FIC: On the boardwalk (Steve/Danny, PG)

Mar 09, 2011 12:48

Title: On the boardwalk
Summary: Steve is a closet romantic and Danny is skeptical.
Rating: PG for innuendo and a dead body
Warnings: humor, spoilers for 1x18
Word count: ~400
A/N: Written for the final week of sd_ldws, where the prompt was this photo. I'm really excited to say that I won! :) Thanks very much to nova33 for her help with this one. I made a few ( Read more... )

fic: steve/danny, fic: h50, fic

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Comments 13

gryffindorj April 14 2011, 04:43:26 UTC
That is so damn cute but not in a way I hate, just really lovely. I love them.


audreytiphaine April 28 2011, 21:12:13 UTC
omfg i love your humor and how perfectly you write their voices. that is what i love here.


lasamy May 29 2011, 13:24:43 UTC
omg :333


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