Super Junior/Epik High; Blohyuk; See Me After Class (MFE)

Dec 20, 2008 19:16

Title: See Me After Class (Miracle Fic Exchange)
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: BloHyuk
Word Count: 4,769
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Eunhyuk has been bothering Tablo for quite some time…but how is it the teacher manages to get cornered after class?
Genre: Smut, Humor
A/N: So this was written for the Miracle Fic Exchange 2008! I thought the request I got was very funny. I gotta say, she knew what she wanted ;D I really hope this is what she was looking for. The beginning is a little rocky, I admit, but I kinda ran out of time (what a procrastinator I am!). I literally wrote porn in the airport for this one. Needless to say, THAT was awkard. Oh well, I hope she likes it, I really really do. I wish I could have written it better, but hopefully its not too much fail. Enjoy!

(Yay, now I can focus on my other fics! ♥)

**to whoever wrote my miracle fic exchange fic, thank you ♥! i wish i knew who you are! my comment is at the post site :3

“Be a pilot!” his mother said.

“Be a businessman!” his father said.

“Be a velociraptor!” his little brother said.

But no. Tablo had to be a teacher. And now he was stuck in this hellhole. With no. Way. Out.


Being a high school teacher, Tablo has been putting up with teachers-pets, less-than-enthusiastic students, and hormonal teenagers for 5 years. He’s had to deal with inarticulate papers, gum under the desks, reprimands, snores in class, snarky retorts, and the heavy responsibility of sculpting the young minds of future generations, as his school likes to call it. He just calls it teaching.

But never, never has Tablo had to deal with all of that wrapped up in one, dangerous, unpredictable student.

It all started on the end of the first day of the new school year, after having decided to move on from teaching sophomores to tackling the increased workload of teaching seniors advanced English writing and composition. It all started the moment this kid walked into his class, seemingly innocent. It all started when he smirked at his friend and shifted from his seat in the very back to one in the very front, much to Tablo’s surprise and slight pleasure that maybe someone was actually interested in learning for once. But Tablo knew, he knew that this…this boy, was out to destroy him, the little demon from hell (whenever he told this part of the story, everyone looked at him like he was paranoid, and there would be a break as he spent 5 minutes explaining that no, this student was actually the spawn of Satan in regards to getting people fired, and just listen.)


“Alright. Here we go. Here come the last batch of students, look calm, look professional, do not show any weaknesses.” said Tablo.

“Got it,” said Tablo.

“No, I’m serious. You do want people to take you serious this year, right?” asked Tablo.

“Yes, of course I do,” reassured Tablo.

“Right then. We’re on the same page.” said Tablo. “AAAAND showtime!”

Tablo shook his head, silencing the voices inside, and cleared his throat to get the attention of the twenty bleary-eyed, fresh faces in front of him. He smiled a little nervously.

“Hello, my name is Professor Lee. Welcome to Advanced English Writing and Composition. I have a syllabus printed for each of you, with the book list attached to the back,” he said, moving forward and handing a packet of papers to the student seated at the end of the first row, who proceeded to take one and pass the packet around. And then, without warning, Tablo shivered. He looked around, and saw that the brown-haired boy who had moved to the front had been following his progress with his eyes, never once having left Tablo’s back as he walked around the classroom. As Tablo met his gaze, he saw the boy draw his bottom lip between his teeth and his eyes glinted with something hidden. Tablo paused for a second, stunned, before shaking his head for the second time that day.

“Er…right, so the syllabus-“ he began again, nervously turning away.

The rest of the class passed without much interruption, but Tablo spent the rest of the hour fighting off the strange feeling from the boy in front. And he still felt like he was being watched.

“Hey, Songsaengnim,” a voice called as the end of school bell rang and the students made a mad dash for the hall and freedom.

Tablo turned around to see the same brown-haired boy standing in front of the door, his friends waiting for him just beyond. “…Yes?” Tablo asked. His tone came off suspicious, cautious, and he chuckled inwardly at himself. He was being unreasonable, he really didn’t have anything to be wary about, it was just another student, probably wanting to introduce themselves, ask for a college recommendation watch for later in the year-

“My name is Hyukjae, but call me Eunhyuk,” the boy said, and he winked obviously at him before walking out the door.

