Fanfiction: Almost Human - Falling Further (Chapter 6)

Mar 19, 2014 07:43

Title: Falling Further
Sequel to: I'll Catch You As You Fall
Author: Serena-chan ( hourglass244)
Fandom: Almost Human
Pairing: Dorian/John Kennex
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Warnings: Um, robot/human sex?
Spoilers: None
Summary: Takes place immediately following "I'll Catch You As You Fall." You probably should read that first, or this won't make much sense.
Chapter Summary: We find out what happened with the case, there's some more porn, and angst.

Previous chapters: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5

"We really should be going to talk to Rudy," John said, even as he turned his car in the direction of their victim's apartment that he shared with his boyfriend.

"We should," Dorian agreed, but he didn't insist the detective change directions and head to the lab.  They had a case to finish, after all.

Six hours later...

Dorian helped his partner into his apartment, ignoring John's protests that he'd be fine on his own.  A concussion was nothing to mess with, he reminded him.

They'd grilled Matthew Bronner's boyfriend about Jason and the tech.  He'd finally admitted that Matthew had been acting as a go-betwen for Jason and a man with mob ties, trying to earn them some extra cash.

At that point, they really should have turned the case over to the gang unit, but John had wanted to conduct the raid on the mob's black market tech warehouse himself.  They'd gone in with a team of MXs, but the men inside had been well-armed.  John was lucky to have come out of the fight with only a concussion.

"You don't have to stay and watch me," John complained, lowering himself onto one of his chairs.  "I don't need a babysitter.  I just need a shot of bourbon, a shower, and a good night's rest."

"I told the doctor I'd supervise you," Dorian reminded him, taking the bottle away.  "And you shouldn't be drinking alcohol on top of the painkillers they gave you at the hospital."

John glared at him, but headed for the bathroom without the alcohol, although Dorian could hear him swearing at him under his breath.  Just to be sure, the DRN stashed the bourbon under the kitchen sink behind some cleaning products where he was reasonably sure the detective wouldn't think to look.

He felt shaken to his very core.  John had nearly died today.  At one point, he'd even had the barrel of a gun pressed against his temple.  Dorian's quick android reflexes had been the only reason he hadn't had his brains blown out.

They'd been in plenty of dangerous situations before, but today had been the closest Dorian had ever come to losing his partner.  Now, he felt the irrational urge to keep John in sight at all times.

John emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.  He was still wet, skin flushed pink from the hot water.

"Don't you have to charge or something?" he asked irritably.

"I still have a fifty percent charge," Dorian told him.  "We don't have to work tomorrow.  I'll go to Rudy's in the morning and charge."

"Fine," John huffed.  "Scan me, or whatever the hell it is you need to do, but don't wake me up."

He headed back toward his bedroom, leaving Dorian standing alone in the living room.  The DRN ran a quick bio scan, just to reassure himself that John was all right, before sitting awkwardly on the sofa.  He ran his hand absently over the rip he'd made earlier that day when they'd been having sex.

What would he have done if John had died today?  Captain Maldonado seemed to like him enough that he might not have to be decommissioned.  He might even be assigned a new partner, but somehow, he felt that he'd rather be turned off again than work with anyone else.

John was unlike any human he'd ever come across.  He was surly and grumpy.  He kept everyone, even those he cared about, at a careful distance, and yet, underneath that gruff exterior, he was kind and compassionate.  He'd been through so much pain and betrayal; it was amazing that he managed to go back to the job that had taken his leg and robbed him of his partner and friend.

Pain and despair ran through Dorian's emotional processors as he tried to imagine a world without John Kennex; a world he was more and more sure he didn't want to be a part of.

Making his way into John's room, Dorian found that he'd already passed out, sprawled across the bed in nothing but a pair of boxers, his synthetic leg still attached.  It occurred to him that the sight should have been sending the sexual programming in his system into a frenzy, but right now he wasn't even feeling remotely aroused.

He visual sensors kept playing that moment over and over where John had had a gun to his head.  The look on his face, wide-eyed and for once, afraid - Dorian had never seen him look like that, and he had no desire to ever see that again.  He ran a bio scan again, even though he knew that the odds of the man's vitals changing in such a short span of time were too low to even be worth calculating.

Sitting down gently on the side of the bed, the DRN regarded his partner's sleeping face.  That unnamed emotion was firing through him again, painful and aching in a way he'd never experienced before.  He wanted to gather the man in his arms and never let go.  He wanted to feel John's arms around him again.

