FIC: On the boardwalk (Steve/Danny, PG)

Mar 09, 2011 12:48

Title: On the boardwalk
Summary: Steve is a closet romantic and Danny is skeptical.
Rating: PG for innuendo and a dead body
Warnings: humor, spoilers for 1x18
Word count: ~400
A/N: Written for the final week of sd_ldws, where the prompt was this photo. I'm really excited to say that I won! :) Thanks very much to nova33 for her help with this one. I made a few ( Read more... )

fic: steve/danny, fic: h50, fic

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Comments 13

alba17 March 9 2011, 22:43:36 UTC
Whee! I really liked this - so cute! THousands of congratulations! You do their dialogue so well.


hotel_window March 14 2011, 18:49:52 UTC
Thanks! :D I am relieved to say that I love writing their dialogue since dialogue isn't usually my strong suit.


alba17 March 14 2011, 19:55:06 UTC
You're kidding.


hotel_window March 14 2011, 20:04:47 UTC
I'm not! I used to mostly (try to) write angst, and I always struggled, although I think that was mostly me struggling with plot, which made me struggle with the rest, including dialogue. I think I hear Danny and Steve's dialogue in my head better than I usually do with characters, so my H50 fic has definitely been more dialogue-driven. :) It's been much easier for me to just sit down and spew out a bunch of banter between these two than is has been to write angstier, plottier stuff for them. idk, I think I'm still experimenting with my writing style. /ramble


klutzy_girl March 14 2011, 19:13:03 UTC
Aw, cute!


hotel_window March 14 2011, 20:05:05 UTC
Thanks! :)


dogeared March 14 2011, 20:01:45 UTC
Oh this is so adorable, and I can absolutely hear them, especially here: Steve shrugs, the corners of his mouth quirking into a smile. "I have my moments."

"Your moments?" Danny echoes, but he's smiling now too.



hotel_window March 14 2011, 20:09:07 UTC
Thank you so much! :D I figure Steve has to have a romantic side. He planned that dinner on the beach for Catherine! He was totally going to hold his hand. ;)


americandirrty March 15 2011, 03:25:56 UTC
Aww this is really cute, I love it!


loki256 March 15 2011, 22:04:49 UTC
guh, romantic steve is so cute, why do i feel like steve prepares for a "romantic" evening the same way he prepares for a black-ops mission, with a mission objective, debrefing and classified documents...


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