Well. No one had ever introduced themselves like that before.


This new student…this Eunhyuk kid…was a problem early on. Tablo didn’t like problems. He also didn’t like the way Eunhyuk’s eyes followed him wherever he went. In fact, he had taken to just standing behind the large wooden desk at the front of the room by now. The problem with this was that Eunhyuk had deliberately picked the seat directly in front of the desk to sit at for the rest of the year. And Tablo was sure it wasn’t because he was interested in learning, either. He was interested in something else.

It was rather obvious in his papers. Tablo choked many a time on the…choices of topic. He felt he assigned relatively easy, straightforward assignments, open to enough interpretation for creative control but keeping it close enough to the proper fields of high school writing.

Somehow, Eunhyuk kept managing to get around them.

“I’d like you to describe your experience of maturing from an adolescent into a young adult, and the significance of that experience,” Tablo explained one day towards the end of class. “The paper should be single spaced, 3 pages, and to be handed in a week from now on Monday.”

A week later, on Monday night, Tablo sat down with a hot cup of coffee and pulled out a stack of papers and a red marking pen from his bag. He read the first title at the top of the pile. It was by Eunhyuk.

Coming of Age in The Janitor’s Closet on the Third Floor

The first time I had sex was-

Tablo immediately choked on his mouthful of coffee, spilling the rest down his front and into his lap, which happened to be really fucking hot-

The papers were handed back a full day late because Tablo spent an entire night of grading on his knees, scrubbing the coffee stains out of the carpet in his ruined jeans (a large coffee stain on the front) and avoiding the calls of his elderly next door neighbor calling to ask if a young woman had gotten hurt, because she swore she heard a scream…


A few days later Tablo was walking down the hall of the third floor of the school towards the teacher’s lounge when a loud, rather indecent moan drifted from what looked like the door to the janitor’s closet-

Tablo ran.


“Mr. Lee!”

Tablo cringed and jumped slightly as the now all-too-familiar voice floated down the hall to him. He stopped from where he was trying to make a quick escape to the teachers lounge for his very short, very precious break time, and turned rather stiffly, a terse smile pressing his lips together.

Eunhyuk, moved down the hall towards him, bag swinging slightly across his shoulder with his brisk walk. Tablo shrank into himself and tried to disappear among the other students crowding the hall. He didn’t like the way the younger boy was looking at him. Dark. Predatory. Cocky, his hands tucked into his pockets and the hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his full lips. Tablo gritted his teeth together. He did not need this right now. Actually, he really didn’t need it ever, this whole cat and mouse thing that had been going on for half a semester already, but somehow, some way, Eunhyuk always managed to find him, corner him, and torture him in his little game, making Tablo feel rather small and uncomfortable and heated. He didn't know why the kid did it. All he knew that his startling forward student leering at him in the hallway would bring nothing but trouble. Tablo prepared his best stern teacher voice, running over the line of ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Lee, but I’m off to the teacher’s lounge. I will see you in class later today.’ Yes. Perfect. Stern, firm, still respectful-

“Hello, Eunhyuk, what can I do for you?”


Eunhyuk grinned at him as he paused slightly. “Nothing. Just looking forward to class this afternoon,” he said, dropping his voice so only Tablo could hear. Not because of what he said, but the way he said it. He made it sound…wrong. There was a promise behind it. A promise of what, Tablo didn't know, all he knew was that whatever it was, it wasn’t going to be good.


A shrill bell signaled the end of the last class of the day and the usual racket as the class slammed books and threw bags over their shoulders.

“Hey, Songsaengnim, can I talk to you about my paper?” Eunhyuk asked, pausing at the front of the class and leaning one hand against the large desk his teacher stood behind.

Tablo looked at him suspiciously, but all the students were already milling out of the room, funneling out into the hall. He supposed he didn’t really have a choice in the matter, no matter how much he wanted to keep his distance from Eunhyuk as much as possible.

“Sure, Mr. Lee, what can I help you with?”

“Well, first of all I thought my paper on coming of age was perfectly fine, I don't know what you mean by ‘lewd topic’-“

“You wrote about fucking the school’s dance team’s captain in the third floor hallway janitor closet,” Tablo deadpanned.

Eunhyuk shrugged. “You call it lewd, I call it mature. And certainly hot,” he added under his breath, flashing his famously dangerous grin at Tablo.

