
Aug 22, 2007 12:53

Who? Open, known players Fenrir, Severus, Bellatrix and Lucius
What? Outpatient care

When? A day or so after Tonks’ visit to Lucius
Why? Because the Dark Lord said so

Severus walked into St. Mungo’s with his hood thrown over his head. No one paid much attention to him and his associate. All around him the hospital mumbled and pulsed. A ( Read more... )

andromeda tonks, grace rosier, dora tonks lupin, severus snape, sirius black, remus lupin, bellatrix lestrange, lucius malfoy, fenrir greyback, luna longbottom, st mungo's hospital, neville longbottom, after 19 years later, roleplay, harry potter

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Comments 81

longbottom_heir August 22 2007, 18:49:03 UTC

Neville was sitting with his parents when he heard a flurry of activity coming from outside the ward. "Mum? Dad? I'm going to see what's going on."

Several young medi-witches and wizards were crowded around the desk. "What's happened?" Neville recognized two of them as former students just graduated. "Kelly? Erik?"

"They say - there's Death Eaters in the lobby." Kelly spoke in a rush. "I think someone's called for help but..."

"Lock down the ward." Neville drew his wand and conjured several patronuses and sent them out to reach Harry or Tonks any member of the Order. "Lock it down and stay inside with your patients. Don't come out."

He had a very good idea what the Death Eaters were after. He conjured another Patronus - a large silvery grim looking Thestral and sent it ahead of him to find out what was gong on. He waited until the ward was locked down before moving slowly towards the section where Lucius Malfoy was being held.


the_iscariot August 22 2007, 19:56:57 UTC
Severus walked slowly, throwing disarming spells where he could and avoiding hexes. With Fenrir running around, no one paid much attention to a man walking upright, posed and calm. If he could get in and out without fighting...

Inaction. Weakness. You were not built for this. Inaction. Fear...you are his Lord's chosen. You are his servant. You want to fight.

He saw a Patronus bounding towards him and repulsed it with his charm. He kneeled a little, and looked up. Thankful for his Mask. He readjusted the grip on his wand. He recognized the face. The Patronus.

This time he wouldn't drop his wand.

"Back off." He warned.

Part of him wished he wouldn't.


longbottom_heir August 22 2007, 20:10:51 UTC

"No." Neville knew, somewhere he knew when he'd heard about the Death Eaters that Snape would be behind one of the masks.

Keeping his wand level, Neville almost wished they were back to brawling again.

"You're not taking him out of this hospital."


the_iscariot August 22 2007, 20:28:24 UTC
It's a simple thing. Two words. He deserves it, doesn't he?

He tilted his head from one side to another. "I don't want to hurt you." He lied. Somewhere off on his own, Fenrir howled. He could hear bones cracking. He flinched.

"You don't have a say in the matter," He raised his voice. "LUCIUS! We're checking out!" He raised his wand, and aimed at Neville. You have to mean it. "Stupefy!"


no_black_sheep August 22 2007, 19:17:16 UTC
She paused mid brush stroke. She'd gotten Lucius to agree to let her brush his hair. It was hard enough to see him broken but seeing him disheveled on top of it? Unbearable.

When the screaming and the scurrying began she had a very good idea what was behind it all. Setting aside the brush, she took the opportunity to press her lips against Lucius' temple.

"Very well then. I believe that'll be for you Brother dear."

She drew her wand and set out into the halls to try and minimize the carnage.


yes_peacocks August 22 2007, 19:37:03 UTC
Lucius was sitting on the bed, with his eyes closed as Andromeda brushed his hair. He had been humming. The noise caused him to laugh, leaning back. He turned and smiled at Andi. "For me, sister? I already have guests..."

He rose from the bed, walking towards the door. There was a shout as a deep baritone voice hexed someone, followed in suit by a gray Patronus pushing forward. He began to laugh.


no_black_sheep August 22 2007, 19:40:56 UTC

"Lucius -" Be safe? Be well? Take care? Don't go? Nothing was appropriate or even reasonable. "If you need me have Severus or Bella come to me."


azkaban_madness August 22 2007, 21:29:15 UTC
Lowering her hood Bellatrix let a mad cackle escape her lips. It had been a long time since she seen this much chaos. She wanted to play.

"AVADA KEDAVRA", she screamed at the people running past, fleeing for their lives, but it was no good. She was so quick the bodies were dropping to the floor like flies, fueling her laughter as she walked down the corridors. Searching.

As much as she screamed at the oppotuinity to finish the job on Frank and Alice the Dark Lord had given her a job to do and she wouldn't disobey his orders.

Just when she'd given up searching all the rooms on this floor she spotted Malfoy written on a plaque outside to her left hand side. Proud she found him Bellatrix peered round the door.



bigbadpadfoot August 22 2007, 19:31:10 UTC
Sirius had been in the midst of inspecting the secret passageways out of the castle grounds when the patronus had come to him.

Death Eaters at St. Mungos

Severus. It had to be. Plural. That could be anyone. Bellatrix, Fenrir...

