In Tom's Study

Oct 04, 2007 20:12

Tom stands before his desk, a small Pensieve before him. He points his wand to his temple, drawing out memories that he carefully places into the swirling silver light made liquid of the container.

He does this from time to time. It's good for him to revisit his past. Not the more horrific memories, necessarily. This type of reflection is more mundane than that. He picks the every day evil. The way his younger self reacted to people, the way he got what he wanted.

Usually this is a response to feeling out of balance in his new life. What with news of the defeat of Voldemort in Draco's Wizarding world, Tom's been more reflective than usual. Add to that a slight bauble during talks with a growing clan near Hampstead Heath in which threats came rather too easily to his lips, and it serves to pause and make certain he isn't becoming too much like the person he once was.
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