

Jaejoong evinces a shrug, then realizes Yunho can’t see him do it. “It’s fine. I’m sure you were busy.”

Yunho sounds genuinely apologetic, and Jaejoong almost feels bad for him. Almost, but not quite. “And I’m sorry I pretended not to know you, today. It would have been…complicated, trying to explain everything to Junsu-ah.”

Jaejoong isn’t sure how it’s all come down to this, but he finds himself laughing, his affront melting away. “Oh, Yunho-ah, you’re right. I can just imagine the look on his face if you’d told him how we met. And I probably deserved it for…leaving like that the other night.” His voice drops half an octave lower as he breathes the next sentence over the line. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Goodnight, Yunho-ah. I’ll see you in school”, and he is flipping the cell phone closed and burying his face in his pillow to muffle his laughter.

Yunho throws his cell phone down in disgust once Jaejoong hangs up, face flushed and skin tingling oddly at the thought of Jaejoong making it up to him. Damn Kim Jaejoong, and damn him for being such a weak fool, and he tosses and turns until he finally falls into a restless sleep two hours later.


Jaejoong is in an extraordinarily good mood today, Changmin notes, as the older boy strolls in for his afternoon tuition singing softly to himself and settles down to the work Changmin’s set out for him five minutes later, still humming absently.

Changmin waits until the lesson is almost over before he even ventures to probe. “Someone’s in a good mood today.”

Jaejoong looks up, smile still firmly in place. “Someone’s been watching me closely.”

Changmin rolls his eyes. “You’d have to be blind to miss it.”

“Hm.” Jaejoong’s gaze is thoughtful, then. “What do you think of Yunho-ah?”

Changmin is expecting anything but the name Yunho to slip from Jaejoong’s lips. “Yunho? As in Jung Yunho?”

“Yes, Jung Yunho, don’t sound so surprised. What about him?”

Changmin tries to shrug nonchalantly, wondering if he should tell Jaejoong that he thinks Yunho’s been watching him, and he hasn’t figured out just why, yet, but then dismisses the thought as foolish and irrational. “He’s smart, Jung Yunho. He tops the class, or so I’ve heard.”

Jaejoong smirks. “Oh, he tops, does he?” The inflection of the word makes Changmin’s head jerk up in surprise, and he frowns, sure there’s some sort of hidden connotation he’s missed. He hates it the most when things elude him. Jaejoong looks even more pleased at his expression, if that’s even possible, and suddenly he is leaning in almost too close for comfort.

“You seem quite…familiar with Yunho-ah.”

Changmin snorts derisively but doesn’t move away, sure it’ll just provoke Jaejoong to further action, not that he has a single clue what that might be. “I barely know him. We’ve spoken a grand total of ten words to each other, and we hardly run in the same circles.”

“Ten words? Someone’s been keeping score.” The look in Jaejoong’s eyes is entirely predatory, now, and Changmin fights a sigh as he begins gathering up his things.

“Seems like someone’s got his eye on Yunho-sshi. You’re barking up the wrong tree, though, I don’t know anything about Yunho.”

Jaejoong is on his side of the desk then, suddenly, and his eyes are flashing a challenge as he pushes Changmin back down into his chair. “Maybe it’s not Yunho I want to find out about. Maybe I just want to check out the competition.”

Changmin tries his best not to gape as he fits the pieces together and comes up with a decidedly bizarre picture. “You actually think I’m interested in Yunho.”

Jaejoong shrugs. “What’s not to be interested in?” Then his grin is entirely wicked, as he leans down close and presses one knee on Changmin’s thigh, effectively preventing his escape. “Yunho-ah seems to make you decidedly…unsettled.”

“All right, you caught me. So maybe I don’t really like him”, Changmin shrugs again. “Now will you get off?”

Jaejoong still isn’t budging, and Changmin’s eyes narrow at his next sentence. “On the contrary. I think you like him.”

Enough is enough, Changmin thinks wearily. Time to end this nonsense. Jaejoong’s eyes widen when Changmin raises a hand to grip Jaejoong’s white shirt and pull him down close so they are face to face. “On the contrary, hyung. I think you like me.”

Jaejoong isn’t sure when the tables have been turned, and what started out as a harmless plan to unnerve Changmin is suddenly backfiring on him. He shivers at Changmin’s tone, at the way he twists the honorific, at how close he is, and how he smells faintly of sandalwood and incense. Jaejoong tries to pull away, but Changmin’s grip is strong, and Jaejoong recalls the muscled arms, and mm, toned flesh, and god, Jaejoong, get a grip. He opts for a light laugh, instead.

“And what would make you say that, dongsaeng?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Changmin furrows his brows in a show of mock concentration. “The flirting. The way you practically shoved me into this chair today. The way you stared at the pool”, and smirks when Jaejoong flushes a sudden bright red. “Oh, you thought I didn’t notice. I’m sorry. Did I embarrass you?”

Jaejoong growls then, through gritted teeth. “Don’t push it, Shim Changmin! It was just a joke.”

“What was just a joke? You going on about me and Yunho, or you coming on to me?” Changmin laughs easily, then. “Still, I’ll be willing to forget all of this if you’ll just let me go now. Now, if you’d just move-” and Changmin isn’t sure what surprises him more, Jaejoong’s sudden feral growl or Jaejoong’s lips on his own, hot and insistent, but before he can fully register what’s going on Jaejoong is pulling away, utter mortification on his face.

“Damnit, I’m sorry, Changmin-ah-”

“Shut up”, Changmin breathes, before he grabs hold of Jaejoong’s shirt again and pulls him close, and they are kissing most thoroughly, Jaejoong chewing on his lower lip and mewling for access, and neither of them hears the door opening, but they do hear the throat clearing a mere second later.

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