
Jan 23, 2011 22:45

Characters: Everyone!
Setting/Location: Fort Hood
Date & Time: Day 48, one hour until sunrise.
Warnings: Violence! Language?
Summary: The Battle begins! Werewolves, Koda has asked you to return to the Fort as a "favor" - problem is, with the moon as full as it is now, you'll turn almost immediately as you leave the cover of the forest - directly ( Read more... )

#style: action, apollo, gabe weller, guinevere, !event, ariadne, finn hudson, anathema device, heine rammsteiner, arthur, !narrator, cassandra of troy, *day 48, bret mcclegnie, #style: prose, rookie, gau meguro, zhou yu, jack harkness

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Comments 92

thebooksaysso January 24 2011, 05:24:42 UTC
[A "favor", huh? Well with those spotlights going strong and the sounds of battle preparation being heard all too clearly from inside the fort, it's not hard for Anathema to figure out just what that favor entails, and as much sympathy as she has for him and the rest of the clan she doesn't want to fight.]

[But even while she keeps to the edge of the trees, she also doesn't know just how much longer she can ignore the instincts itching at the back of her mind, and the pull of the moon on top of them.]


apyrostrategy January 25 2011, 21:34:26 UTC
[OH HI LET'S MAKE THIS TERRIBLE AND AWKWARD. It was really just a random decision to take this particular path, scouting the area, with an unfamiliar, overwhelming predatory instinct clouding his mind. But then, he saw an unfamiliar shape in the dark, and stops. For a moment, he had to fight down the overpowering thirst, but he was successful - at least temporarily.]

[Curiously and silently, he approached the - girl. He wondered if she was a scout herself, for which faction, and... one of his new comrades, perhaps? If so, perhaps she had information that could be extracted from her.]


thebooksaysso January 25 2011, 22:54:46 UTC
[SOUNDS GOOD TO ME. And it wasn't very long before Anathema noticed that she'd acquired company; the smell of the dead was still overwhelming to her new sense of smell.]

[Later she could congratulate herself for not jumping out of her skin with that realization. She stayed calm, or at least did an admirable job of looking it, and spared a brief glance into the dark.] You may as well come out where I can see you.


apyrostrategy January 27 2011, 04:56:22 UTC
[Caught. Of course, it had to go that way. Zhou Yu followed the invitation, stepping out of the shadow slowly, head held high, looking right at the girl. She seemed... human. But what was she doing out here, then? And that question was hint enough that he maintained a certain distance, mentally preparing himself to strike. But her voice was so familiar.]

What are you doing out here?


HUMANS: PRE-BATTLE ROUND-UP brb_napping January 24 2011, 06:28:54 UTC
[In front of the armoury, you have the local defence force assembled - at the very least you have Weller, flanked by Rookie. If you want to respond to Weller's call for a headcount, just report here, and get involved with the defence planning.]

[Action-tags to get this over quickly. Dated pre-attack.]


specificities January 24 2011, 06:35:36 UTC
[ Here's Arthur coming up. He's had plenty of time to get familiar with this village's style of weaponry, the reduced recoil and the more precise aiming mechanics, though he hadn't thought it would actually come around to something like this. Actual use. So far, everything in this world had been rather vanilla, aside from the occasional animal attack. Eitherway, he's got this technology's version of a sniper rifle holstered across his back, and a gun that reminds him of a glock tucked against his right hip. He isn't really expecting to see the military guy he'd "borrowed" a gun off of there, but he guesses it makes the most sense that he's part of the team here. He nods all the same in greeting, since he knows at least that guy can't speak. ]


hungupboots January 24 2011, 07:00:35 UTC
[Weller had gotten a little time in with the weaponry around the fort but his cold had, unfortunately, kept him from anything extensive. He still felt mildly ill even now, his fever not having gone away completely. But that was a moot point- they had work to do.]

