hoodie_time Tags Challenge Recs!

Aug 18, 2011 15:09

Hello hello, just me again, with my August Guest Reccer post #2! As I'm sure you're all well aware, the Tags Challenge is just about coming to an end. Today I just wanted to share some of my personal favorites, be they fic, art, picspams, or vids. All of these pieces I felt made especially deft use of their given tag. And we all love tags. :D ( Read more... )

death, cough, &vids, suicidal ideation, [setting: post-series/future-fic], hospitalization, &art/graphics (manip), mutism/voice loss, [setting: season 06], [» faith], asthma, [setting: season 02], sepsis/septicemia, carried!dean, blood-loss, spooning, !recs, [» on the head of a pin], jail/prison, overdose, immune disorder, electrocution, insomnia, substance abuse (alcohol), &art/graphics (digital), [» in my time of dying], injury (misc./other/uncategorized), [genre: gen], supernatural injury/trauma, &art/graphics (picspam), internal injury, exhaustion, fainting/collapse, fever, &fic, abandonment issues, [setting: pre-series], &art/graphics (traditional)

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Comments 1

petite_madame August 23 2011, 08:52:31 UTC
Thank you so much for reccing me ♥


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