Warmer than winds of June

Feb 16, 2011 12:05

Characters: astered and hometrail
Setting/Location: Riviere (Haw, haw! Oui, oui!), Cherry Tree
Date & Time: Day 53, just as the sun is considering its setting.
Warnings: Effects will take their toll on the poor boy.
Summary: "Roses Are Red, Violets Are.... Violet, Actually," and a glimpse of Robin's sensitive side.

[A young man clad in a red costume widened his eyes upon finding himself sprawled near a massive cherry tree. Visibly stunned, he quickly got on his feet and drew out one of his batarangs, definitely on his guard.]

Woah!--this isn't Mount Justice.

[The weapon was shortly dropped, however, after his observance of the beautiful village before him. All the weight of previous responsibilities seemed to leave his shoulders, and a smile gently crossed his visage.]

Certainly... looks better...

[Poor Robin couldn't help himself. Something beautiful had overwhelmed his being, forcing him to monologue out loud. He struggled, screaming over what remnants of his conscience he could control, before rapture consumed him.]

...Do my senses deceive me? What miracle do I hold in my embrace? The songs of the birds from the branches above? The many flowers whose colors bloom in the light? The rolling hills that trail the gentle winds? The heartbeat I share with all life in this mysterious land? It is beyond my understanding, but not beyond my gratitude.

Oh geez, I feel compelled... compelled to sing!

[He paced comfortably toward the village of Riveire, and began to vocalize "Younger Than Springtime." Given that his voice actor is Jesse McCartney, it can be assumed that he actually uses good vocal technique. It didn't matter that he had no girl to sing to, either. The feeling was too strong to let by. If you want, use this as an auditory guide to what lies ahead.]

I touch your hand
And my arms grow strong,
Like a pair of birds
That burst with song.
My eyes look down
At your lovely face,
And I hold the world
In my embrace.

Younger than springtime, are you
Softer than starlight, are you,
Warmer than winds of June,
Are the gentle lips you gave me.
Gayer than laughter, are you,
Sweeter than music, are you,
Angel and lover, heaven and earth,
Are you to me.

[Woah, any spectator would be caught off guard by that beautiful singing voice of the tenor variety. Hell, forest critters such as deer, doves, bunnies, skunks, raccoons, chipmunks, turtles, bluebirds, and the obligatory grumpy owl even started to follow and frolic beside him! They sang along using their animal noises, serving as an accompanying orchestra to the masked vocalist!]

And when your youth
And joy invade my arms,
And fill my heart as now they do,
Then younger than springtime, am I,
Gayer than laughter, am I,
Angel and lover, heaven and earth,
Am I with you!

[He occasionally stopped on his tracks to emphasize when he hit those high notes, and spun around or swooned about when he walked. No matter what, he maintained some 'buoyant' position throughout, jovial and alive.]

And when your youth
And joy invade my arms,
And fill my heart as now they do,

[For the final stanza, Robin slowed down and marched gracefully, only inches away from the village. The critters followed, gradually separating to contentedly return to their homes.]

Then younger than springtime, am I,
Gayer than laughter, am I,
Angel and lover, heaven and earth,
Am I with you!

[Upon hitting that final note, the sun seemed to shine brighter than before. The grassy knolls and hills seemed to dance as they were caressed by the wind. Robin simply stood tall, tapping his foot with body language akin to that high school choir superstar you see every year.

What the fuck just happened.]

dick grayson (robin), *incomplete, *day 53, *style: action

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