Tablo looked at him coolly. “So what is it you need help with? You still got a C,” since I couldn't fail you for topic alone, he finished in his head bitterly.

Eunhyuk smiled at him and Tablo suddenly got the feeling that he didn't want to know what he wanted help with. “Well, about this new prompt,” Eunhyuk rummaged through his bag before pulling out a paper and reading from it, “’What is a dream or goal you hope to achieve in the near future’…Yeah, see…I have a feeling that before I can turn this paper in, I’ll already have accomplished my dream,” Eunhyuk said. He managed to sound entirely put out about the whole thing. He looked down at desk, disappointed. Tablo felt a strange wave of pity. “You see, I really wanted to write about it, it’s a dream I’ve had for awhile now…”

“What is it?” Tablo asked, trying to sound indifferent.

“I keep dreaming about, one day, screaming your name as you fuck me against that desk of yours,” Eunhyuk said wistfully

Tablo choked on his tongue. “Eunhy-I mean, Mr. Lee, that is completely inappropriate!” He spluttered, looking at Eunhyuk in outrage, trying not to show just how flustered he really was.

“So?” Eunhyuk said, walking around the desk slowly, keeping his eyes on Tablo. Had they gotten darker? “I could always pick something different, I suppose…but it wouldn't be hardly as satistfying,” drawled the younger.

Tablo gulped. Had he gotten closer?

Eunhyuk sensed his hesitation and smiled hid same dangerous grin, only now it was decidedly more feral. Tablo felt his pulse jumped into his throat. “So. What’ll it be?” Eunhyuk asked him casually, and Tablo’s mind was running slowly in the sudden hazy heat of the room.

“What do you mean?” he said, working to keep his voice from shaking. This was ridiculous; he shouldn't be this flustered from a student-

Eunhyuk’s voice dropped and he took a step forward. “Shall I write about my dream, or shall I just show you?” The way he said it made Tablo feel like he didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter.

“Neither!” the older spluttered at him regardless, trying to gain control of his trembling hands.

This was wrong, this was very wrong, Tablo thought as the brown haired boy in front of him advanced, his grin predatory. Tablo backed away from him, trying to keep a distance between them as the younger continued to edge closer confidently. He felt the edge of his desk jab sharply into his back and he sucked in a breath, hands gripping the wood behind him for some sort of support as Eunhyuk advanced on him, eyes raking over Tablo’s long body. He smirked, and Tablo blushed, the small bubbles of panic rising in his throat to tell the boy to step away, that this wasn’t right, that this was…this was against the rules…

“I’d love to see you with my tie in your mouth,” Eunhyuk purred, voice low and seductive.

Tablo’s mouth fell open. He had phrased the question innocently, as if he was commenting on the new briefcase Tablo bought last week, and the fact that it was certainly not innocent made a shiver run up Tablo’s spine. He closed his eyes and turned his head to the side, anything to distract him, to keep him as far away as possible from looking at Eunhyuk’s lean, lithe body, hidden under his thin button down school shirt. Tablo tried anything to keep the need away, but it was no use. His shallow gulps of air gave him away. He had been wanting this for months.

It still didn't mean he could have it.

“Eunhyuk…stop,” Tablo breathed out as he felt rather than saw Eunhyuk bridge the small gap between them with a few slow steps. “I…I can’…my job…you have no idea…” Tablo struggled, his sentence breaking as he sensed Eunhyuk staring at him with hungry eyes.

“No ones here,” Eunhyuk said, chuckling lowly. “No one will find out if you don't scream too loud,” he promised.

Suddenly Tablo gasped sharply as he felt a long, thin finger slide up the underside of his jaw in a long stroke, tilting his head up. His eyes flew open and he slipped, his knees buckling slightly in surprise, and his hand sliced against a metal ruler resting on the corner of his desk, which clattered loudly to the floor.

“Ah!” Tablo gasped in surprise, snatching his hand up in his other and hugging it to himself, wincing at the pain.

