moar top model

Apr 08, 2009 17:41

ANTM S12 E5 )

tv, antm

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Comments 59

danadanger April 8 2009, 22:47:30 UTC
i haven't watched heroes in three weeks now. i always have the excuse that "oh, i can just watch it on netflix tomorrow," but i haven't yet. maybe i don't care? i just wish there were digests that just gave me the sylar parts of the episodes. and maybe hiro, too.

i love your antm posts. plus, thanks for reminding me it's on tonight! i should hook up my converter box so i can watch it on tv and not tomorrow on youtube.


hooveraardvark April 8 2009, 22:51:20 UTC
i couldn't take it anymore. it just got so bad and meandering and boring. i love sylar, but that's not enough.

thanks! it's not a great season, but i'm hoping for more drama tonight. also, clay aiken is on tonight, which should be good for some mean laughs.


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hooveraardvark April 9 2009, 04:19:51 UTC


myglock_yrface April 8 2009, 23:05:00 UTC
I haven't gotten round to watching this season of ANTM, except parts of the first 2 episodes. Meh, I will catch up during a marathon.


hooveraardvark April 8 2009, 23:10:42 UTC
you aren't missing much anyway. celia is worth watching just to covet her clothes. she works at bergdorf goodman in nyc and all her stuff is awesome.


hooveraardvark April 8 2009, 23:10:57 UTC
oh, did you get the movie i sent?


myglock_yrface April 8 2009, 23:45:34 UTC
Oh yes ^___^ Thanks so much again, it was a lifesaver. I still need to write th paper.


franzeska April 9 2009, 00:02:48 UTC
I watch Castle and CSI: Miami on Mondays. They're both very, very stupid, but Castle is ridiculously cheerful even when the crimes are horrible and CSI: Miami is all about morally unambiguous Justice as mental comfort food. I find they make Mondays far more pleasant than they would otherwise be.

My current spring ritual is that of hunt-the-W2 (i.e. cleaning out all of the "important papers" in my desk so I can find the actual important papers and pay my taxes). Sometimes I go to overcrowded cherry-blossom-themed things and quiver in horror at all the people dressed like Naruto characters. What a great season.


hooveraardvark April 9 2009, 04:36:59 UTC
so i saw your post about the unusuals. wtf is that show about? was it terrible?

house and gossip girl are on monday, so it's not a bad tv day now that i don't watch heroes.

god, i still haven't done my taxes. it's mostly my work's fault and not mine, but ugh.


franzeska April 9 2009, 15:08:16 UTC
So, as far as I can tell, it's about WTF. No, really. It's like a faux gritty Twin Peaks where all of the actors have been asked to read their lines instead of trying to act and all of the action from the first season is compressed into a single episode. Mike thought it was absolute shit; I was intrigued. There's something kind of compelling about the extreme level of rapidfire, straight-faced craziness. I can't tell if the director is incompetent or just insane, but the dreaded words "magical realism" have been bandied about in reviews ( ... )


hooveraardvark April 9 2009, 15:24:33 UTC
um wow. you kind of made me both want to watch it and want to run screaming in the opposite direction. "magical realism"? cats and fish sauce?

the only thing i knew about the show was that michael from lost was on it. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLTTT!"


belmanoir April 9 2009, 00:55:32 UTC
omg i so know what you mean about heroes. my quality of life improved so drastically when i stopped watching smallville it was kind of ridiculous.


belmanoir April 9 2009, 00:56:24 UTC
ps i am in hastings-on-hudson through monday--do you want to try to hang out at some point?


hooveraardvark April 9 2009, 04:49:56 UTC
yes, i definitely want to hang out - where is hastings-on-hudson?

i thought about not watching dollhouse also but then it drastically improved.


belmanoir April 9 2009, 12:44:02 UTC
i'm not sure EXACTLY where it is, but it's 45 minutes from grand central station by commuter rail. (right by yonkers.)


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hooveraardvark April 9 2009, 04:50:19 UTC
yeah, the makeup is so painfully low budget.


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