Fanfiction: Almost Human - Falling Further (Chapter 1)

Feb 26, 2014 09:12

Title: Falling Further
Sequel to: I'll Catch You As You Fall
Author: Serena-chan ( hourglass244)
Fandom: Almost Human
Pairing: Dorian/John Kennex
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Warnings: Um, robot/human sex?
Spoilers: None
Summary: Takes place immediately following "I'll Catch You As You Fall." You probably should read that first, or this won't make much sense.
A/N: For the record, this fic could have taken a seriously angsty turn, and I know some of you would prefer if there were more of that. However, as the first fic was a gift for a friend, I consulted with her on the outcome of the second, and she would prefer if I kept it more light-hearted and porny. That said, there will be some angst, though I'll try to limit myself on her behalf.

Comments will be much appreciated!

Dorian sat on Rudy's table.  The scientist had just finished his examination of the DRN and was now looking over the small piece of tech that had caused this whole mess.  John was hovering nearby, unwilling to leave his partner just yet.

The official report had just said that the device had affected Dorian's speed, making it impossible for him to pursue the suspect after he'd fled.  Only Rudy and Captain Maldonado had been told the truth.

Dorian kept his gaze trained on his hands folded in his lap.  Now that the haze of want and need had left his system, he was experiencing feelings of extreme embarrassment.  Explaining the situation to Rudy had been bad enough.  The DRN was just grateful that he hadn't been there when John had told Maldonado what had happened.  He wasn't sure what was said, but the detective had returned from his meeting with her looking very red in the face.  He'd assured Dorian, though, that she'd agreed to cover for them and not list it in the actual report that any police officer could access.  As long as Rudy was able to figure the machine out, there was no need for anyone else to know about it.

"It's a brilliant piece of tech," Rudy said finally, after looking at its internal wiring.  "Horrible, but brilliantly executed.  Basically it's designed to turn any android into a sexbot.  Probably because the cost of owning a sexbot is so high, whereas other robots to do things like clean your house, for instance, are much cheaper."

"But aren't maidbots kind of like the MXs?" John asked.  "You know, no synthetic sexual organs?"

Rudy blushed, looking uncomfortable.  "They still have hands and mouths, though, don't they?  My understanding is that if the android in question doesn't have the capabilities to experience their own sexual urges, then they'll feel compelled to, uh, let's say 'service' whatever human is in the immediate area.  It's terrible, taking away what little free will they do have, but that's what this little thing is designed to do."

"So Dorian should be alright now?" John asked.

"Yeah, from what I can tell, the programing has completely left his system."


John turned to is partner.  Dorian was still looking down at his hands.

"Hey," John said, putting a hand on the android's arm.  "You gonna be okay?"

Dorian finally looked up at him, his smile looking a little forced.  "Yeah, man.  I'll be fine.  You should go get some rest."

"You sure?" the detective asked.  When his partner nodded, he replied, "Okay.  You get yourself charged.  We'll catch this kid tomorrow.  Promise."

John paused a moment before leaving.  He had an odd look on his face, and Dorian wondered briefly if he was going to hug or even kiss him.  However, the expression was quickly shuttered behind John's usual gruff exterior, and the detective left without another word.

As he went to his charging station that evening, located in a corner of Rudy's lab, the android tried to decide how he felt about the whole experience.  There was embarrassment, sure, but underneath that was something else, something he couldn't identify or even begin to put into words.  He remembered the desire that had heated his whole body like a furnace, and then the raw passion that had followed.  At first, he'd been frightened, but then John had put his arms around him, and he'd just - cherished, even - especially when he recalled the way John had held him close afterwards, kissing him softly and murmuring soothing words while they'd waited for his body to stop trembling.

As he connected himself to his charging port and readied himself for a few hours of blissful unawareness, that was the image Dorian replayed.  His sensory memory could vividly recall the feeling of his partner's arms around him and the emotions that accompanied it.  He wasn't sure why, but he was certain that this new emotion bubbling somewhere inside was the most important thing to be taken from the whole experience.

Chapter 2

rating: nc-17, almost human, pairing: dorian/john kennex, slash pairing(s)

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