why lj whyyy

Feb 10, 2012 13:00

Apparently I'm not getting comment notifications? Ugh. I'll try to track them down if they happen, but if not--sorry! Blame LJ!

In other news, I have teh cold. Bleagh.

I enjoy reading sick h/c fic because everything in them is totally bizarre and alien to me. I never do *any* of the stuff people do in those fics--except the part about rest and fluids I mean. But the rest of it is fascinating and strange to me. Like the ginger ale thing, which apparently is something everyone knew about? I guess? Or Gatorade. I mean I drink a lot of tea when I'm sick, but I've never heard of ginger ale as a thing, and am frankly suspicious that people don't really drink it and it's just a fic trope.

Generally I deal with being sick by trying to get as much rest+nutrients/calories as possible. My feeling is that when it comes to a cold or whatever, it's up to the immune system to deal with it, so symptom suppressors and what-all sort of defeat the purpose.

So that's why when I get a sore throat I get those tears at the skin in the back of my throat from excessive coughing. They're harmless, but lead to spitting out blood. Because honestly if I stood in a first aid aisle and looked at all the stuff you can buy for various symptoms, I wouldn't even know where to start. What do you get for something like that? It's all very mysterious. So I just sorta, y'know, have the cold or infection or whatever. And then after a while, it gets better.

*blows nose*

rl, blather, whining

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