He broke into a run. As soon as he hit the grass, he shifted into Padfoot, bolting for the gates and getting out of the protection of the wards. Once he could apparate, he could get to St. Mungos. And once he got to St. Mungos, and saw the Mark...

He'd told Severus that he should do what he had to do. And if this was...

He raced upstairs anyways, wand drawn. He'd promised that he would trust Severus. Nobody else. If he ran into anybody else, they were fair game.


no_black_sheep August 22 2007, 19:42:48 UTC

Andi rounded the corner - wand drawn and came face to face with Sirius.

"Sirius! What are you doing here?"


bigbadpadfoot August 22 2007, 19:44:05 UTC
"I should be asking you the same question."

Sirius heard someone coming behind them, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Tell me what's happening, cousin."


no_black_sheep August 22 2007, 19:48:22 UTC

"I was with Lucius." Andi answers simply. "I believe we have some uninvited guests. I don't know how many. I was just having a look around." She hears someone too and gives Sirius a tight little smile. "Shall we?"


oddlylunalu August 22 2007, 20:22:30 UTC
Luna was making her way through the school thinking that Nev and her needed to get that house in Hogsmeade soon. It wasn't that she didn't love Hogwarts it was just well privacy would be nice, and it was hard to come by at the school. She was lost in her thoughts when she saw the all too familiar patronus.

It turned and looked at her. Death Eaters at St. Mungos It was her husbands voice and her eyes widened. He was there visiting his parents, and there was only one reason that the Death Eaters would be there. "Lucius" she whispered and without thinking, ran as fast as she could off of the school grounds. As she passed through the gate she turned and looked at the school, hoping that her husband's patronus would reach everyone else in time.

As soon as she was passed the protection wards she apparated.


When she opened her eyes she was at St. Mungos, looking upwards, she saw the mark. Lowering her eyebrows, she couldn't help the first thought that came to her mind. Neville. Looking around frantically, she drew her wand and ( ... )


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oddlylunalu August 22 2007, 20:46:01 UTC
Luna heard a rustle from her left and saw Grace slip from her hiding spot. Stopping dead in her tracks she turned quickly and dived, rolling on the ground, barely missing the curse that was thrown her way.

Not really having time to breathe a sigh of relief, she got back onto her feet quickly and she drew her wand, lowering her eyebrows. "I've been waiting to do this for awhile now you know?"

She raised her wand and pointed at Grace. "STUPEFY!"


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sayshisname August 22 2007, 22:43:07 UTC
Harry was just leaving a meeting with his seventh year students when he caught the patronus. The blood chilled to freezing the moment he heard the message. They were breaking out Malfoy or attacking innocent patients. Either way he had to get there now.

Running as fast as he could to get past the protection of the castle, he apparated the moment he was free of the barriers. Hopefully the rest of the Order and the Aurors would see Neville's Patronus.

Running through the halls of St. Mungo's it wasn't hard to find all of the action. Wands raised, he looked around at the scene. A masked Death Eater turned and aimed his wand at him, but Harry shouted first, "Petrificus Totalus!" As the Death Eater fell back, he moved quickly into the chaos to try and help.


bigbadpadfoot August 22 2007, 22:50:04 UTC
Sirius was down the hall from the room Malfoy had been in. Key word being 'had'. He was gone. Bellatrix had gotten him out. For being dead already, he could certainly bleed a lot.

When Harry got to the space where he, Andi, and Greyback had battled, the floor and walls were soaked with blood, leaving a slick surface on the tile. If one paid attention, they would notice a trail of bloody pawprints heading into a room a few doors down.

Padfoot had been easier to move in, but now, Sirius was pressed into a corner, sitting up, knees to his chest and head to his knees, trying to keep from screaming in pain.

For being dead, he sure hurt a lot, too.


sayshisname August 22 2007, 22:58:01 UTC
Nothing like getting to the battle after it was over. He wanted to punch a wall when he realized the Death Eaters were gone, as was Lucius. This was what he got for giving Narcissa time to think.

The blood catches his eye as does the pawprints. He calls out to one of his aurors to secure the Death Eater he cursed as well as any others they did catch, and to start checking for survivors. Thank Merlin they were in a hospital. Help would be quick and efficient.

Following the trail of bloody pawprints, he felt his heart starts to pound, and his mouth go dry. Death promised Sirius wasn't leaving them any time soon, but Harry wasn't sure what condition he would find his godfather in.

Entering the room, he called out in a whisper, wand drawn in case it was a trap, "Padfoot?" His eyes quickly settled on Sirius in the corner and he rushed over to him. "Sirius..."


bigbadpadfoot August 22 2007, 23:05:08 UTC
Every breath hurt. His flesh was torn and his vision was blurred with sweat and tears, not to mention the blood soaking through the ripped shreds of the shirt he'd been wearing. Greyback's claws had been like razors, and he hadn't been able to block the swipe...

"They've gone. They took Lucius. That bitch laughed as she killed..."

He panted for a moment and then raised his head a little, giving a small grin with the corner of his mouth.

"Kept...kept 'im...from killing anymore...couldn't let him kill anymore...kept 'im...killing..."

Sirius dropped his head back to his knees and panted again. He wasn't about to willingly uncurl and show off his wound.


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