Warmer than winds of June

Feb 16, 2011 12:05

Characters: astered and hometrail
Setting/Location: Riviere (Haw, haw! Oui, oui!), Cherry Tree
Date & Time: Day 53, just as the sun is considering its setting.
Warnings: Effects will take their toll on the poor boy.
Summary: "Roses Are Red, Violets Are.... Violet, Actually," and a glimpse of Robin's sensitive side.

MP3 link behind the cut! )

dick grayson (robin), *incomplete, *day 53, *style: action

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astered February 17 2011, 00:02:05 UTC
[Robin was too blissful to hear Cloud, humming to himself instead. That token grumpy owl mentioned earlier was the last of the animals to go, by the way, and accidentally collided with Robin's head before flying back to the trees. That sudden jolt woke him from his happy delirium, and he reacted like a spaz.]


[First disoriented, he immediately straightened up after noticing that spiky-haired blond dude. Was this some sort of dream? Did Scarecrow give him the wrong form of hallucinogenic toxin, or something?]

Woah, sorry... uh...

[Awkward pause, and lots of head-scratching, whistling, and looking around at drug trip town. After a long trance under the spell of this weird place, it can be really difficult to figuratively get back on your feet. He slouched, embarrassed, as he interjected the silence. Having learned from Batman, he knew the priorities, but there was one record he had to set straight.]

Was I just singing with a parade of forest animals back there?


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don't worry about it, it doesn't matter :D astered February 17 2011, 03:57:21 UTC
Okay... let's just try to filter that out of both our noggins and start over, alright?

Sans what shall never be spoken of again, I'm Robin.

[He proffered his gloved hand for a-shakin'.]


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astered February 17 2011, 06:44:01 UTC
What, were some notes out of tune?

[Robin's very patient atm.]

I'd say it's too late for that. [Chuckles, not at all offended.] That crazy hairdo screams Asian boy band!


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astered February 18 2011, 00:08:25 UTC
[The Boy Wonder's hand isn't so weak either.]

Good to see ya, Cloud!

[That giant lugging some huge-ass building on wheels finally caught Robin's attention--more so than the fancy village. He gestured toward the resting spectacle, a little surprised, but more curious. If he just fought an android that could mimic the Justice League's powers, and deactivated a terrorist nanobot fog that leveled buildings and stole government data, then these kinds things get easier to believe all the time.]

Uh... you wouldn't happen to know what that is, would you?


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up for THREAD MERGING with sora down there? astered February 18 2011, 05:59:55 UTC
[Sure, pretty boy. Robin followed before getting distracted by the presence of another seemingly random dude.]

Hey Cloud, check out the other spikey-haired kid over there!

[He elbowed Cloud in jest.]

C'mon, let's say hi. Maybe we can form our own boy band.


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