In a flash Eunhyuk’s hand seized his and Tablo’s breath hitched again as the wound stung, the younger’s fingers barely grazing it. Tablo stopped wincing for a minute to shift his eyes to the side and watch with a thrill of shock as Eunhyuk raised his injured hand to his plump lips. The older’s eyes flickered as a warm pink tongue slid out and ran along the small bleeding gash, pressing softly, as the younger boy in front of him watched him with dark eyes locked on his. He gasped again, but this time not in pain.

Eunhyuk lowered Tablo’s hand and licked his lips, flashing his teeth at him as he grinned. “You taste better than I imagined.”

“Eunhyuk-“ Tablo tried again, desperately, trying to salvage his job, his reputation, his dignity.

He was cut off as Eunhyuk fitted his body against his quickly, a hand snaking down to cup him through the thin material of his slacks, the planes of the young boy’s body fitting against Tablo uncomfortably in all the right spots. The older moaned suddenly, unable to stop himself, his back arching forward instinctively.

“You want this as much as I do,” Eunhyuk smirked, hissing the words obscenely at the tender spot right below Tablo’s ear. “You want to fuck me into this desk, you’ve been thinking about the way I fuck ever since I walked in that door.” His fingers still wrapped around the other’s injured hand squeezed on the cut, and Tablo tried to bite back another gasp. “You like that, hmm?” Eunhyuk said, and Tablo could feel his lips curving into a laughing smile against his neck. “I bet you’d like it rough.”

Tablo’s mind was hazy with heat and need, the aching pain in his pants nearly unbearable. He had to be sensible, he had to keep this from clouding his judgment, he had to-

Just then his mind went completely, strikingly blank as Eunhyuk bit down on the curve where neck meets shoulder, just a little harder than what was normal, not hard enough to break the skin, but certainly hard enough to bruise. And certainly hard enough to send a jolt of painful pleasure down Tablo’s frame.

“Come on, Songsaengnim,” Eunhyuk goaded, the hand around Tablo tightening and his body grinding closer. “I want to hear you call my name.”

Tablo wedged a hand between their bodies and he struggled against the younger boy. The younger’s chest left his as he shoved hard, but he wasn't forceful enough. Eunhyuk’s thin fingers wrapped deftly around his wrist, stronger than he had anticipated and his eyes flew open as his arm was yanked roughly above his head by the persistent student. Tablo felt Eunhyuk’s other hand close around his wrist and before he knew it both arms were stretched uncomfortably above his head as the younger pinned them together with one hand, his free one tearing quickly at the school tie around his neck. Tablo felt the edge of the desk jab painfully in his back as Eunhyuk bent him over it backwards with the push of his body, his hands bonding Tablo’s wrists together with the soft silk of his tie. He tugged the material roughly and it bit into Tablo’s skin unforgivingly.

Tablo’s back hit the top of the desk as Eunhyuk pushed him back onto it, and his heart pounded in anticipation and his characteristic anxiousness. The indecency of it all, of Eunhyuk’s hand pushing under his waistband, of the eighteen-year-old student of his standing between his parted legs, grinning at him wickedly; it all just sent Tablo’s pulse faster. He couldn't breathe, he couldn’t think, he couldn’t-

“-moan for me, hyung,” Eunhyuk’s voice commanded silkily, and the way he made “hyung” sound so lewd sent a fresh moan slipping out from Tablo’s parted lips. Suddenly Tablo sucked in air as he felt his pants being tugged off, cool air brushing over the head of his painfully hard cock. Tablo bit down on his lip as he felt Eunhyuk’s tongue slide out and up the underside of his cock, pressing against the thick vein there and sending a fresh wave of heat racing across his already burning skin. His fingers skirted over the older’s lower stomach, light and teasing and taunting. Tablo’s wrists strained against the tie holding his arms above his head, and he was so uncomfortable but it only made him ache more, want more. His teeth tore at his bottom lip, tasting blood but not caring as Eunhyuk’s mouth closed over him, sucking and licking expertly, tongue swirling around the head of Tablo’s cock. Tablo had to dig his nails into his palms to keep his hips from bucking up into the tight, wet heat and fucking Eunhyuk’s mouth.

