why lj whyyy

Feb 10, 2012 13:00

Apparently I'm not getting comment notifications? Ugh. I'll try to track them down if they happen, but if not--sorry! Blame LJ!

In other news, I have teh cold. Bleagh.

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rl, blather, whining

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Comments 18

de_nugis February 10 2012, 18:01:50 UTC
I'm getting them, but really delayed. They'll probably show up eventually! And for your own journal, the View Recent Comments seems to still work even when notifications are down.


honeylocusttree February 10 2012, 18:25:00 UTC
Thankfully, that seems to be the case. But still: arrrgh!


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honeylocusttree February 10 2012, 18:25:24 UTC
What was it?


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honeylocusttree February 10 2012, 22:35:34 UTC


I was seriously thinking just the other day 'you know what we need? More fics about Sam's gas problem.'

I'm not even kidding.


purple_carpets February 10 2012, 18:36:59 UTC
I usually decide all the crazy cold remedies I read about in fic are silly Americanisms. Even the juice thing sounds weird and off to me.

*crawls back under blankets and drinks more chicken soup*


edited to use appropriate sick!Dean icon


honeylocusttree February 10 2012, 19:07:53 UTC
Mmm vitamin C... (I got mango/orange juice at the store today. Full of vitaminy goodness! Also curry. Becuase IMO the best thing for a cold is to BURN IT OUT WITH THE HEAT OF A THOUSAND FIERY CHILIS.)

But yeah, I get the impression there's a h/c arms race going on, with people trying to add more and more over-the-top ridiculousness in terms of sheer schmoopy fluffy comforting, 'cuz a lot of it's totally outrageous. Things I wouldn't expect to go on with females, never mind two grown males who slaughter monsters for a living. And don't get me started on all the hugging and cuddling that goes on because whaaaa....?


quickreaver February 10 2012, 21:26:30 UTC
But yeah, I get the impression there's a h/c arms race going on...

I know, right?! Kinda silly. Don't get more extreme, get more clever. Or just change a viewpoint, or a setting, or...but I'm preachin' to the choir.


honeylocusttree February 10 2012, 22:40:38 UTC
I'm waiting for that one really realistic h/c fic where the non-ill person is extremely unimpressed and generally just annoyed by the snot and fever and what-all.

Somebody'll write it. Someday.



gwendolynd February 10 2012, 19:42:33 UTC
Hmm, good thing you said that, 'cause apparently I'm not getting them either. That's interesting... Grr...


honeylocusttree February 10 2012, 19:48:24 UTC
It's always something...on the other hand, it's not like I'm paying for the service, so eh.

Though this sort of thing is part of the reason why I'm not paying for the service. >.


quickreaver February 10 2012, 21:19:09 UTC
I think most everything is an old wives' tale. I treat my colds symptomatically. And with lotsa painkillers and rest and warm fluids like tea and coffee and baths. It's been proven that Vitamin C does nothing once you have a cold but there's probably something to be said for the placebo effect!

Yanno, if you wore one of those masks like in your user pic, you'd NEVER get sick.......


honeylocusttree February 10 2012, 22:39:36 UTC
Yeah, I'm not sure that'd go over real big on campus...

Eh, I find that I crave oranges and citrus while I'm sick, though that may have more to do with the acid or something. But if I crave something I tend to pay attention to it. As long as it's not, y'know, lead paint or whatever.


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