FIC: Make-pretend Friends (Steve/Danny, PG)

Mar 04, 2011 11:12

Title: Make-pretend Friends
Author: hotel_window
Summary: High school AU. Danny doesn't need Steve's pity. Or to have his leg eaten by a shark.
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Rating/content: PG; humor; no spoilers
Word count: 300
A/N: Written for week seven of sd_ldws, for the prompts of "High school AU" and "skiing." I won this week. :) Only one week left. Thanks to my friend C for the beta.

Make-pretend Friends

"Let me explain something to you. Several things, in fact."

They're at the beach, not thirty yards from Mamo's surf stand, with the surf lapping over their ankles. Danny's rolled up his jeans, but the cuffs are crusted with wet sand.

"My mother worries about me, okay," Danny continues. "It's what she does, she worries. She thinks I don't fit in at school, that I don't have any friends 'cause I'm the new kid. But y'know what? I don't wanna fit in. I don't wanna wear board shorts and flip-flops--"

"Slippers," Steve interjects.

"--or whatever. I don't want surf lessons. I don't wanna spend my weekends waterskiing with you, having my legs nibbled on by great whites--"

"That wasn't a shark."

"I know what I felt, okay!"

"Okay." Steve's squinting down at Danny with his arms crossed over his chest, sunshine caught in his eyelashes. His hair is dark and wet, sticking up at odd angles.

Danny takes a deep breath. "So what I'm saying is, thank you for being the good son and playing along. However, next time my mother asks your mother to take me snorkling, you can drop me off at the library or a burger hut--anywhere but the beach. Bottom line: we are not real friends, just make-pretend friends, okay?"

"Fake friends," says Steve. "Got it. Are you done?"

Danny pauses, considering. "Yeah, I think so."

"Okay, good, because first of all, you're standing on my board."

Danny looks down at the surfboard curled under his toes. He steps backwards, into the sand, and Steve picks it up. "Thanks," he says, wiping it off. "I'm gonna go again."

"Wait," says Danny. "You said 'first of all.' Was there something else?"

"Oh, yeah," says Steve, smiling down at him. "My mom didn't ask me to do anything."

fic: steve/danny, fic: h50, fic

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