Warmer than winds of June

Feb 16, 2011 12:05

Characters: astered and hometrail
Setting/Location: Riviere (Haw, haw! Oui, oui!), Cherry Tree
Date & Time: Day 53, just as the sun is considering its setting.
Warnings: Effects will take their toll on the poor boy.
Summary: "Roses Are Red, Violets Are.... Violet, Actually," and a glimpse of Robin's sensitive side.

MP3 link behind the cut! )

dick grayson (robin), *incomplete, *day 53, *style: action

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Comments 18

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astered February 17 2011, 00:02:05 UTC
[Robin was too blissful to hear Cloud, humming to himself instead. That token grumpy owl mentioned earlier was the last of the animals to go, by the way, and accidentally collided with Robin's head before flying back to the trees. That sudden jolt woke him from his happy delirium, and he reacted like a spaz.]


[First disoriented, he immediately straightened up after noticing that spiky-haired blond dude. Was this some sort of dream? Did Scarecrow give him the wrong form of hallucinogenic toxin, or something?]

Woah, sorry... uh...

[Awkward pause, and lots of head-scratching, whistling, and looking around at drug trip town. After a long trance under the spell of this weird place, it can be really difficult to figuratively get back on your feet. He slouched, embarrassed, as he interjected the silence. Having learned from Batman, he knew the priorities, but there was one record he had to set straight.]

Was I just singing with a parade of forest animals back there?


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don't worry about it, it doesn't matter :D astered February 17 2011, 03:57:21 UTC
Okay... let's just try to filter that out of both our noggins and start over, alright?

Sans what shall never be spoken of again, I'm Robin.

[He proffered his gloved hand for a-shakin'.]


thricebeatheart February 18 2011, 01:16:31 UTC
Woah! That was awesome!

[Have this ball of energy bouncing towards you. Singing; he hasn't done that yet and we can all be very grateful. Still, this guy looks just like-]

You're an actor, right? I like your costume!

[He had a great voice. Not to mention, his costume really was cool. Sora had attempted to make a costume before, something heroic for a keyblade master, but towels apparently made horrendous capes.]

You know where we are, right?


interested in cloud joining in? astered February 18 2011, 06:10:37 UTC
Thanks, dude, though it's not really what I wanna be famous for. It's like some mysterious, metaphysical force is compelling me to do these things!

[Robin scoffed at the suggestion, but wasn't offended.]

Yeah, well this "costume" is the only thing between me and the next deadly gunshot. I'm what you call a "vigilante."

[He stroked his chin. A tiny bird flew out of his hair, perhaps having forgotten that the musical number was over. Robin tried to ignore it.]

Actually, that's a mystery I have yet to solve. You must be just as clueless, huh?


Hell's yeah! Bring it, bitches >3 thricebeatheart February 18 2011, 14:52:40 UTC
Possession? You mean...like Ansem?

[Poor Robin! And that little description; he sounded a lot like Riku! Ansem had a type; who knew? He stays quiet and lets Robin finish speaking, nodding distractedly every now and again; much more vigorously at the last question. He was lost, yes; but that was nothing new. People being possessed wasn't either- he could fix this!]

Yeah, but- we should fix you first!

[It's a good thing that bird moved, because there's a giant metal key being slammed down in the general position it was previously occupying. Demon begone!]


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xbutterflyguns February 18 2011, 14:07:01 UTC
[ I'm sorry, she saw everything. Watching you with a raised eyebrow now. ]

...I didn't know there were street performers in this city.


astered February 19 2011, 05:04:04 UTC
[Robin was standing in a commotion with two guys just as if not more so elaborately dressed, but with spikier hair and wielding swords straight out of JRPGs. Wait...]

Why don't you join us? [Chuckles.] We're an ensemble.

[So à la Cloud and Sora, interested in a super clusterthread up above?]


and totally okay with the clusterthread~ xbutterflyguns February 20 2011, 08:04:55 UTC
[ And there's this teeny smug smirk as she places her hand on her hip. ]

I'm more of a dancer than an ensemble member, darling.


do eeeeet astered February 21 2011, 09:47:18 UTC
[Laughs.] Well, that's better than nothing! Adds another layer to the performance.


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