Without warning he felt a sharp flash of pain down his sides and over his thighs as Eunhyuk dragged his nails down, leaving long red marks and sending Tablo twisting on the desk. He shouldn’t like this, he shouldn't….it hurt and it stung and it felt so good. The way Eunhyuk cut him just slightly, not to do damage but just to thrill him, just to make him wince and writhe and make the sounds that caused Eunhyuk to grind against him in excitement. And Tablo bled for him, all too willingly. Tablo’s face flushed as he realized that he wanted more. He could hear his harsh gasps of air echo around the room loudly and he felt like a slut, legs parted and hips jerking and his tongue shooting out to lick at his ravaged lips.

He flushed deeper as he looked down his body from where he lay on the desk at Eunhyuk staring at him with dark, lusting eyes, watching his transformation from reserved teacher to a panting, writhing mess. Tablo’s breath caught at the obscene sight before him, him splayed on the desk, clothes disheveled, and Eunhyuk kneeling between his thighs, tongue swiping lazily over and around his stiff cock, his eyes still locked on his, watching him watch him. And then he smirked at him, the tip of his tongue flicking out at Tablo’s skin, and Tablo let his head fall back against the desk with a loud groan.

“Slut.” Eunhyuk shot at him. Tablo didn't try to stop his hips from jumping at the word.

Without warning Tablo felt himself being yanked up and off the desk again, and he stumbled at the abrupt movement. He looked around almost desperately and wheeled around to see Eunhyuk stepping out of his navy school uniform pants, now around his ankles. He hooked his thumbs in the skintight boxers stuck to his body like second skin and looked at Tablo, a smile playing across his lips as he slipped them over his thin hips and over the curve of his ass slowly, putting on a show. The older man blushed and looked away quickly, making Eunhyuk chuckle softly.

The younger boy walked over to his teacher, standing in front of him, unabashedly stark naked, and he ran his hands over Tablo’s chest, winking at him as his fingers slipped the buttons apart, pushing the shirt off of the older’s shoulders. He decidedly left on the thin black tie hanging around Tablo’s neck. Eunhyuk made quick work of his own tie wrapped around Tablo’s wrists and finally it slipped off. Tablo unconsciously ran a hand over the angry red marks roped around his pale skin.

“Didn’t you know, Songsaengnim,” Eunhyuk said causually again, as if he was making polite conversation. “I’m the slut around here.” He grinned at him, and it wasn’t light and causal any more. “Here. Let me show you.”

Tablo watched as Eunhyuk stalked back to the desk and pushed himself onto it. He stood paralyzed, his heart pounding as Eunhyuk sat in the middle of the desk and spread his legs wide, knees pushing apart, leaning back and allowing the older male a full, embarrassing view of the goods. Eunhyuk’s own hands ran over his chest and down his body, his fingers sliding down to twist and wrap around his aching cock, already hard. He exposed the soft skin of his neck as his head fell back, eyes falling shut and mouth falling open wide in a silent moan. He began jerking his hand over his stiff length, a ragged moan breaking from his throat. The sound was soft, keening, needy. Tablo stared as Eunhyuk bit down on his lip, face twisting in aching pain and pleasure, hand quickening the pulls and tugs on his cock, gasping as his thumb pressed against the slit, swirling precome around the head. The older watched as the younger boy splayed in front of him brought the free hand gripping the side of the desk away and up to his mouth, sucking three fingers past his full lips greedily, and Tablo could imagine the way his tongue slid around them, licking and sucking and running up the sides.

Time seemed to slow as Eunhyuk opened his eyes and looked at Tablo pleadingly before he snaked his hand between his legs and pushed two fingers in himself. Tablo watched the digits push in and out slowly, scissoring and stretching the boy writhing and moaning loudly on the desk from the work of his own hands. Tablo’s tongue flicked out to wet his dry lips, not having noticed the way his mouth was already uncomfortably dry, the way his pulse jumped and his cock twitched and his hand fisted himself loosely, unconsciously, as he watched the show in front of him. Eunhyuk added a third finger and his hand squeezed and twisted around his now weeping cock, his breathing growing more ragged, harsh pants falling from his lips as his high, needy mewls filled the room.

“H-hyung…” Eunhyuk gasped, “P-please….ngh…please, hyung-help me…”

And then Tablo lost it.