[Arthur is looked at somewhat skeptically- he did remember him from seeing his damn corpse but otherwise had yet to interact with him. Time to see what the zombie was made of.] Name?


specificities January 25 2011, 01:53:28 UTC
[ Arthur's brow raises at the skeptic look, but he doesn't comment on it. ]



cassie_of_troy January 24 2011, 23:30:44 UTC
[A slip of silvery white in the darkness is revealed to be Cassandra, slowly walking through the fray. She seems almost completely oblivious to the carnage going on around her. Her dark eyes shine in the moonlight as she stares straight ahead, walking purposefully, although just where she intends to go is a bit of a mystery.]


truthandlyres January 27 2011, 02:48:06 UTC
[Apollo stands at a distance from everyone, a mere observer. He has no desire to be involved. He's seen more than enough wars. In fact, he's thinking about turning away when--]



cassie_of_troy January 27 2011, 02:55:12 UTC
[She turns to look at him. There is a wildness to her eyes, unlike the madness she played in Troy. This is more of a wild look, a hungry look. It is quite unlike her. She works her mouth, as if trying to say something, but no sound comes out. There is, however, a gleam of white moonlight against her rather noticeable canines.]


truthandlyres January 27 2011, 04:02:40 UTC
[Cassandra doesn't look like herself. He can spot that right away, but he doesn't know what's different. His eyes narrows as he examines her]

Is something wrong?

[He's just about to approach her when he sees it. The teeth. Oh no, Cassandra. What did you do?]


brb_napping January 25 2011, 21:10:52 UTC
[After the battle had begun, with the organisation out of the way, the Rookie was ready and in position for battle, guarding the East Gate. The new weapons were handy; it was a bit of a change to adjust to fighting with a largely untrained team, but the fort's defences were impressive, after all. From what he considered a decent cover, he took aim and fired at the werewolves, cautious to hit with every shot rather than waste ammunition, although he was by no means a sharpshooter.]


specificities January 25 2011, 21:26:31 UTC
[ Shooting at such a long range took a lot of time and patience, something of which Arthur had neither in these circumstances. If what the woman on the network had said was true, they would have to hold out until dawn, and he wasn't exactly confident in that. It was a matter of numbers - the amount of people and ammunition they had here versus the steady stream of bad horror movie characters stumbling out of the woods. Vampires and werewolves. Needless to say, Arthur was out of his element, and he didn't exactly have the luxury of tacking on unlimited ammunition. Still, at least it didn't seem as though they needed a headshot or a torso shot to slow the werewolves down - whatever silver alloy the bullets were compounded of seemed to slow them down if not drop them completely ( ... )


brb_napping January 25 2011, 21:46:51 UTC
[While doing his best to take out as many targets as he could safely, with what ammunition he had, the Rookie kept an eye on the man close-by, who was handling himself fairly well for a civilian. It was obvious Arthur knew at least a bit about guns, but as it was, he didn't have the same precision in his aim and in his choice of targets as what could be expected from a soldier ( ... )


specificities January 25 2011, 21:58:25 UTC
[ He caught the ammo with ease when he saw the throw from the corner of his eyes, nodding. ]


[ He released the empty magazine from the rifle, sliding the new clip into place and notching it. If he had to give the Marshal any credit, whomever designed their guns knew what they were doing. It wasn't as bulky as he had been expecting, considering most of the weaponry he'd witnessed so far had been little more than rudimentary, well, crossbows. He could still feel Rookie's eyes on him, though, and tilted his head towards him briefly though he kept his eyes on the field, leaning over slightly to take a gander at the state of the East wall. ]

I'm not going to turn; haven't been bitten.

[ He figured that was the reason for all of the, well, staring. ]


weedyshyguy January 25 2011, 21:56:10 UTC
[As soon as Bret crosses the treeline, the moonlight hits him and he starts to change. He kind of wishes he had a say in the matter, because it really really hurts and he's pretty sure he's going to lose his pants this time and he tried so hard not to and--

God, it hurts.

That might also be because once he starts changing the people from the fort start shooting at him, which is really dickish, honestly, and Bret's actually getting kind of angry. But this time, instead of flying into a few passionate spins, his angry urge is to bite someone on the face.

Giving a bizarre mixture of a whine and a growl at this thought, Bret starts lumbering towards the shooty people, hoping he can at least scare them into stopping or...something.

One upside of being a werewolf? Being more intimidating than normal.]


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