Fanfiction: Almost Human - Falling Further (Chapter 2)

Feb 26, 2014 09:22

Title: Falling Further
Sequel to: I'll Catch You As You Fall
Author: Serena-chan ( hourglass244)
Fandom: Almost Human
Pairing: Dorian/John Kennex
Rating: NC-17/Explicit
Warnings: Um, robot/human sex?
Spoilers: None
Summary: Takes place immediately following "I'll Catch You As You Fall." You probably should read that first, or this won't make much sense.
Chapter Summary: Dorian struggles with feelings and sexual urges that he doesn't understand.
A/N: As always, comments are greatly appreciated!

Previous chapter: Chapter 1

Dorian had anticipated the next day being awkward, however, it wasn't as bad as he'd thought it would be.  John seemed bound and determined to pretend the whole thing had never happened, and the DRN vowed to follow his lead.  He'd forced John's involvement in the whole thing, and he felt like he owed it to him to do whatever it took to make things right between them, no matter how much he wanted to discuss the whole experience.

More than anything, Dorian wished he could ask his partner about the new feelings inside of him.  Surely John would know what sort of emotions usually accompanied sex, and there wasn't anyone else he felt like he could ask.  No one else knew of their experience together except Rudy and Captain Maldonado, and the thought of asking them...  It just wasn't something he felt like he could do.  The searches he'd ran online had been inconclusive at best.

They'd been assigned a new case that morning.  There were already warrants out for Jason Greenfield, the kid from the previous day.  Every MX in the city knew to be looking for him, and it was just a matter of time before he'd be found and brought in.  Rudy was already going through all the tech he'd built so there was nothing more he and John could do until he was finally brought in.

This case involved a shooting in an alley off one of the main streets of the city.  When they arrived, MXs were already there and had the scene secured with police tape.

"What have we got?" John asked as they crossed the virtual tape.

Dorian quickly accessed the files from the MXs.  "The victim's name is Mathew Bronner.  He was found early this morning by a homeless man named Paulie McGuire."

Approaching the corpse, the android bent down to examine the wounds.  "He was shot twice in the chest.  Both bullets appear to have pierced the heart.  Either shot could have killed him."

Dorian turned the body over and examined the man's back.  "The bullets entered through the front and exited through his back.  I don't see any bullets or casings."

"There's not enough blood either," John said.  "Meaning he was probably killed somewhere else and dumped here.  What else do we know about this guy?  Does he have any close family or friends?"

"He lives with his boyfriend," Dorian said, his face lighting up blue.  "A Clark Naples.  I have their address."

"Great.  Let's go talk to him."

In the car once more, Dorian discreetly eyed his partner whenever John wasn't looking.  The man didn't seem to have any physical signs of what had occurred the previous day.  A quick scan revealed that he'd suffered no physical damage, either.  However, one thing that the DRN noticed from his scan was that his testicles hadn't refilled to the sufficient amount, indicating that he'd ejaculated at least once more after their encounter.

Given the small amount of time they'd spent apart, Dorian concluded that it was more likely that John had masturbated rather than finding another sexual partner.  Strange, since the man seemed to be able to go days without sexual release of any kind.

Unbidden, a visual image formed of John laying on his bed, stroking himself.  He hadn't gotten a good look at his partner's penis, but he'd felt the width and length of him as he'd thrust into him the night before so he could easily envision what it must look like.

Giving himself a little shake, Dorian forced the image away.  It wasn't right to be thinking about John in that context.

He stole another glance at his partner, wondering if he'd noticed his distraction, but John was firmly focused on the road.  Dorian forced himself to run a background search on Mathew Bronner, but even as did, another thought came to him.

What was John thinking about while he masturbated?  Had he thought about the two of them, and what they'd done together?  Was he imagining sliding into Dorian, thrusting into him until he reached completion?

To his horror, the android realized that his penis was growing erect.  He quickly issued a command to soften it, and to his relief it worked.

Still, this was unusual.  He should only be able to achieve an erection by issuing the proper command to become hard.  Perhaps some part of the sexual program was still in his system?  He'd have to ask Rudy to run another diagnostic as soon as he had the chance.