Eunhyuk felt his hand yanked away from himself and groaned unhappily before Tablo thrust into him roughly, earning a loud moan in response. Eunhyuk sucked in a breath before Tablo pushed it out again with another hard thrust of his cock. He didn’t even wait for the younger boy to adjust, setting the pace hard and fast. Tablo’s fingers gripped and dug into Eunhyuk’s hips, anchoring him to the desk as he pounded into him without mercy. Loud moans filled the room, echoing and reverberating and Tablo couldn’t tell whose they were and he didn't care. His hips rocked furiously, faster and faster each time, and he canted Eunhyuk’s hips for better access.

Eunhyuk’s hand squeezed around his own cock, jerking in time with Tablo’s thrusts. His free hand reached up and he dug his nails into Tablo’s shoulder as the younger struggled to catch his breath around the slew of profanities streaming from his lips. Tablo wasn’t sure if this was supposed to encourage him, but he continued to fuck the boy ruthlessly into the desk anyway.

“Eunhyuk, f-fuck-“ Tablo ground out from between his clenched teeth.

Tablo reached a hand up and cradled the back of Eunhyuk’s neck, titling his head back and ravaging the soft skin of his throat with sharp bites and licks and sucking that would, without question, leave an array of colorful, stinging marks along the pale skin. With a well-aimed and particularly brutal thrust, a loud and desperate moan ripped from Eunhyuk’s throat as Tablo slammed into his prostate. Lights burst behind Eunhyuk’s eyes as Tablo hit it again and again. He bucked against the older man, pushing his ass father onto Tablo’s cock to drive him even deeper.

The desk creaked as the two writhed against each other and Eunhyuk’s hand flew firmly over his cock, Tablo’s mouth sucking angrily on his collarbone. The only sounds were the straining of the desk and the harsh grunts surrounding the slick bodies on top of it.

Suddenly Eunhyuk shuddered and tightened, and with a loud cry exploded in his hand, long ropes of white spilling over his hand and slicking between their sweat-soaked stomachs. Tablo groaned and pushed into him jerkily as he came with Eunhyuk’s tightening orgasm, filling the younger hotly. Tablo thrusted a few more times, riding out their orgasms together as they both shook and trembled, their fingers digging into each other for purchase as the room spun.

Tablo’s arms shot forward and he caught himself as he fell forward weakly over Eunhyuk whose eyes were squeezed shut as he gasped heavily. Tablo gulped down air and reached up a hand, pushing the sweaty hair sticking to his face out of his eyes before running his fingers under the brown strands plastered to the younger boy’s face and freeing them from his burning forehead. Eunhyuk’s eyes opened and he looked at him, the once deep brown eyes back to melted chocolate with satisfaction and exhaustion. Tablo grinned at him before pulling out and climbing off of the younger boy. Eunhyuk sat up, leaning on his hands behind him and watching as Tablo padded across the classroom to reach his long-discarded pants.

Tablo straightened up after pulling on his clothes and looked over to where Eunhyuk stood buttoning his shirt. Tablo didn't know what to say, so all that came out was a rather exhausted and sated-sounding sigh. (But really, what do say after fucking your barely-legal student in your classroom, Tablo wondered to himself). The younger looked over at him and grinned slyly.

“I’d say I deserve a little extra credit, don't you think?” Eunhyuk chuckled lightly.

Tablo rolled his eyes and fished his black-rimmed glasses from his briefcase that had been retrieved from the corner of the room. He pushed them up his nose. “You would need it, Mr. Lee,” he retorted in his best teacher-voice.

“Yeah?” Eunhyuk wondered lightly, pausing by the door, his bag slung over his shoulder. “Maybe I’ll just have to work with you after class some more. Tutoring might be good for me,” he said around the shit-eating grin Tablo was now very familiar with. He winked at Tablo’s rather stunned expression before walking out the door and disappearing down the hallway. Tablo sighed after him.


Later that night, Tablo reached into his bag looking for the papers from last Monday’s essay assignment. He frowned as his hand met something silky and his fingers closed around it, pulling it out of his bag.

It was Eunhyuk’s school tie.

Tablo couldn't help but grin. He would have to return this to him. Maybe he would be able to catch him after class sometime next week…

Hope you enjoyed! I had fun :D

(*also, try to catch the ninja!eunhae!*)

fandom: epik high, fic, genre: humor, rating: nc-17, character: tablo, pairing: blohyuk, genre: smut, miracle fic exchange, character: eunhyuk, fandom: super junior

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