In The Courtyard

Oct 16, 2007 00:04

As Marian let the arrows slide between her fingers, through the bow that was after so many years just an extension of her being, she couldn't help feeling restless. Her great love of Ingress not withstanding, she was beholden to whatever teacher the little girl had run off to have her next class with. The arrows landed with a hard thwack sound each, even as they came from the quiver on her back soundlessly.

It was a deadly aim and single movement. One that didn't involve thought. The kind she hadn't considered teaching Ingress.

It was her restlessness which brought it forth today. For the first time on the grounds of the House of Arch.

It was the same restlessness that caused her to still, like a wild animal, and then turn quickly when the sound of shifting to her side betrayed a person watching her. Her eyes, still and dark and sharp, landed on Tom and her bow lowered a fraction. It wasn't a side she showed anyone for their amusement, but he hadn't looked amused.

Without apology or explanation she acknowledged him simply:

"My Lord of Arch."

maid marian, tom riddle

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