With a painful jolt, he realized that after they talked to Rudy in the morning, that was something he might never experience again.  He'd never again feel John's body pressed against his or the warm feeling of their lips meeting.

Without consciously deciding to do so, he leaned forward and gently kissed the sleeping man.  He was hoping to get away with it without waking him, but as he pulled back, he saw sleepy hazel eyes opening.  A hand came up to cup the DRN's face, pulling him back in for another kiss, mouths opening and a tongue lazily tangling with his own.

He thinks I'm malfunctioning again, Dorian realized, as John's other arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer.

He should put a stop to this immediately.  There was no reason for John to engage in any kind of sexual activity with him, but...  There was a warm hand reaching under his shirt, running across his chestplate, and igniting sensors in his nipples that he hadn't realized were sensitive.

Dorian could feel his body responding, and he reached for John, covering his body with his own.  He ran his fingers through the detective's hair, soft from where his shower had washed away his usual hair gel.

It felt so good and different somehow from all their other hurried encounters.  Dorian felt his resolve crumble as John thrust lazily against him.  He felt his own cock harden in response.

John was pushing at him, coaxing him up so he could pull off his clothes, hands travelling over each bit of skin he uncovered.  The DRN had never known just how sensitive to pleasure his synthetic skin could be until John had first touched him.

Dorian ran his hands over John's chest, taking a moment to simply appreciate the steady heartbeat under his palms before moving down over hard muscles that clenched and flexed beneath the skin.  He slid off the other man's boxers, felt him shiver as he traced the sensitive skin of his thighs, and gently cupped the silky skin of testicles in his hand before finally gripping John's erection.

What would it be like to use his mouth to bring the detective to climax?  He ran a quick search, and instantly had more knowledge on the subject than anyone would require.  However, if sex with John had taught him anything, it was that there was a big difference between knowledge and practical application.

Suddenly, unbidden, another image formed in his neural net.  An image of John with his mouth wrapped around Dorian's erection.  For some reason this image sent shudders of pleasure through his synapses.  He wanted so badly to ask for it, but he also knew that he couldn't.  Not when this all could be a lie, some viral program that was attacking his system.  He'd already asked so much of John.  Surely if the detective was interested in that, he'd have initiated it by now?

John had apparently grown tired of just being stroked, because he was sitting up, pushing on Dorian's shoulders, lowering him to the bed so he could climb on top.  Dorian spread his legs automatically so his partner could kneel between them.

John kissed him deeply and began stroking the DRN's large cock with one hand, letting the other fondle his testicles, teasingly drifting lower.  Dorian let out an involuntary moan as John's finger began to circle his entrance, already dripping with lubrication.  The detective pumped his partner's cock slowly, letting the finger at his entrance dip in teasingly on every other stroke.

"J-John," Dorian stuttered out, but found that speech was quickly becoming difficult.

John chuckled, a deep sound that sent another wave of shivers through the DRN's pleasure sensors.  He finally removed his hands and lined the tip of his erection up with Dorian's leaking entrance.

He pushed in with one slow thrust, seating himself fully and taking a few deep breaths himself.  As he began to thrust, Dorian clenched his hands into fists to keep from ripping the bedding the way he'd done the sofa.

There was something so intense, so... focused about sex.  Ordinarily, Dorian had several programs running in his head at one time - searches of case files, forensics reports, statistics, bio scans, facial recognition...  But here and now, with John, all he could focus on was the two of them, and the magic their bodies seemed to be creating.  Sensors all through his body fired and responded without permission - he barely had control of his own voice!  Even now, moans were spilling from his mouth that he couldn't remember issuing the commands for making.

Suddenly John shifted, was raising Dorian's legs up to rest on his shoulders, driving himself even deeper inside.  Dorian heard a scream and realized it had come from himself, and then his world was awash in blue light and bliss as his orgasm tore through him.

When he came back to himself, John was panting above him, cock still buried inside and twitching from his recent release.  Dorian turned his face into the pillows so his partner wouldn't see the look of pure anguish on his face.

That was the last time, he thought to himself.

Chapter 7

A/N: I know I kind of glossed over the whole resolution to the case, but honestly... I tried to write it - that's why this chapter took so long. I had like, half of the mobster showdown written, and it.just.sucked! I'm terrible at that sort of thing, so instead of fighting with it any longer, I decided to focus on the h/c aspect in the aftermath. Sorry if that disappoints anyone.

Anyway, please review, and let me know what you think. I think we only have one more chapter to go, but I have a few plans in the works for other stories in this 'verse.

rating: nc-17, almost human, pairing: dorian/john kennex, slash pairing(s)

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