Later that day, the two detectives found themselves in an underground club called Sting that held raves on weekends.  They boyfriend had told them that the two of them would often go to dance, drink, and socialize, but that Mathew had gone by himself the previous night.  Clark had been laid up in bed with a cold and had opted not to attend.

The place was dark and literally underground.  It was held in the basement of an absinthe bar in one of the seedier places of the city.  There were no surveillance cameras, no footage to access.  However, it wasn't hard to discover that the man had indeed been killed there.  They found bloodstains against the wall and floor of one dark corner of the basement.  John was currently questioning the manager while Dorian continued to survey the scene.

"How is it that someone was shot here, and no one noticed a damn thing?" he asked.

The manager, a balding man in his late forties, was nervously tapping his pen against a clipboard.  Apparently, he'd been allowing one of his younger employees to host the raves at night after the bar closed.

"It would have been easy, I'm sure," the man said.  "I've only been to one of these things, but the music is so loud a train could drive by and no one would hear.  The lights are dimmed, and strobes set up around the place.  I personally don't like this sort of thing, but it's great for business."

Dorian tried to picture it, pulsing music, flashing lights, and swarms of people dancing and drinking, probably doing a few drugs, too.  A man slumped in a corner would probably just be seen as being passed out.  A man carrying out a body would probably just be seen as someone helping their unconscious friend home.

As he pictured it, another unwanted image flashed in his mind.  One of John in tight pants and a clinging shirt, dancing and letting loose, grinding against someone, getting hard...

Dorian paused and tried to regulate his system as another unwelcome wave of arousal swept through him.  What was happening to him?  He shouldn't be having these thoughts without consciously trying to call them up.  He'd definitely have to talk to Rudy later.

Unfortunately, by the time they got back to the lab for the night, he found Rudy hunched over a pile of broken MXs.  Apparently there had been a robbery, and several of the bots had been damaged while taking the man into custody.

"Can't this wait?" Rudy had asked, before Dorian had even told him what was wrong.  "I'm going to working all night on these things."

"I suppose it can," the DRN sighed.  After all, as distracting as the images had been, he'd still been able to do his job.  He'd have Rudy run a diagnostic in the morning before his shift.

Dorian went to his charging station early that night so he'd have time in the morning to explain his problem and be looked over.

When Dorian was fully charged and came back to consciousness, he usually began by doing a quick run through of all the images from the previous day, bringing himself up to speed to be ready for their current case.  However, on waking, he found the images he'd had of John flashing through his synthetic subconscious first.

He saw John, laying naked and spread out on his bed, stroking his erection with one of his strong hands.  His audio files helpfully supplied the sounds John had made while they'd been engaging in sex - his deep, quick breathing; the way he moaned; they deep groan of completion as he ejaculated.

Dorian's erection was tenting his pants, and he felt some of his programming seem to switch off as all this processors focused on his sexual arousal.  The commands he sent to stop it did little, as the images kept coming.

He remembered what it was like to be filled with John's erection, stretched to his limit.  He could recall vividly the feel of his arms around him and the way his pleasure sensors had lit up and fired through him.

He needed to talk to Rudy.  Now.

The scientist had fallen asleep in his chair, slumped over one of the work tables that still held a broken MX.  Dark circles lines his eyes, and exhaustion was clearly etched into his face.

Dorian paused, unable to bring himself to wake the slumbering man.  He'd obviously been up all night.

Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was four in the morning.  Only four hours until he was supposed to meet John for his shift, and only about three hours until Rudy usually awoke.  Perhaps he could simply wait for the man's alarm to rouse him?

Another image flashed in his mind - one of John asleep in his bed.  All the gruff lines smoothed out by sleep making him look young and vulnerable.  There was that feeling again.  It swelled uncomfortably in his chest, much like his erection that was currently swollen in his pants.

He was so hard.  He needed...

John. His processor helpfully supplied.  John can help you.

Before he'd even made the conscious decision to leave, he found himself outside and hailing a cab.  He gave the cab driver John's address, hoping that the darkness of the early morning hour and his dark clothing would help hide his arousal from prying eyes.

Chapter 3

rating: nc-17, almost human, pairing: dorian/john kennex, slash pairing(s)

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