FIC: On the boardwalk (Steve/Danny, PG)

Mar 09, 2011 12:48

Title: On the boardwalk
Summary: Steve is a closet romantic and Danny is skeptical.
Rating: PG for innuendo and a dead body
Warnings: humor, spoilers for 1x18
Word count: ~400
A/N: Written for the final week of sd_ldws, where the prompt was this photo. I'm really excited to say that I won! :) Thanks very much to nova33 for her help with this one. I made a few additions and changes to this from the version I submitted.

On the boardwalk

"Why is it that every time I go somewhere with you, something like this happens?"

Steve looks up from the body, which is still slumped in the seat of the ferris wheel capsule like the attendant had found him. "When has this ever happened before?"

"When we went to that bar, the one next to the Hilton, remember?" says Danny. "And that man collapsed onto the floor and died? You are a magnet for death and destruction."

"He had a heart attack, Danny," says Steve, shining the borrowed flashlight into the corners of the capsule. "He was sixty-six years old and had been doing body shots off of college students all night."

"Still, the fact that this is the second death that we've had to investigate while we're supposed to be out having a good time--I blame you. Do you have something against the great state of New Jersey that you had to do this here?"

Steve turns off the flashlight. "There's no blood anywhere. The M.E. will have to determine cause of death."

Danny glances over at the row of benches about fifteen yards away, where his father and Grace are sharing a funnel cake while they wait. "This has to be a bad omen. First trip back home after Matty takes off, and some guy kicks the bucket on the ferris wheel." He sighs. "I guess this thing is shut down for the rest of the night. Grace was looking forward to it."

"So was I."

Danny looks skeptical. "I would have thought bumper cars were more your style."

"I like the ferris wheel," says Steve, craning his neck to look at the top of the wheel. "Great view of the city. Very romantic."

Danny arches his eyebrows. "Since when are you a romantic? Your idea of wooing someone is a six-pack of Longboards and a Magnum P.I. marathon."

Steve shrugs, the corners of his mouth quirking into a smile. "I have my moments."

"Your moments?" Danny echoes, but he's smiling now too. "What, were you gonna try to hold my hand when we got to the top?"

"P.D. is here," says Steve, pocketing the flashlight. "We can pass this off to them."

"I'll take that as a yes to the hand-holding," says Danny. "Did you have a back-up plan? Any other romantic ideas for this evening? Just so I'll be prepared and won't die of shock, like this guy."

Steve grins. "Yeah, let's go play the ring toss. I'll win you a stuffed animal."

fic: steve/danny, fic: h50, fic

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